Lickitung is a bipedal Pokémon with a round body and a thick, powerful tail. It has soft, pink skin with curved yellow lines on its belly and yellow ring markings on its knees. It has a thumb-like claw on each hand, and a single large nail on each foot. There is a yellow spot on its palms and the soles of its feet. It has beady eyes and a long, prehensile tongue. The tongue is likely connected to its tail, which twitches when the tongue is pulled.
At over 6'6", Lickitung's tongue is twice as long as its body. Sticky saliva coats its tongue, which causes a tingling sensation when touched. It is used for cleaning, capturing prey, and exploring its environment. Lickitung remembers things by their texture and taste, although it apparently dislikes sour things. The tongue is both dexterous and powerful enough to lift people, as seen in the anime. Lickitung can be found in grassy plains and meadows.
Multiple Lickitung were among the Pokémon attempting to reach Shamouti Island in The Power of One, with some successfully crossing the ocean, and others remaining stranded.
In the Diamond & Pearl arc, Diamond's map was stolen by a Lickitung and he attempts to capture it, but instead it evolves to a Lickilicky and provides him a challenge.
Whenever Lickitung comes across something new, it will unfailingly give it a lick. It does so because it memorizes things by texture and by taste. It is somewhat put off by sour things.
Whenever it sees something unfamiliar, it always licks the object because it memorizes things by texture and taste. It is somewhat put off by sour things.
Lickitung's name was misspelled "Likitung" in the Kanto Pokérap.
It may have been based on any number of lizards with extending tongues, particularly the blue-tongued skink or maybe even chameleons. It also shares traits with anteaters. Lickitung could also be an iguanodon, as it shares its characteristic "thumbs" with it.
Name origin
Lickitung is a combination of lick and a corruption of tongue.
Beroringa may be derived from べろ bero (tongue), ベロベロ berobero (onomatopoeia for licking), and possibly ring (referring to the patterns on its body) or a corruption of the English word lingua (which refers to a tongue or an organ resembling a tongue).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.