From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Today is Sunday, February 16, 2025. It's 22:35.
It is week 7. UTC
Some Facts
This user uses Pacific Standard Time, which is UTC-8.
During the northern Hemisphere summer, daylight saving time is in effect, which is UTC-7.
This user identifies as male.
This user comes from Japan.
(Summer only^)
Bulbapedia Statistics
Bulbapedia has 284,035 pages, 4,247,271 total edits, 373,910 accounts (567 who are active), and 33 admins.
This user's favorite anime is Pokémon.
This user likes to experiment with templates.
This user joined Bulbapedia on May 23, 2011 at 4:04PM.
This user contributes using Wi-Fi.
This user spends too much time on the computer.
This user's favorite color is blue.
This user's 3DS friend code is 2234-8071-5804.
This user is obsessed with Japan.
This user likes mythical creatures.
This user is a god.
This user's best friend on Bulbapedia is You.