Talk:Maya Rosewood

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Revision as of 23:50, 21 September 2007 by PAK Man (talk | contribs) (New page: Anybody else think this page is completely unneccessary? I mean, she voiced Officer Jenny for '''one''' episode, and then disappeared. To my knowledge, she has never played another voice o...)
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Latest comment: 21 September 2007 by PAK Man

Anybody else think this page is completely unneccessary? I mean, she voiced Officer Jenny for one episode, and then disappeared. To my knowledge, she has never played another voice on Pokémon (a la Diane Stillwell) and I can't find any other credits that I can add to her name. Plus, where did this rumor that she was Megan Hollingshead come from? Anyone in favor of deletion, or if not that, a complete overhaul?
Another idea I had would be to maybe create a page of minor voice actors in the English dub, who appeared in maybe only one or two episodes or don't have very many roles confirmed (Kate Petterle, Cassan Treegill, Jerry Lobozzo, etc.) Thoughts, anyone? --PAK Man Talk 23:50, 21 September 2007 (UTC)Reply