Red's Charizard (Japanese: サトシのリザードンRed's Lizardon) was the first Pokémon acquired by Red in the Kanto region. Red obtained Charmander from Professor Oak when he was sent out to fill up the Pokédex.
Charmander is a Pokemon originally belonging to the laboratory of Professor Oak, Red gets it by choosing to be appropriate to his name and his burning desire to be a trainer. His first battle is against a wild Pidgey has since Red uses several times to set up your initial team.
Charmander is used in the first Pokémon battle against Green, who due to Red's inexperience and the Squirtle's advantage of type is easily defeated.
In Gym Battle against Brock, Charmander is the choice initial of Red but when learning about the advantage that Brock's Geodude has on Fire-type Pokémon is soon taken back after the battle but back when Brock manages to defeat Red's team in battle against his Onix, however thanks to a strategy that Red uses and he can learn how to treat their Pokemon like partners, Red and Charmander are victorious.
Charmander evolves into Charmeleon some time after the Gym Battle against Misty.
As a Charmeleon
Red uses Charmeleon in Lavender Town to face the ghost who terrorizes the inhabitants of the city, is later revealed that it is the spirit of a mother Marowak killed by members of Team Rocket.
Red uses Charmeleon again in his battle against Erica, that guarantees his fourth Badge.
After several battles, Charmeleon is revealed to have evolved into a Charizard.
Red uses Charizard in his first battle against Giovanni, where despite the Fire Type Pokémon try to give your best, it is easily subdued by Nidoqueeen from his opponent.