KISEKI (Japanese for Miracles) is the ending theme to Pokémon X and Y. An acoustic version of the song is played during the game's credits, with lyrics displayed in multiple languages on the lower screen of the Nintendo 3DS console. The song has separate lyrics in each of the seven languages Pokémon X and Y were released in. No version with vocals has been released.
When KISEKI is played in the credits, lyrics to the verses are displayed in two languages. The first is the language the game is played in. If played in English, Japanese, or Korean, the second language is French; if played in Spanish, French, Italian, or German, the second language is Japanese, displayed with kana. Lyrics to the chorus are shown simultaneously in all seven languages Pokémon X and Y were released in, with the game language shown at the top.
You and I were born
right here in the same world.
For this one brief life,
we're beneath the same sky.
The great flow of time.
The wide expanse of space.
We are lucky enough
to share this lifetime we get.
We can gain more if we give.
By taking, we only lose.
Let us make this a new age
where we show our gratitude.
There's a fragile bud of hope,
blooming in each of our hearts.
Don't you take that away.
Our dreams are meant to be shared.
Let it grow. Let it live.
Let us see what it will bring.
When we share in our love,
we make a beautiful world.
Search it out, and find the way:
the point where we can all meet.
The point where we're all the same.
There it lies: the future we seek.
Start from there, and then we'll forge
a world where all can be free.
Free to dream, and free to smile.
Free to be who we will be.
Let's make sure we create...
A world of our hopes and dreams.
In our brief lives,
we've managed to meet.
Treasure this gift,
this precious time that we have.
In our brief lives,
we've managed to meet.
Treasure this gift,
this precious time that we have.
Original | Translation |
En el planeta tú y yo juntos podemos vivir en armonía y paz si sabemos compartir. Maravillas sin par juntos podemos crear. Nuestra generación unida lo logrará. Ayudando entre todos y mostrando gratitud podremos construir juntos un mundo mejor. Si cuidamos de una flor poniendo nuestro corazón, pronto fruto dará si no hay envidia o temor. Comparte con los demás el fruto de nuestra flor. Un tesoro será y forjará nuestra unión. Ven conmigo a cantar con la voz del corazón. No dejes de soñar, nunca pierdas la ilusión. Juntos vamos a crear nuestro mundo de amistad, un lugar especial, y tus sueños se cumplirán. Mostrando gratitud creamos un mundo mejor. Una generación que junta podrá construir maravillas sin par si sabemos compartir. Una generación que junta podrá construir maravillas sin par si sabemos compartir. |
Together you and I, can live on this planet in harmony and peace if we know how to share. Unparalleled wonders we can create together. United, our generation will make it. Helping between all and showing gratitude we would be able to build a better world together. If we take care of a flower, putting our heart into it, it will soon bloom and give fruit if there's no envy or fear. Share with everyone else the fruit of our flower. A treasure it will be and it will forge our union. Come with me to sing with the voice of the heart. Never stop dreaming, never lose hope. Together we will create our world of friendship, a special place, and your dreams will all come true. By showing gratitude we create a better world. A generation that will be able to build unparalleled wonders if we know how to share. A generation that will be able to build unparalleled wonders if we know how to share. |
Original | Translation |
Si un jour enfin nous prenions le temps De voir autrement la beauté des gens. D'apprécier la chance de pouvoir les côtoyer, Et de vivre ces années par miracle à leurs côtés. Construisons tous ensemble cette époque de nos rêves, Saisissons notre chance et pensons à la partager. Gardons-nous de dérober ce qu'il faut laisser grandir, Laissons donc s'épanouir les fleurs de la bonté. Offrons tout jusqu'au jour où chacun pourra s'ouvrir À un monde où plus personne ne sera étranger. Là où nos chemins se croisaient par pure chance Peut naître un monde qui fera toujours sens. Un monde où la chaleur, nourrie par la gratitude, Nous fera tous oublier les hivers les plus rudes. Où donner fera battre Le cœur de l'humanité. Au fil des vies, au fond des gens Dort un futur, miracle du printemps. Au fil des vies, au fond des gens Dort un futur, miracle du printemps. |
If, finally, one day, we would take the time To see differently the beauty of people, To appreciate the chance to be able to meet them, And to live these years, by a miracle, at their sides, Let us all together construct this age of our dreams, Let us seize our chance and think about sharing it. Let us beware of stealing that which should be left to grow, Thus, let us allow the flowers of kindness to blossom. Let us offer all until the day where each one can open himself To a world where no one will be a stranger anymore. There, where our paths crossed by pure chance A world can be born that will always make sense. A world where fervor, nourished by gratitude, Will make us all forget the harshest of winters. Where giving will make building The heart of humanity. Over the course of lifetimes, at the essence of people A future is sleeping, the miracle of spring. Over the course of lifetimes, at the essence of people A future is sleeping, the miracle of spring. |
Original | Translation |
Weit ist unsre Welt und kurz dort unsere Zeit. Wie hoch war die Chance, dass uns das Los vereint? Am leben zu sein, schon wie ein Wunder erscheint... Hundert Jahr' sind ein Tag im kosmischen Lauf der Zeit! Reichen wir einander die Hand voller Dank, dass man sich fand. Legen wir das Fundament einer neuen Generation! Wo das Glück zart Wurzeln schlägt, wird zu oft auch Neid gesät. Fasse Mut – Unkraut vergeht, doch wahre Freundschaft besteht! Wenn die Blüte dann erwacht, gib behutsam auf sie Acht. Zeig der Welt ihre Pracht, gemeinsam zieht aus ihr Kraft! Suchen wir, was uns vereint, das „F“ und „D“ von Freund und Feind, wo die Einträchtigkeit keimt, an den Schnittpunkten unsrer Zeit. Und schon bald wird es geschehen, eine neue Welt wird entstehen, in sich eins fast wie im Traum, unerreicht in Zeit und in Raum. Lass uns diese Zukunft bauen, erfüllt von Dank und Vertrauen! Einhundert Jahr' hat uns das Leben vereint. Wunder geschehen, wenn wir uns nur verstehen. Einhundert Jahr' hat uns das Leben vereint. Wunder geschehen, wenn wir uns nur verstehen. |
Wide is our world and short our time there. How high was the chance that fate would unite us? Just being alive appears a miracle... A hundred years is one day in the cosmic flow of time! Let us hold out our hands to each other, full of gratitude for having been found. Let us lay the foundation of a new generation! Where happiness tenderly puts down its roots will also envy too often be sown. Have courage – a weed wanes, but true friendship remains! When the blossoms then wake, watch them delicately. Show the world their glory; together, power flows from them! Let us seek what unites us, the 'F' and 'D' in 'friend' and 'foe',* where harmony blooms at the intersection of our time. And soon it will come to pass that a new world will be born, united almost like in dreams, unmatched in time and in space. Let us build this future filled with gratitude and trust! For a hundred years life has united us. Miracles happen if we only understand ourselves. For a hundred years life has united us. Miracles happen if we only understand ourselves. |
Original | Translation |
Ho incontrato te su questo grande pianeta Un attimo e c'è prezioso incontro di vita Miracolo è già d'eterna immensità Trovo te, trovi me ha dell'incredibile! Forza, dai, vieni con me ringraziamo il nostro destino Impegniamoci e vedrai che il futuro siamo noi! Rispettiamoci per condividere il mondo e poi Aiutiamoci perché così cresciamo io e te! L'armonia solo c'è dove prospera la bontà Diamoci un dono che sarà quel che ci unirà! Noi saremo così in unione con l'infinità E s'incrocian diversità da cui sboccerà l'unità! Pensa al mondo che nascerà quanti sogni e desideri Costruiamo un futuro che rifletta il possibile! Costruiamo un futuro di... Bellezza e felicità! Nel tempo di... Questa vita mia... Incontro la tua... Un miracolo è già! Nel tempo di... Questa vita mia... Incontro la tua... Un miracolo è già! |
I met you on this great planet And there is a moment meeting precious life Miracles are already immensely eternal I find you, you can find me It's incredible! Come on, come on, come with me thank our destiny Let us commit ourselves and see that the future is us! Let's respect each other share the world and then Let's help so that you and I can grow up! The harmony is only where prosperous goodness Let's get a gift that what will unite us! We will thus be in union with the infinite And ??? diversity from which the unit will blossom! Do you think the world will be born how many dreams and desires We build a future that reflects possible! We build a future of ... Beauty and happiness! Over the course of... This life of mine... The encounter with yours... Is already a miracle! Over the course of... This life of mine... The encounter with yours... Is already a miracle! |
With kanji | Kana | Translation |
この星の 同じ時代に 生きる人と 出会うこと 宇宙の 時の 中では たった 100年 奇跡の出会い 相手を包み 感謝しよう ともに 次代を 作っていこう 小さなつぼみ 奪い合わずに ともに 守り 育んでいこう 咲いた花に 優しさ 添えて 贈り合えば 心 つながる 人と宇宙が ひとつになれる 軸が交わる ポイント 探せば 夢が あふれる 世界 生まれる たった ひとつの 輝く世界 感謝 あふれる 未来 作ろう 重なる 100年の 出会いが 奇跡を生む 重なる 100年の 出会いが 奇跡を生む |
この ほしの おなじ じだいに いきるひとと であうこと うちゆうの ときの なかでは たった 100ねん きせきの であい あいてを つつみ かんしゃしよう ともに じだいを つくっていこう ちいさなつぼみ うばいあわずに ともに まもり はぐくんでいこう さいた はなに やさしさ そえて おくりあえば こころ つながる ひとと うちゆうが ひとつになれる じくがまじわる ポイント さがせば ゆめが あふれる せかい うまれる たった ひとつの かがやくせかい かんしゃ あふれる みらい つくろう かさなる 100ねんの であいが きせきをうむ かさなる 100ねんの であいが きせきをうむ |
In this world and era lives encounter one another Throughout all time and space a miraculous encounter occurs within a mere 100 years Come together with your companions and give thanks and build a new era together Don't fight over the tiny buds But instead protect them together Gently support the blooming flowers By giving the flowers, our hearts become one Man and the universe become one If you search for the point where the axis aligns A world of dreams will be born A single shining world Let's build a future where everyone is thankful. The accumulating encounters of a hundred years give birth to miracles The accumulating encounters of a hundred years give birth to miracles |
Original | Translation |
이 세상에서 같은 시대의 삶을 함께하는 우리의 만남은 우주의 한편 그 시간 중심에서 오직 한순간의 기적이라 하겠죠. 서로의 손을 잡고 사랑한다 전해요. 모두 함께 시대를 만들어 나아가요. 우리가 공유하는 조그만 꿈의 씨앗 이기심 버리고 푸르게 키워봐요 서로를 이해하고 진심을 나누며 피어난 미래의 꽃 다 함께 가꾸어요. 너와 나 우리가 만나는 그 순간에 인연이 시작되고 운명이 태어나요. 찰나의 만남이 눈부신 선물되어 어두운 밤하늘을 찬란하게 밝혀요. 소소한 우연이 미래를 만들어요. 흘러가는 이 시간 속에 기적이란 우리의 만남이죠 흘러가는 이 시간 속에 기적이란 우리의 만남이죠 |
In this world and generation our meeting on one side of the universe, in the center of time, you can say, is a moment's miracle Hold each others hands and tell them that you love them We’ll make this generation together For our small seed of dreams that we share remove selfishness and try growing it pure Understanding each other and sharing truth Let’s tend the blooming flowers of our future together During the moment you and I meet a relationship starts and fate is born The moment of our encounter becomes a blinding gift It makes the dark night sky shimmer brightly A small coincidence makes a future In this flowing time is the miracle of our meeting In this flowing time is the miracle of our meeting |
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This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician. |