Relicanth is a Pokémon that is heavily based on the coelacanth. It is covered with hard, brown scales that are similar to craggy rocks. The composition of its scales allow it to withstand the intense pressure of the ocean depths. Its tan head has protruding cheekbones, which are smaller on a female. A triangular spike protrudes from the back of its head. Tan patches cover its body and there is a red spot located on both sides. It possesses two pairs of pectoral fins, which it uses to push itself along the sea bottom. Additionally, it has dorsal and pelvic fins near its tail. Its tail fin has a wavy outline. Relicanth is a filter feeder, and it feeds on microscopic organisms with its toothless mouth. It has remained unchanged for 100 million years.
In Pokémon Adventures, Sapphire has a Relicanth nicknamed Relly. It was one of the keys to solving the mystery of the Sealed Chamber. While he still belongs to Sapphire, it was not seen in her party during the Emerald arc and is assumed to be at sea with her Wailord, Lorry, as of Sapphire's latest appearance.
Relicanth is a Pokémon species that existed for a hundred million years without ever changing its form. This ancient Pokémon feeds on microscopic organisms with its toothless mouth.
Relicanth is a rare species that was discovered in deep-sea explorations. This Pokémon's body withstands the enormous water pressure of the ocean depths. Its body is covered in tough scales that are like craggy rocks.
A Pokémon that was once believed to have been extinct. The species has not changed its form for 100 million years. It walks on the seafloor using its pectoral fins.
Relicanth are based on the coelacanth, an order of fish that was thought to be extinct. They are considered living fossils because they are virtually unchanged from their prehistoric forms. Like their real-life counterpart, Relicanth were thought to have gone extinct 100 million years ago until they were recently rediscovered in a submarine exploration. Relicanth matches the Indonesian coelacanth in color, but its Shiny coloration is like that of the more well-known West Indian Ocean coelacanth.
Name origin
Relicanth is a combination of relic (something old that has survived the passage of time) and coelacanth.
Glanth is a combination of 爺 jī (old man) and coelacanth.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.