
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

The following is documentation for using the Itlisth, Itemlist, and Itlistfoot templates to display info on location articles.


The Itlisth template starts the item listing table. It should be followed by the appropriate number of Itlistbod entries followed by an Itlistfoot template. This template creates a 3 column table header for Item, Location, and Games.


Trainerheader takes 2 parameters.


  • 1: color scheme indicator
    • use cave, land, road, sand, shadow, snow, soot, space, volcano, or water for locations. The parameter should match the location geography, i.e. Route 113 would have this parameter marked as "soot", while Route 41 would use "water".
  • width: percentage width of overall table, if this parameter is not specified, the table will autosize, if specified with no value, default value is 100%


The Itlistbod template is used to display a single item within the item table.


Itlistbod takes 3 parameters.


  • 1: Bag Sprite image name (don't include "Bag Sprite" in name)
  • 2: Description of item location, may include links to other articles as necessary
  • 3: Game abbreviation
    • use R, B, Y, RB, RBY, G, S, C, GS, GSC, Ru, Sa, Em, E, RS, RuSa, SE, SaEm, RusSaEm, RSE, FR, LG, FRLG, RBYFRLG, D, P, Pt, DP, DPP, DPPt, HG, GHG, SS, SSS, HGSS, GSCHGSS, CHGSS, DPPtHGSS, Colo, or XD for the approriate set of games.
  • Display: Name of item (links must be included)


The Itlistfoot template marks the end of an item table. This template should be the last template used for each item table.


Trainerfooter takes 1 parameter. It should match the parameter passed to the Itlisth template listed above.


  • 1: same as parameter 1 for Itlisth


Viridian City Items

Item Location Games
Potion Potion Inside a bush in the upper left hand corner (Hidden in RBY).  R  B  Y  FR  LG 
TM Psychic TM42 (Dream Eater) In the lower left hand corner. (HM01 (Cut) or HM03 (Surf) required)  R  B  Y 
TM Ground TM27 (Fissure) Reward for defeating Giovanni.  R  B  Y 
Revive Revive After defeating Giovanni in a gym battle, on the tile where he stood (Hidden).  R  B  Y 
Oak's Parcel Oak's Parcel From the shopkeeper at the Poké Mart.  R  B  Y  FR  LG 
TM Psychic TM42 (Dream Eater) Received from a sleeping man in lower left hand (HM01 (Cut) or HM03 (Surf) required).  G  S  C 
TM Ground TM26 (Earthquake) Reward for defeating Giovanni.  FR  LG 
Macho Brace Macho Brace After defeating Giovanni in a gym battle, on the tile where he stood (Hidden).  FR  LG 
Teachy TV Teachy TV Obtained from the old man who teaches the player how to catch a Pokémon.  FR  LG 
Nugget Nugget Hidden near the trees northeast of the Poké Mart.  HG  SS 
TM Psychic TM85 (Dream Eater) Received from a sleeping man in lower left hand (HM01 (Cut) or HM03 (Surf) required).  HG  SS 
TM Psychic TM92 (Trick Room) Reward for defeating Blue.  HG  SS 


{{Itemlist|Potion|Inside a bush in the upper left hand corner (''Hidden'' in RBY).|R=yes|B=yes|Y=yes|FR=yes|LG=yes|display={{DL|Potion|Potion}}}}
{{Itemlist|TM Psychic|In the lower left hand corner. ({{HM|01|Cut}} or {{HM|03|Surf}} required)|R=yes|B=yes|Y=yes|display={{TM|42|Dream Eater}}}}
{{Itemlist|TM Ground|Reward for defeating Giovanni.|R=yes|B=yes|Y=yes|display={{TM|27|Fissure}}}}
{{Itemlist|Revive|After defeating Giovanni in a gym battle, on the tile where he stood (''Hidden'').|R=yes|B=yes|Y=yes|display={{DL|Revive|Revive}}}}
{{Itemlist|Oak's Parcel|From the shopkeeper at the [[Poké Mart]].|R=yes|B=yes|Y=yes|FR=yes|LG=yes|display={{DL|List of key items in Generation III|Oak's Parcel}}}}
{{Itemlist|TM Psychic|Received from a sleeping man in lower left hand ({{HM|01|Cut}} or {{HM|03|Surf}} required).|G=yes|S=yes|C=yes|display={{TM|42|Dream Eater}}}}
{{Itemlist|TM Ground|Reward for defeating Giovanni.|FR=yes|LG=yes|display={{TM|26|Earthquake}}}}
{{Itemlist|Macho Brace|After defeating Giovanni in a gym battle, on the tile where he stood (''Hidden'').|FR=yes|LG=yes|display={{DL|EV-enhancing item|Macho Brace}}}}
{{Itemlist|Teachy TV|Obtained from the [[Old man (Kanto)|old man]] who teaches the {{player}} how to catch a {{OBP|Pokémon|species}}.|FR=yes|LG=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Nugget|Hidden near the trees northeast of the [[Poké Mart]].|HG=yes|SS=yes|display={{DL|Valuable item|Nugget}}}}
{{Itemlist|TM Psychic|Received from a sleeping man in lower left hand ({{HM|01|Cut}} or {{HM|03|Surf}} required).|HG=yes|SS=yes|display={{TM|85|Dream Eater}}}}
{{Itemlist|TM Psychic|Reward for defeating Blue.|HG=yes|SS=yes|display={{TM|92|Trick Room}}}}