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Revision as of 14:56, 8 October 2007 by Shecomora (talk | contribs)

Shecomora: The Pokemon ♥Lover♥

You can call me eather Sheco or Shelby, dosn't matter to me. I'm 15 years old and still a kick-butt Pokemon trainer. Don't beleave me? Contact me on my IM account (Shecomora) and we can set up a time for a Wi-Fi battle...that is...IF your ready to face a Lv. 100 Vaporeon. I enjoy Pokemon Rps, both 1x1 and group, and only make short poasts when I have Rper's block.

Shecomora: Over Wi-Fi

When battling or trading over Wi-Fi, I will have voice chat on unless you want it turned off. Legandaries are fine by me, but only up to 2. I WILL NOT BATTLE ANY HACKS (except if it is only done for shiney and nothing elce). I prefur dubble Battles, but will do single. I don't care about Lv. 100, Lv. 50, or Free battle. See Wi-Fi battles under my discussion for my Friend Code, Trainer Name, and other details.

Shecomora: The Random Person

Ah, is both good and evil, Yin and Yang, dark and light. Randomness is the order of the world, yet at the same time it isn't. Confuesed? Good. Only through confuesion will you find the answer.

Shecomora: The Friend

I am loved by my friends and my boyfriend. I feel that it takes alot of work to become my friend, but worth it in the end. Here is a list of thoughs who have taken the time to get to know me and become my friend:



Sara "Keno"



♪Vincent "Vince"♪

☆Rinouka "Rin"☆

☆Spriteteacher "Spriter"☆

[Key: ♥=Boyfriend, ☆=Only known online, ♪=Relative]