Talk:Pokémon of Myth

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Revision as of 06:58, 23 September 2007 by Myrmidon (talk | contribs) (Wait a tick...)

Latest comment: 23 September 2007 by TTEchidna

But... we don't even know if they're a trio... TTEchidna 05:20, 23 September 2007 (UTC)Reply

Wait a tick...

Palkia is the Space pokemon
Dialga is the Time pokemon
Arceus is the Alpha pokemon

Wouldn't this technically be the trio; given that, well, aren't Palkia and Dialga technically made of Arceus, or something?

Although, if you took into account that Giratina is related to an "ancient cemetary in another dimension", you could technically consider it: Arceus ; life ; Alpha Giratina ; death ; Omega

Beginning and end, so to speak...maybe it could work? Myrmidon 06:58, 23 September 2007 (UTC)