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Infrared interaction between a Pokémon Pikachu 2 GS and a Game Boy Color

The infrared (Japanese: 赤外線通信 infrared communication) feature allows communication between the Pokémon games and certain accessories. It was first used in the Generation I spin-off game Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Generation I

In Pokémon Trading Card Game, there's a feature called Card Pop! that takes advantage of the Game Boy Color's infrared port to allow each player to receive a random card. However, using the Card Pop! feature between the same two players is only possible once.

Generation II

In Generation II, the infrared port at the top of the Game Boy Color allows players to obtain Mystery Gifts via Pokémon Pikachu 2 GS or other Game Boy Colors.

The Pokémon mini also has an infrared port. It uses this to have multiplayer games of up to 10 players (number of players varies per game). The games which utilize this feature are Pokémon Party mini, Pokémon Zany Cards, Pokémon Tetris, Pokémon Race mini, and Pichu Bros. mini.

Generation IV

In HeartGold and SoulSilver, an infrared sensor is used to link the Nintendo DS and the Pokéwalker.

Generation V

In Black and White and Black 2 and White 2, an infrared-capable feature is accessed via the C-Gear. It is also used in the Battle Subway. Event Pokémon that are distributed using infrared can be obtained multiple times.

Generation VI

In X and Y, the infrared port on the top of the 3DS is used for multiplayer battles, as well as trades.

Communications media
Gen I Game Link CableTransfer Pak3DS Wireless (VC)
Gen II  Game Link CableInfraredTransfer Pak
Mobile Game Boy Adapter3DS Wireless (VC)
Gen III Game Link CableWireless AdapterDual-slot mode
Gen IV DS WirelessWi-FiDual-slot modeInfrared
Gen V DS WirelessWi-FiInfrared
Gen VI 3DS WirelessNintendo NetworkInfraredStreetPassSpotPass
Gen VII 3DS Wireless/Switch WirelessNintendo Network
InfraredNintendo Switch OnlineBluetooth
Gen VIII Switch WirelessNintendo Switch Online
Gen IX Switch WirelessNintendo Switch Online

This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.