Hone Claws (move)

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Revision as of 10:07, 6 February 2014 by FinnishPokéFan92 (talk | contribs) (In other languages: cosmetic edit)
Hone Claws
つめとぎ Claw Sharpen
Type  Dark
Category  Status
PP  15 (max. 24)
Power  —
Accuracy  —%
Priority  0
  • Does not make contact
  • Not affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Self: Affects the user
Introduced  Generation V
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Jam  0  
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Jamming  0  

Hone Claws (Japanese: つめとぎ Claw Sharpen) is a non-damaging Dark-type move introduced in Generation V. It has been TM01 since Generation V.


Hone Claws raises the user's Attack and accuracy by one stage each.


Games Description

The user sharpens its claws to boost its Attack stat and accuracy.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Type Level
215 Sneasel Sneasel Dark Ice 35 25 25
431 Glameow Glameow Normal Normal 48 '
432 Purugly Purugly Normal Normal 60 '
451 Skorupi Skorupi Poison Bug 45 30 30
452 Drapion Drapion Poison Dark 48 30 30
461 Weavile Weavile Dark Ice 35 25 25
509 Purrloin Purrloin Dark Dark 24 24
510 Liepard Liepard Dark Dark 26 26
529 Drilbur Drilbur Ground Ground 22 22
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel 22 22
571 Zoroark Zoroark Dark Dark --, 9 --, 9
621 Druddigon Druddigon Dragon Dragon 5 5
627 Rufflet Rufflet Normal Flying 14 14
628 Braviary Braviary Normal Flying 14 14
631 Heatmor Heatmor Fire Fire   --
688 Binacle Binacle Rock Water   32
689 Barbaracle Barbaracle Rock Water   32
701 Hawlucha Hawlucha Fighting Flying   --
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.


# Pokémon Type Machine
004 Charmander Charmander Fire Fire
005 Charmeleon Charmeleon Fire Fire
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying
027 Sandshrew Sandshrew Ground Ground
028 Sandslash Sandslash Ground Ground
029 Nidoran♀ Nidoran♀ Poison Poison
030 Nidorina Nidorina Poison Poison
031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Poison Ground
032 Nidoran♂ Nidoran♂ Poison Poison
033 Nidorino Nidorino Poison Poison
034 Nidoking Nidoking Poison Ground
046 Paras Paras Bug Grass
047 Parasect Parasect Bug Grass
050 Diglett Diglett Ground Ground
051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Ground Ground
052 Meowth Meowth Normal Normal
053 Persian Persian Normal Normal
054 Psyduck Psyduck Water Water
055 Golduck Golduck Water Water
056 Mankey Mankey Fighting Fighting
057 Primeape Primeape Fighting Fighting
098 Krabby Krabby Water Water
099 Kingler Kingler Water Water
140 Kabuto Kabuto Rock Water
141 Kabutops Kabutops Rock Water
142 Aerodactyl Aerodactyl Rock Flying
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying
151 Mew Mew Psychic Psychic
158 Totodile Totodile Water Water
159 Croconaw Croconaw Water Water
160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Water Water
161 Sentret Sentret Normal Normal
162 Furret Furret Normal Normal
167 Spinarak Spinarak Bug Poison
168 Ariados Ariados Bug Poison
190 Aipom Aipom Normal Normal
207 Gligar Gligar Ground Flying
215 Sneasel Sneasel Dark Ice
216 Teddiursa Teddiursa Normal Normal
217 Ursaring Ursaring Normal Normal
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark
254 Sceptile Sceptile Grass Grass
255 Torchic Torchic Fire Fire
256 Combusken Combusken Fire Fighting
257 Blaziken Blaziken Fire Fighting
263 Zigzagoon Zigzagoon Normal Normal
264 Linoone Linoone Normal Normal
271 Lombre Lombre Water Grass
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass
287 Slakoth Slakoth Normal Normal
288 Vigoroth Vigoroth Normal Normal
289 Slaking Slaking Normal Normal
290 Nincada Nincada Bug Ground
291 Ninjask Ninjask Bug Flying
292 Shedinja Shedinja Bug Ghost
302 Sableye Sableye Dark Ghost
304 Aron Aron Steel Rock
305 Lairon Lairon Steel Rock
306 Aggron Aggron Steel Rock
330 Flygon Flygon Ground Dragon
334 Altaria Altaria Dragon Flying
335 Zangoose Zangoose Normal Normal
341 Corphish Corphish Water Water
342 Crawdaunt Crawdaunt Water Dark
347 Anorith Anorith Rock Bug
348 Armaldo Armaldo Rock Bug
352 Kecleon Kecleon Normal Normal
359 Absol Absol Dark Dark
371 Bagon Bagon Dragon Dragon
372 Shelgon Shelgon Dragon Dragon
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying
375 Metang Metang Steel Psychic
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic
379 Registeel Registeel Steel Steel
380 Latias Latias Dragon Psychic
381 Latios Latios Dragon Psychic
383 Groudon Groudon Ground Ground
384 Rayquaza Rayquaza Dragon Flying
390 Chimchar Chimchar Fire Fire
391 Monferno Monferno Fire Fighting
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting
394 Prinplup Prinplup Water Water
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel
402 Kricketune Kricketune Bug Bug
416 Vespiquen Vespiquen Bug Flying
424 Ambipom Ambipom Normal Normal
431 Glameow Glameow Normal Normal
432 Purugly Purugly Normal Normal
434 Stunky Stunky Poison Dark
435 Skuntank Skuntank Poison Dark
443 Gible Gible Dragon Ground
444 Gabite Gabite Dragon Ground
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground
448 Lucario Lucario Fighting Steel
451 Skorupi Skorupi Poison Bug
452 Drapion Drapion Poison Dark
461 Weavile Weavile Dark Ice
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying
483 Dialga Dialga Steel Dragon
484 Palkia Palkia Water Dragon
487 Giratina Giratina Ghost Dragon
493 Arceus Arceus Normal Normal
509 Purrloin Purrloin Dark Dark
510 Liepard Liepard Dark Dark
511 Pansage Pansage Grass Grass
512 Simisage Simisage Grass Grass
513 Pansear Pansear Fire Fire
514 Simisear Simisear Fire Fire
515 Panpour Panpour Water Water
516 Simipour Simipour Water Water
529 Drilbur Drilbur Ground Ground
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel
542 Leavanny Leavanny Bug Grass
551 Sandile Sandile Ground Dark
552 Krokorok Krokorok Ground Dark
553 Krookodile Krookodile Ground Dark
557 Dwebble Dwebble Bug Rock
558 Crustle Crustle Bug Rock
566 Archen Archen Rock Flying
567 Archeops Archeops Rock Flying
570 Zorua Zorua Dark Dark
571 Zoroark Zoroark Dark Dark
597 Ferroseed Ferroseed Grass Steel
598 Ferrothorn Ferrothorn Grass Steel
604 Eelektross Eelektross Electric Electric
610 Axew Axew Dragon Dragon
611 Fraxure Fraxure Dragon Dragon
612 Haxorus Haxorus Dragon Dragon
613 Cubchoo Cubchoo Ice Ice
614 Beartic Beartic Ice Ice
621 Druddigon Druddigon Dragon Dragon
624 Pawniard Pawniard Dark Steel
625 Bisharp Bisharp Dark Steel
627 Rufflet Rufflet Normal Flying
628 Braviary Braviary Normal Flying
631 Heatmor Heatmor Fire Fire
632 Durant Durant Bug Steel
638 Cobalion Cobalion Steel Fighting
643 Reshiram Reshiram Dragon Fire
644 Zekrom Zekrom Dragon Electric
646 Kyurem Kyurem Dragon Ice
648 Meloetta Meloetta Normal Psychic
649 Genesect Genesect Bug Steel
651 Quilladin Quilladin Grass Grass
652 Chesnaught Chesnaught Grass Fighting
663 Talonflame Talonflame Fire Flying
675 Pangoro Pangoro Fighting Dark
688 Binacle Binacle Rock Water
689 Barbaracle Barbaracle Rock Water
696 Tyrunt Tyrunt Rock Dragon
697 Tyrantrum Tyrantrum Rock Dragon
701 Hawlucha Hawlucha Fighting Flying
709 Trevenant Trevenant Ghost Grass
715 Noivern Noivern Flying Dragon
717 Yveltal Yveltal Dark Flying
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.


  • This move, along with Coil, are the only moves that always raise the accuracy stat.
  • This move is the first Generation V move in index number order.
  • Hone Claws is the only move to be taught by TM01 that does not involve punching and the only one that does not deal damage.

In other languages

Language Title
French Aiguisage
German Klauenwetzer
Greek Ακόνισμα δαγκάνων
Italian Unghiaguzze
Korean 손톱갈기 Sontopgalgi
Brazilian Portuguese Garra Afiada
Spanish Afilagarras

Variations of the move Bulk Up
Bulk UpCalm MindCosmic Power
Dragon DanceGrowthHone ClawsStockpileWork Up

Generation V TMs
Generation V HMs
Generation VI TMs
798081828384858687888990919293 • 94 (XYORAS) • 9596979899100
Generation VI HMs

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.