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Polkamon is a song by "Weird Al" Yankovic. It is the 10th track on the soundtrack of the second movie, The Power of One.


Krabby, Snubbull, Venonat,
Mankey, Chansey and Zubat,
Slowking, Ditto, Butterfree,
Lugia and Caterpie,
Oddish, Poliwag, Goldeen,
Elekid and Nidoqueen,
Victreebel and Magneton -
Everybody Polkamon!

Aerodactyl, Seel, Machoke,
Marill, Moltres and Slowpoke,
Articuno, Ditto, Muk,
Flareon and ol' Psyduck,
Cloyster, Kingler, Shellder, Gloom,
Snorlax and of course Vileplume,
Zapdos and Charmeleon -
Everybody Polkamon!

It's time to Polka,
For Ponyta and Pidgey too.
Come on, put on your lederhosen,
And try not to step on little Pikachu.
You better grab yourself a partner,
Like Tentacruel or Bulbasaur. (Bulbasaur!)
Hold on a minute, there's still at least a hundred and twenty-seven more,

Including Ledyba and Omastar,
Jynx, Bellossom and Magmar,
Geodude and Arcanine,
Jigglypuff and Mr. Mime.
Don't forget about Sandslash,
Exeggcute and Rapidash,
Lickitung and Porygon -
Everybody Polkamon!

Everybody Polkamon!

Everybody Polkamon!


  • Ditto is listed twice, probably a reference to its name and characteristics.
    • Both times it is on the third line, as the second one named.
  • The song states that there are "at least 127 more" Pokémon. This is because the number 27 is a running gag within Weird Al's songs.[1] However, there are only 103 more Pokémon left if only Generation I is counted, and if all Generation II Pokémon are included then there are 196 remaining Pokémon.
  • When Pokémon 2000 is aired in syndication, this is the only ending theme.


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