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Revision as of 16:01, 10 July 2014 by WATERWARRIOR67 (talk | contribs) (Some stuff about me.)
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Hey! I chose the name WATERWARRIOR67 because I love Water-types and Fighting-types; 67 is my favorite number, for personal reasons. I watch the anime as often as I can. By the way, it's all-caps because I felt like it. 2 random things to add: 1, a young boy I know can do a pretty legit Pikachu impersonation. The second thing is odd, but I've noticed it & it's actually kind of funny. Sometimes, when my stomach growls, it sounds like Brock's Croagunk. As far as the games go, I don't own any. I had the Silver Version and my brother had the Gold version. He defeated both versions; I had trouble. However, I was able to reset both versions; I stuck with the starters we had already chosen. In Gold, it was Cyndaquil and in Silver, it was Totodile. I caught the Shiny Gyarados in both versions, caught Raikou in Gold, and Entei in Silver. It was hard, but rewarding.