Second unnamed island (BW129)

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Second unnamed island

Second unnamed island
Region Decolora Archipelago
Debut BW129

This island was an island Ash, Iris and Cilan visited during their travels through the Decolora Islands.

After Croconaw, Azumarill, Octillery and Ducklett stole some supplies on the first island, they retreated to this island where they found Meowth and Octillery strangled him. Charizard, seeing this, goes back to the first island and the group along with Parker and Officer Jenny go to the second island right away. They encounter the Pirate gang and the pirate gang tries reasoning with them about their past but couldn't. Meowth translates their language and tells the group that they were Pokémon abandoned by their original Trainers and became distrustful towards humans since then. After hearing their story, Ash challenges Croconaw and Azumarill to a Double Battle using Pignite and Snivy, and wins despite the former having a type-disadvantage.

Team Rocket arrived and wanted to steal the Pirate gang but were thwarted by the teamwork of Snivy and Pignite. A storm occurred and a group of Darumaka were in trouble. The Pirate gang use their good deeds and rescue them. The Darumaka were then safely returned to their Trainers. Seeing their actions, Officer Jenny decided to have the four Pokémon travel with her and they wave their farewells to Ash and his friends.

Pokémon seen on the Island






Template:Decolora Archipelago

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