Capture Styler

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A Capture Styler
A Capture Styler capturing a wild Plusle

A Capture Styler (Japanese: キャプチャー・スタイラー) is a device used by Pokémon rangers. It allows them to temporarily take command of wild Pokémon and it also has built-in phone capabilities.

It is similar to a remote-controlled toy top. A spinning, top-like device called a Capture Disc is launched which is controlled from the main device.

As the Capture Disc of the Styler loops around a wild Pokémon, it leaves a trail of beams that transmits comforting feelings to the wild Pokémon. This will make the wild Pokémon more inclined to help the Pokémon ranger. If the beams are broken by Pokémon attacks, the Capture Styler may take damage or even break. The Styler can level up and gain more energy with use.

The Capture Styler has many functions, with the main one being capturing Pokémon. Other functions include the Ranger Browser, the Ranger's equivalent to the Pokédex (but only encompassing 213 of the 386 Pokémon available in its generation), the Glossary, the save function (only available when near a save machine), and the retire option, allowing a complete restart of the mission the ranger is currently on.

Wild Pokémon

Wild Pokémon have two different functions when used with the Capture Styler, detailed below.

Field Moves

Field Moves are special moves Pokémon can use outside of battles. They are primarily used to remove an obstacle of some sort. They are similar to Hidden Machine moves from the traditional games, and two of them share names with the traditional HMs.

  • Break: Destroys an object with physical force, like crushing a rock.
  • Burn: Uses fire to burn through plants or ice.
  • Recharge: Restores Capture Styler's HP.
  • Cross: Pokémon attatches itself to something using a long reach and brings your characters with it.
  • Cut: Cuts through small fences or bushes.
  • Flash: Lights up dark areas.
  • Gust: Uses a strong wind to blow things away.
  • Tackle: Pushes an object, like a box.
  • Soak: Shoots water to put out fires.

Aside from "Flash" and "Cross", all Field Moves come in 3 different levels of power, such as "Tackle", "Tackle x2", and "Tackle x3".

Poké Assist

Each Pokémon has its own Poké Assist. When using this, the Pokémon will jump into the capture styler and give it an extra power.

  • Grass: Immobilizes Pokémon with plants that sprout from the Styler's beam. Ineffective on Flying, floating, and levitating Pokémon.
  • Water: Creates a bubble that can be thrown to immobilise Pokemon. Stronger Water Pokémon will create larger, longer-lasting bubbles.
  • Fire: creats flames that sprout from the Capture Line that Immobilizes Pokémon that touch the ring of fire.
  • Fighting: Doubles the strength of the line so that each circle made with the Styler counts double! Using it against Normal, Ice, Rock, Dark, or Steel, triples the effect.
  • Ground: Churnes up the earth where the capture line has touched. Immobilizes land-moving Pokémon. Ineffective against Flying, floating, and levitating Pokémon.
  • Ice: Closing a loop makes a patch of ice that freezes the Pokémon hit by it for a short time. Inaccurate and ineffective against many Pokémon.
  • Ghost: When a loop is completed, a ghost appears in the center and will try to immobilize Pokémon.
  • Dark: At the penalty of some of the Styler's energy, the maximum capture line length doubles.
  • Bug: Blobs of webs can be flung by flicking the stylus on the screen that will stop Pokémon.
  • Psychic: Pokémon are levitated in mid-air.
  • Poison: The capture line leaves fog that works like grass or churned earth.
  • Flying: Three whirlwinds are created in the same manner as the Bug assist.
  • Electric: Recharges the styler, with varying amounts depending on which level of the "recharge" field move it is.
  • Rock: Shoots rock shards in the same way as bug or flying assists. If they make contact, they may immobilize Pokémon.
  • Discharge: Exclusive to Plusle and Minun, this stuns the Pokémon to be captured. Power varies on bars filled. One bar makes a thin three-pointed star, two makes a thin X shape, three makes a thin five-pointed star, four makes a wide five-pointed star, and five makes a wide asterisk shape.

=In the anime

Ranger styler are great items in the anime acording to a episode it is the only poke related gear that does not get effected by the electromagnetic wave cause by Deoxys