From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
For stat increase/decrease, if the stat change is not 1 stage, indicate the number of stages. Use spaces/tabs as delimiters. Use # to mark the rest of the line as a comment.
- I think Secret Power is special. Can it be removed with Sheer Force or stopped with Shield Dust?
- Ideally, there should be a table for generation 1, then a table with new and changed moves for gen 2, etc., but let's ignore that for now.
- Also, add new generation 6 moves. Need chances on these:
- Someone check Fell Stinger + Sheer Force.
- Moonblast
- Mystical Fire 100%?
- Play Rough
- Play Nice 100%?
- Clear Smog?
- To self: Thunder Punch and ThunderPunch both appear on the original list. --Raijinili (talk) 04:45, 5 January 2014 (UTC)
- Is Draining confirmed as not a secondary effect?
Legend (makes it easier to automatically parse):
- Stats: atk def satk sdef spe acc eva all
- "all" is for Ancient Power and such.
- Use -atk to indicate "lowers target attack". Use +atk to indicate "raises user attack".
- There is no side-effect "lowers user stat", as far as I know. It's a secondary effect.
- Status: psn tox brn frz slp par cfn atr fln tri secret
- poison toxic burn freeze sleep paralysis confusion attract flinch tri-attack secretpower
- I doubt there's anything that does attract.
- Status + Flinch (fangs): fpsn ftox fbrn ffrz fpar
Acid 10 -def #Acid has a 10% chance of decreasing target defense by 1 Charge Beam 70 +satk #Charge Beam has a 70% chance of raising the user's special attack by 1. Seed Flare 40 -sdef 2 #Seed Flare has a 40% chance of lowering the target's special defense by two stages.
--Raijinili (talk) 03:59, 5 January 2014 (UTC)
Data table
Acid 10 -sdef Acid Spray 100 -sdef 2 Air Slash 30 fln Ancient Power 10 +all Astonish 30 fln Aurora Beam 10 -atk Bite 30 fln Blaze Kick 10 brn Blizzard 10 frz Blue Flare 20 brn Body Slam 30 par Bolt Strike 20 par Bone Club 10 fln Bounce 30 par Bubble 10 -spe Bubble Beam 10 -spe Bug Buzz 10 -sdef Bulldoze 100 -spe Charge Beam 70 +satk Chatter 100 cfn Confusion 10 cfn Constrict 10 -spe Cross Poison 10 psn Crunch 20 -def Crush Claw 50 -def Dark Pulse 20 fln Discharge 30 par Dizzy Punch 20 cfn Dragon Rush 20 fln Dragon Breath 30 par Dynamic Punch 100 cfn Earth Power 10 -sdef Electroweb 100 -spe Ember 10 brn Energy Ball 10 -sdef Extrasensory 10 fln Fake Out 100 fln Fiery Dance 50 +satk Fire Blast 10 brn Fire Fang 10 fbrn Fire Punch 10 brn Flame Charge 100 +spe Flame Wheel 10 brn Flamethrower 10 brn Flare Blitz 10 brn Flash Cannon 10 -sdef Focus Blast 10 -sdef Force Palm 30 par Freeze-Dry 10 frz Freeze Shock 30 par Glaciate 100 -spe Gunk Shot 30 psn Headbutt 30 fln Heart Stamp 30 fln Heat Wave 10 brn Hurricane 30 cfn Hyper Fang 10 fln Ice Beam 10 frz Ice Burn 30 brn Ice Fang 10 ffrz Ice Punch 10 frz Icicle Crash 30 fln Icy Wind 100 -spe Inferno 100 brn Iron Head 30 fln Iron Tail 10 -def Lava Plume 30 brn Leaf Tornado 30 -acc Lick 30 par Low Sweep 100 -spe Luster Purge 50 -sdef Metal Claw 10 +atk Meteor Mash 20 +atk Mirror Shot 30 -acc Mist Ball 50 -satk Moonblast ?? -satk Mud Bomb 30 -acc Mud Shot 100 -spe Mud-Slap 100 -acc Muddy Water 30 -acc Mystical Fire 100 -satk Needle Arm 30 fln Night Daze 40 -acc Nuzzle 100 par Octazooka 50 -acc Ominous Wind 10 +all Play Rough ?? -atk Poison Fang 50 tox Poison Jab 30 psn Poison Sting 30 psn Poison Tail 10 psn Powder Snow 10 frz Power-Up Punch 100 +atk Psybeam 10 cfn Psychic 10 -sdef Razor Shell 50 -def Relic Song 10 slp #Does Shield Dust prevent the forme change? Rock Climb 20 cfn Rock Slide 30 fln Rock Smash 50 -def Rock Tomb 100 -spe Rolling Kick 30 fln Sacred Fire 50 brn Scald 30 brn Searing Shot 30 brn Secret Power 30 secret Seed Flare 40 -sdef 2 Shadow Ball 20 -sdef Signal Beam 10 cfn Silver Wind 10 +all Sky Attack 30 fln Sludge 30 psn Sludge Bomb 30 psn Sludge Wave 10 psn Smog 40 psn Snarl 100 -satk Snore 30 fln Spark 33 par Steamroller 30 fln Steel Wing 10 +def Stomp 30 fln Struggle Bug 100 satk Thunder 30 par Thunder Fang 10 fpar Thunder Punch 10 par Thunder Shock 10 par Thunderbolt 10 par Tri Attack 20 tri Twineedle 20 psn Twister 20 fln Volt Tackle 10 par Water Pulse 20 cfn Waterfall 20 fln Zap Cannon 100 par Zen Headbutt 20 fln