Battle CD

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Battle CDs are items found in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. They allow trainers to access simulated Pokémon battles that test their knowledge of advanced battle strategy. As a result of completing Battle CD 46, "Operation Zero", the player is awarded with a Sacred Ash. This is the only way to get the Sacred Ash in any on the Generation III games without going to an event.

Pokémon in each CD

CDs 1-10

CD Type of Battle Player's Pokémon Opponent's Pokémon Special rules
1 "Flying Vs. Flying" Single Battle Pidgeot Tropius Opponent must be defeated in two turns or less.
2 "Skill over Power" Single Battle Wartortle Drowzee None
3 "Exploit Seams!" Single Battle Quagsire and Ludicolo Vileplume and Skarmory Opponent must be defeated in thirteen turns or less.
4 "Plusle and Minun" Double Battle Plusle and Minun Miltank and Tropius None
5 "Offense is the Greatest Defense" Single Battle Blissey Medicham None
6 "Dreams Come True" Single Battle Sneasel, Pikachu, and Snorlax Primeape None
7 "Machamp's Macho Romp" Single Battle Machamp Aggron None
8 "Zangoose Vs. Cradily" Single Battle Zangoose Cradily None
9 "Color Change Carnival" Single Battle Aerodactyl, Hitmonchan, Girafarig, and Hariyama Kecleon None
10 "Friends from the Moon" Double Battle Clefairy and Clefable Aggron None

CDs 11-20

CD Type of Battle Player's Pokémon Opponent's Pokémon Special rules
11 "One-Hit Wonders" Double Battle Cacturne and Magcargo Shedinja x6 Opponent must be defeated in one turn.
12 "Heracross Bide-a-thon" Single Battle Heracross Swellow None
13 "What is Porygon Anyway? Single Battle Porygon Spinda None
14 "Whomp That Wobbuffet!" Single Battle Roselia and Skitty Wobbuffet None
15 "A Salute to Meteorologists" Single Battle Castform Torkoal, Shedinja, and Gyarados Opponent must be defeated in four turns or less.
16 "Slowpoke Family Feud" Double Battle Sharpedo and Misdreavus Slowpoke, Slowbro, and Slowking None
17 "The Rattata That Roared" Single Battle Rattata Shuckle Opponent must be defeated in four turns or less.
18 "Farfetch'd Substitute" Single Battle Nincada Farfetch'd None
19 "Volcanic Reaction" Double Battle Rhydon, Golem, Swellow, and Flareon Muk, Manectric, and Gengar Opponent must be defeated in two turns or less.
20 "Let Slip the Houndoom!" Double Battle Salamence, Dusclops, and Houndoom Wobbuffet, Banette, and Wynaut Opponent must be defeated in two turns or less.

CDs 21-30

CD Type of Battle Player's Pokémon Opponent's Pokémon Special rules
21 "Focus Punch Face-Off!" Double Battle Breloom and Clefable Swellow, Meowth, and Mankey None
22 "Banette and Plusle" Single Battle Banette and Plusle Gyarados and Zangoose None
23 "Aerodactyl Vs. Kyogre" Single Battle Aerodactyl Kyogre None
24 "Batter Down Protection!" Double Battle Manectric, Plusle, and Ninetales Scizor, Hitmonlee, and Muk Opponent must be beaten in five turns or less.
25 "Vigoroth Twosome!" Double Battle Vigoroth and Vigoroth Ninjask, Clefable, and Ursaring None
26 "A Slaking Pair" Double Battle Slaking, Slaking, and Exploud Kecleon, Blissey, and Dusclops Opponent must be beaten in eight turns or less.
27 "Big Bang, Sorry" Double Battle Porygon2 and Hitmonlee Graveler and Dusclops Opponent must be beaten in two turns or less.
28 "Bomb Squad" Double Battle Feraligatr and Furret Furret, Xatu, Electrode, and Psyduck None
29 "Madcap Magikarp!" Double Battle Smeargle, Spheal, and Poliwhirl Magikarp x3 Opponent must be beaten in five turns or less.
30 "Shedinja and Raticate" Double Battle Shedinja and Raticate Meditite and Medicham Opponent must be beaten in four turns or less.

CDs 31-40

CD Type of Battle Player's Pokémon Opponent's Pokémon Special rules
31 "Donphan Doldrums" Double Battle Donphan, Starmie, Blaziken, Electrode, Ninetales, and Metagross Magneton, Rhydon, Manectric, Magcargo, Aggron, and Victreebel Opponent must be defeated in two turns or less.
32 "Survive Big Booms!" Double Battle Linoone, Alakazam, Dusclops, and Aggron Gengar, Electrode, Shedinja, and Shuckle Opponent must be defeated in five turns or less.
33 "Cutie Pokémon Concerto Side A" Double Battle Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile Smoochum, Elekid, and Magby None
34 "Cutie Pokémon Concerto Side B" Double Battle Smoochum, Elekid, and Magby Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile None
35 "Metronome Cup" Double Battle Cleffa and Togepi Geodude and Machop None
36 "The King of Fighting Types Side A" Single Battle Blaziken, Breloom, and Machamp Poliwrath, Hitmonchan, and Hariyama None
37 "The King of Fighting Types Side B" Single Battle Poliwrath, Hitmonchan, and Hariyama Blaziken, Breloom, and Machamp None
38 "Fossil Fandango Side A" Double Battle Omanyte, Kabuto, Omastar, and Kabutops Lileep, Anorith, Cradily, and Armaldo None
39 "Fossil Fandango Side A" Double Battle Lileep, Anority, Cradily, and Armaldo Omastar, Kabutops, Omanyte, and Kabuto None
40 "Kanto Vs. Hoenn Side A" Single Battle Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise Sceptile, Blaziken, and Swampert None

CDs 41-50