User talk:Lime i have a phione i could give you and i ditto and a turtwig...want any of them? if so, what would you give me? (you can check my page for what i want/need...) thx... user:bill33421
i could get you a ditto and a female turtwig...would you be able to give me a charmander for them? user:bill33421
sure, that would be absolutely wonderfull... so yeah im gonna add you to aim, and you can add me- bill33487 user:bill33421
Trade offer
I will reserve a Squirtle for you so make sure that you are connected to Wi-Fi(the bottom room of the pokemon center) on the date I specify.
Any chance i could get a Craogunk, Chimchar, Cherubi, and possibly a female Combee? I'm free to trade any time this weekend. Hope your interested. CaptainN 04:00, 27 October 2007 (UTC)
It all depends on what you want/need. CaptainN 05:06, 27 October 2007 (UTC)
OH, forgot to mention I have a Craniados fossil or two, so you can have one, if you like.