Type-enhancing item
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Type-enhancing items, when held, will enhance the potency of attacks that correspond to the item by 10%. For example, if a Pokémon holds Mystic Water and uses a Water-type attack, the power of the Water-type attack will be increased by 10%. In D/P, this was changed to 20%.
If these items are sold, Poké Marts will pay File:Pokébuck sign.gif50 for them with the exception of Charcoal, for which Poké Marts will pay File:Pokébuck sign.gif4,900, and the Adamant/Lustrous Orbs for which Poké Marts will offer File:Pokébuck sign.gif5,000.
In Generation II, several of these items can only be obtained from the Weekday Siblings.
List of type-enhancing items
File:AdamantOrb.png Adamant Orb
- Type enhanced: Dragon and Steel
- Found:
- Spear Pillar (Diamond only)
- Note: Only effective when held by Dialga.
File:BlackBeltSprite.png Black Belt
- Type enhanced: Fighting
- Found:
- Wesley at Lake of Rage (Generation II)
- Route 115 (R/S/E) Obtained after the 5th battle with Blackbelt: Nob
- Route 15, use Thief or Covet in battle with the Fighting type Pokemon owned by trainers in One Island(FR/LG)
- Old man in a house on Route 221 (D/P)
File:BlackglassesSprite.png BlackGlasses
- Type enhanced: Dark
- Found:
- Dark Cave (Generation II)
- Route 116 and Rocket Game Corner (Generation III)
- Old man in a house in Celestic Town (D/P)
File:CharcoalSprite.png Charcoal
- Type enhanced: Fire
- Found:
File:DragonFangSprite.png Dragon Fang
- Type enhanced: Dragon
- Found:
- Dragon's Den (Generation II)
- Meteor Falls Obtained after 5th battle with Dragon Tamer: Nicolas (R/S/E)
- Found on some wild Dratini and Dragonair in the Kanto Safari Zone (FR/LG)
- Found on some wild Bagon (P)
File:HardStoneSprite.png Hard Stone
- Type enhanced: Rock
- Found:
- Arthur on Route 36 (Generation II)
- Trick House and on some wild Onix (Generation III)
- Found on some wild Aron, Nosepass and Corsola, can be dug up in the Underground (D/P)
File:LustrousOrbSprite.png Lustrous Orb
- Type enhanced: Dragon and Water
- Found:
- Spear Pillar (Pearl only)
- Note: Only effective when held by Palkia.
File:MagnetSprite.png Magnet
- Type enhanced: Electric
- Found:
- Sunny on Route 37 (Generation II)
- Trick House (R/S/E)
- Found on some wild Magnemite and Magneton (FR/LG)
- Iron Island (D/P)
File:MetalCoatSprite.png Metal Coat
- Type enhanced: Steel
- Notes: If held by a Onix or a Scyther when they are traded, the Pokémon will evolve into Steelix or Scizor, respectively.
- Found:
- S.S. Aqua (Generation II)
- Memorial Pillar (FR/LG)
- New Mauville, found on some wild Magnemite and Magneton (R/S/E)
- Iron Island, found on some wild Bronzor, Bronzong, Steelix, Magnemite and Beldum (D/P)
File:MiracleSeedSprite.png Miracle Seed
- Type enhanced: Grass
- Found:
- Route 32 (Generation II)
- Petalburg Woods and Rocket Game Corner (Generation III)
- Floaroma Town Flower Fields, found on some wild Cherubi (D/P)
File:MysticWaterSprite.png Mystic Water
- Type enhanced: Water
- Found:
- Cherrygrove City (Generation II)
- Weather Institute and Rocket Game Corner (Generation III)
- Pastoria City, found on some wild Castform (D/P)
File:NevermelticeSprite.png NeverMeltIce
- Type enhanced: Ice
- Found:
- Ice Path (Generation II)
- Shoal Cave and Icefall Cave (Generation III)
- Snowpoint City, found on some wild Snover, also possible to find in the Underground (Generation IV)
Pink Bow
- Type enhanced: Normal
- Notes: Replaced by Silk Scarf in Generation III.
- Found: Tuscany on Route 29 and Johto Radio Tower (Generation II)
File:PoisonBarbSprite.png Poison Barb
- Type enhanced: Poison
- Found:
Polkadot Bow
- Type enhanced: Normal
- Notes: Replaced by Silk Scarf in Generation III.
- Found: Traded Pokémon (Generation II)
File:SharpBeakSprite.png Sharp Beak
- Type enhanced: Flying
- Found:
- Monica on Route 40 (Generation II)
- Found on some wild Doduo, Dodrio, Fearow (Generation III)
- Found on some wild Doduo and Fearow (D/P)
File:SilkScarfSprite.png Silk Scarf
- Type enhanced: Normal
- Notes: Succeeded both Pink Bow and Polkadot Bow from Generation II.
- Found:
- Dewford Town and Lost Cave (Generation III)
- Purchase for 1000 coins at the Veilstone City Game Corner (D/P)
File:SilverpowderSprite.png SilverPowder
- Type enhanced: Bug
- Found:
- Wild Pokémon (Generation II)
- Route 120 Obtained after the 5th battle with Bug Maniac: Brandon, and on some wild Venomoth (Generation III)
- Route 205 (D/P)
File:SoftSandSprite.png Soft Sand
- Type enhanced: Ground
- Found:
- Route 34 (Generation II)
- Route 109 and on some wild Sandshrew and Sandslash (Generation III)
- Mt. Coronet, found on some wild Diglett, Dugtrio and Trapinch (D/P)
File:SpellTagSprite.png Spell Tag
- Type enhanced: Ghost
- Found:
- Santos in Blackthorn City (Generation II)
- Wild Ghost-type Pokémon (Generation III)
- House on Route 216, found on some wild Banette (D/P)
File:TwistedspoonSprite.png TwistedSpoon
- Type enhanced: Psychic
- Found:
- Kadabra traded from Pokémon Yellow (Generation II)
- Shadow Meditite (Colosseum)
- Shadow Ralts (XD)
- Wild Abra and Kadabra (Generation III) (D/P)
Held items |
In-battle effect items Berries • Colored orbs • Drives • Power items Experience-affecting items • Gems • Incense • Mega Stones • Memories • Plates Stat-enhancing items • Type-enhancing items • Z-Crystals |
Out-of-battle effect items Power items • Incense • Mail • Scarves |