Type-enhancing item

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Type-enhancing items, when held, will enhance the potency of attacks that correspond to the item by 10%. For example, if a Pokémon holds Mystic Water and uses a Water-type attack, the power of the Water-type attack will be increased by 10%. In D/P, this was changed to 20%.

If these items are sold, Poké Marts will pay File:Pokébuck sign.gif50 for them with the exception of Charcoal, for which Poké Marts will pay File:Pokébuck sign.gif4,900, and the Adamant/Lustrous Orbs for which Poké Marts will offer File:Pokébuck sign.gif5,000.

In Generation II, several of these items can only be obtained from the Weekday Siblings.

List of type-enhancing items

File:AdamantOrb.png Adamant Orb

File:BlackBeltSprite.png Black Belt

File:BlackglassesSprite.png BlackGlasses

File:CharcoalSprite.png Charcoal

File:DragonFangSprite.png Dragon Fang

File:HardStoneSprite.png Hard Stone

File:LustrousOrbSprite.png Lustrous Orb

File:MagnetSprite.png Magnet

File:MetalCoatSprite.png Metal Coat

File:MiracleSeedSprite.png Miracle Seed

File:MysticWaterSprite.png Mystic Water

File:NevermelticeSprite.png NeverMeltIce

Pink Bow

File:PoisonBarbSprite.png Poison Barb

Polkadot Bow

File:SharpBeakSprite.png Sharp Beak

File:SilkScarfSprite.png Silk Scarf

File:SilverpowderSprite.png SilverPowder

File:SoftSandSprite.png Soft Sand

File:SpellTagSprite.png Spell Tag

File:TwistedspoonSprite.png TwistedSpoon

Held items
In-battle effect items
BerriesColored orbsDrivesPower items
Experience-affecting itemsGemsIncenseMega StonesMemoriesPlates
Stat-enhancing itemsType-enhancing itemsZ-Crystals
Out-of-battle effect items
Power itemsIncenseMailScarves