Template talk:Friend Areas

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 04:39, 17 December 2014 by Tiddlywinks (talk | contribs) (Redesign)
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Latest comment: 17 December 2014 by Tiddlywinks in topic Redesign


Any way to hide this big thing, like ones in wikipedia? tc26 10:03, 8 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

Actually, yes, as of recently. Same way as with {{sprite}}. However, this poses the question: should we now start doing it for every big template? --electAbuzzzz 10:06, 8 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
Are there other big ones? This is the biggest one I saw. tc26 10:10, 8 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

New colour for header?

I don't know if it can be done, but is their anyway that the title for the Template could be a different colour than blue? Because it's very hard to read. --S2daam 19:44, 3 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

I think we changed the MD colors, which is why it's hard to read now. The title is white; I hope that's okay for most of us. —darklordtrom 05:15, 5 August 2010 (UTC)Reply


I think this template could use a bit of a redesign. There are two main issues that I have with it. The first one is just how long it is. That isn't the biggest problem I have with it, but still, it's a pretty long template for something that's just supposed to be for navigation. The real issue I have is how the template is split up. The groups it uses to split up the table--beaches, mountains, urban, etc.--are kind of made up. (I say kind of because they are logical terms, they just aren't from the game itself.) However, there are actual terms used in-game (Northern Sea, Mountain Range, etc.), and I know Bulbapedia usually prefers in-game sources to most anything else.

I tweaked this template in my userspace to accommodate these in-game terms. The issue is that that makes the template even longer. So long that it doesn't all fit on the screen. So I'm pretty sure that's out of the question, but if someone wanted to mess with it themselves, by all means, go ahead.

So then I found this template and tweaked that (on the same page in my userspace, underneath the other one). That gets rid of the grouping problem altogether, and it makes it considerably smaller. The issue with this one, though, is that there's just so many Friend Areas that it seems, to me at least, that it would be hard to navigate, which is its whole purpose.

Of the ones I made, I prefer the second one. But really I'm open to anything. I just think something needs to change with the current template, and I'd like some other opinions on the matter. slimey01 02:11, 17 December 2014 (UTC)Reply

Feel free to play with/chew on this if you want...
Badlands: Magnetic QuarryRavaged FieldThunder Meadow Plains: Beau PlainsSacred FieldSky Blue Plains
Beach: Ice Floe BeachShallow Beach Pond: Turtleshell Pond
Cave: Boulder CaveCryptic CaveDragon CaveEcho Cave Relics: Aged Chamber ANAged Chamber O?Ancient Relic
Desert: Furnace Desert River: Rub-a-Dub River
Eastern Forest: Energetic ForestFlyaway ForestMist-Rise ForestOvergrown Forest Ruins: Decrepit LabPower Plant
Eastern Lakes: Waterfall Lake Sky: Stratos Lookout
Eastern Ponds: Tadpole Pond South Plains: SafariWild Plains
Glacier: Frigid Cavern Southern Isles: Southern Island
Jungle: Jungle Southern Sea: Deep-Sea FloorSeafloor CaveTreasure Sea
Marsh: Peanut SwampPoison Swamp Southwest Isles: Enclosed Island
Mountain Range: Darkness RidgeMt. CleftMt. Deepgreen
Mt. DisciplineMt. MoonviewRainbow Peak
Volcano: CraterScorched PlainsVolcanic Pit
Northern Isles: Legendary Island Western Forest: Healing ForestMushroom ForestSecretive ForestTransform Forest
Northern Lakes: Mystic Lake Western Isles: Final Island
Northern Sea: Bountiful SeaDeep-Sea CurrentSerene Sea
A compromise on the first. It could maybe be done a bit better, but not a whole lot. I stripped down a bunch of useless code, too.
I've never played a Mystery Dungeon game, though, so I don't really have an opinion on what's best; I just wanted to try to solve a bit of the problem with the first table. If you want me to help with some of the code or something, though, feel free to ask me. Tiddlywinks (talk) 04:39, 17 December 2014 (UTC)Reply