Ice (type)

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The Ice type (Japanese: こおりタイプ Ice type) is one of the eighteen types. Notable Trainers that specialize in Ice-type Pokémon are Lorelei of the Kanto Elite Four, Pryce of Mahogany Town, Glacia of the Hoenn Elite Four, Candice of Snowpoint City, Brycen of Icirrus City, and Wulfric of Snowbelle City. Prior to changes in Generation IV all Ice-type moves were special, but they may now also be physical depending on the attack.

Statistical averages


HP: 73.93
Attack: 75.13
Defense: 71.57
Sp.Atk: 79.13
Sp.Def: 80.23
Speed: 69.60
Total: 449.60

Fully evolved

HP: 81.89
Attack: 83.26
Defense: 83.26
Sp.Atk: 90.37
Sp.Def: 93.26
Speed: 79.21
Total: 511.26

Battle properties

Generation I

Offensive Ice Defensive
Power Types   Power Types
½× Ice
½× Ice
None None

Generation II-onwards

Offensive Ice Defensive
Power Types   Power Types
½× Ice
½× Fire
None None



The Ice type is considered by many to be the worst of all types defensively. It only resists itself and is immune to freezing, while carrying weaknesses to Fire, Fighting, Rock and Steel, making it weak to moves such as Stealth Rock, Bullet Punch and Fire Blast. Their sole resistance is nullified by the Swinub Family's Ground, Articuno's and Delibird's Flying, The Snover line's Grass, and Kyurem's Dragon. Even with a second type, all but two Ice-type Pokémon—Froslass and Frost Rotom—have more weaknesses than resistances and immunities.


Offensive-wise, because only two non-Ice types (Empoleon and Heatran, which are both Steel types), doubly resist Ice, and the fact that double weaknesses to Ice are fairly common (largely due to Dragon types, whose final forms are often doubly weak), Ice is, along with Ground, Fighting, Rock and Fire, one of the most commonly used attacking types. Ice also pairs well with other common attacking types, notably Ground and Electric. Water-type Pokémon can also effectively use Ice attacks, which cover their major weakness of Grass, as well as Dragon, which resists their moves.

Similarly, an Ice-type Pokémon can often use Water-type moves, which covers their weakness of Fire and Rock.

Contest properties

When used in Contests, Ice-type moves typically become Beauty moves, while some may be Cool moves.


As of Generation V, there are 37 Ice-type Pokémon or 5% of all Pokémon (counting forms and Mega Evolutions that change typing as different Pokémon), making it the third rarest type, behind Ghost and Fairy.

Pure Ice-type Pokémon

# Name
351 Castform Castform*
361 Snorunt Snorunt
362 Glalie Glalie
378 Regice Regice
471 Glaceon Glaceon
582 Vanillite Vanillite
583 Vanillish Vanillish
584 Vanilluxe Vanilluxe
613 Cubchoo Cubchoo
614 Beartic Beartic
615 Cryogonal Cryogonal
712 Bergmite Bergmite
713 Avalugg Avalugg

Half Ice-type Pokémon

Primary Ice-type Pokémon

# Name Type 1 Type 2
124 Jynx Jynx Ice Psychic
144 Articuno Articuno Ice Flying
220 Swinub Swinub Ice Ground
221 Piloswine Piloswine Ice Ground
225 Delibird Delibird Ice Flying
238 Smoochum Smoochum Ice Psychic
363 Spheal Spheal Ice Water
364 Sealeo Sealeo Ice Water
365 Walrein Walrein Ice Water
473 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice Ground
478 Froslass Froslass Ice Ghost

Secondary Ice-type Pokémon

# Name Type 1 Type 2
087 Dewgong Dewgong Water Ice
091 Cloyster Cloyster Water Ice
131 Lapras Lapras Water Ice
215 Sneasel Sneasel Dark Ice
459 Snover Snover Grass Ice
460 Abomasnow Abomasnow Grass Ice
461 Weavile Weavile Dark Ice
479 Rotom Rotom* Electric Ice
646 Kyurem Kyurem Dragon Ice
Kyurem Dragon Ice
Kyurem Dragon Ice
698 Amaura Amaura Rock Ice
699 Aurorus Aurorus Rock Ice


Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
I Aurora Beam Special Beauty 65 100% 20 (max 32)
The target is hit with a rainbow-colored beam. This may also lower the target's Attack stat.
IV Avalanche Physical Cool 60 100% 10 (max 16)
An attack move that inflicts double the damage if the user has been hurt by the target in the same turn.
I Blizzard Special Beauty 120 70% 5 (max 8)
Many Others
A howling blizzard is summoned to strike the opposing team. It may also freeze them solid.
VI Freeze-Dry Special 70 100% 20 (max 32)
The user rapidly cools the target. This may also leave the target frozen. This move is super effective on Water types.
V Freeze Shock Physical 140 90% 5 (max 8)
On the second turn, the user hits the target with electrically charged ice. It may leave the target with paralysis.
V Frost Breath Special 60 90% 10 (max 16)
The user blows a cold breath on the target. This attack always results in a critical hit.
V Glaciate Special 65 95% 10 (max 16)
Many Others
The user attacks by blowing freezing cold air at opposing Pokémon. This attack reduces the targets' Speed stat.
III Hail Status Beauty 100% 10 (max 16)
The user summons a hail storm lasting five turns. It damages all Pokémon except the Ice type.
I Haze Status Beauty 100% 30 (max 48)
The user creates a haze that eliminates every stat change among all the Pokémon engaged in battle.
III Ice Ball Physical Beauty 30 90% 20 (max 32)
The user continually rolls into the target over five turns. It becomes stronger each time it hits.
I Ice Beam Special Beauty 90 100% 10 (max 16)
The target is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. It may also freeze the target solid.
V Ice Burn Special 140 90% 5 (max 8)
On the second turn, an ultracold, freezing wind surrounds the target. This may leave the target with a burn.
IV Ice Fang Physical Cool 65 95% 15 (max 24)
The user bites with cold-infused fangs. It may also make the target flinch or leave it frozen.
I Ice Punch Physical Beauty 75 100% 15 (max 24)
The target is punched with an icy fist. It may also leave the target frozen.
IV Ice Shard Physical Beauty 40 100% 30 (max 48)
The user flash freezes chunks of ice and hurls them at the target. This move always goes first.
V Icicle Crash Physical 85 90% 10 (max 16)
The user attacks by harshly dropping an icicle onto the target. It may also make the target flinch.
III Icicle Spear Physical Beauty 25 100% 30 (max 48)
The user launches sharp icicles at the target. It strikes two to five times in a row.
II Icy Wind Special Beauty 55 95% 15 (max 24)
Many Others
The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. It also lowers the targets' Speed stat.
I Mist Status Beauty 100% 30 (max 48)
Your Party
The user cloaks its body with a white mist that prevents any of its stats from being cut for five turns.
II Powder Snow Special Beauty 40 100% 25 (max 40)
Many Others
The user attacks with a chilling gust of powdery snow. It may also freeze the targets.
III Sheer Cold Special Beauty 30% 5 (max 8)
The target is attacked with a blast of absolute-zero cold. The target instantly faints if it hits.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.


  • Generation V introduced the most Ice-type Pokémon of any generation, with eight, and Generation VI introduced the fewest Ice-type Pokémon, with four.
  • Although the Ice type existed since Generation I, pure Ice-type Pokémon were not introduced until Generation III.
  • In Generation III, all Ice-type moves were Beauty moves.
  • Only the Normal type has a lower number of resistances than the Ice type, having no resistances (but one immunity). Ice only resists itself.
  • All types that are weak to Ice have been combined with it on at least one Pokémon.
  • There has been a Gym Leader or Elite Four member who specializes in the Ice type introduced in each generation. Three of the Ice-type Gym Leaders, Pryce, Candice, and Brycen, are the seventh Gym Leaders in their respective region. Wulfric is the exception, being the eighth in his region.
  • Ice is the only type that is super effective against Flying-types that does not in turn resist Flying-type moves.
  • Ice-type attacks are resisted by all types that Water-type Pokémon resist.
  • Ice is the only type that can be triply resisted due to Dewgong and Sealeo's evolutionary lines having double resistance, as well as the Ability Thick Fat.

In other languages

Language Title
Japanese こおり (氷) Kōri
Mandarin Chinese Bīng
Danish Is
Dutch IJs
Finnish Jää
French Glace
German Eis
Greek Πάγου Pagou
Hebrew קרח Kerach
Indonesian Es
Italian Ghiaccio
Korean 얼음 Eol'eum
Norwegian Is
Polish Lodowy
Portuguese Gelo
Romanian Gheață
Russian Ледяной Ledyanoi
Slovak Ľadový
Spanish Hielo
Swedish Is
Thai น้ำแข็ง