User talk:Beloved.BrokenWings
Welcome to my Bulbapedia page, I'm also a fan of the Pokemon series and like many of you know a vast amount of information about the series. Ask me a question if you dare, I'll answer them all!
Questions and Answers:
Q. What was your first Pokemon? A. This is debatable, as my first Pokemon was a Charmander but I didn't beat any of the Pokemon games except Pearl when I was a kid as I couldn't solve the puzzles in-game. In Pokemon Pearl I defeated the game, caught all the Pokemon, and became a high star trainer with a Piplup.
Q. What's your real name? A. I won't tell until I get popular or get some friends on this Wiki.
Q. Are you a boy or a girl? A. Again, I won't tell until I get a least one friend on this Wiki.
Q. What's your favorite Generation of Pokemon? A. Generation 4 (or IIII), because it's the only Generation I defeated when I was a kid. Currently I'm defeating all the Generations of Pokemon starting from HeartGold to the new Generation 5 of Pokemon X.
Q. What's your favorite spin-off series of Pokemon? A. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, especially Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness. When I was a kid (especially when I was 11) I'd play the game for hours, get lost in the story, and try to defeat the series by completing it.
Q. Why do you call Completing a game "defeating" it? A. When I was a kid (sorry for the constant kid references) that's what we called a completed game.
Q. What's your favorite Pokemon? A. Piplup.
Q. Whats your favorite type of Pokemon? A. Steel-type.