Brick Break (move)

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Brick Break
かわらわり Tile Break
Type  Fighting
Category  Physical
PP  15 (max. 24)
Power  75
Accuracy  100%
Priority  0
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Normal: May affect anyone adjacent to the user
Introduced  Generation III
Condition  Cool
Appeal  1
Jam  4 ♥♥♥♥
Badly startles the Pokémon in front.
Condition  Cool
Appeal  3 ♥♥♥
A basic performance using a move known by the Pokémon.
Condition  Cool
Appeal  4 ♥♥♥♥
Jamming  0  
Quite an appealing move.

Brick Break (Japanese: かわらわり Tile Break) is a damage-dealing Fighting-type move introduced in Generation III. It has been TM31 since Generation III.


Generations III and IV

Brick Break removes Light Screen and Reflect and the effects they cause before inflicting damage. It will remove Light Screen and Reflect even if Brick Break misses or targets a Ghost-type Pokémon.

Generation V

Brick Break no longer removes Light Screen and Reflect if the target is a Ghost-type.


Games Description
RSE Destroys barriers such as Reflect and causes damage.*
Destroys barriers like Light Screen and causes damage.*
FRLG An attack that also breaks any barrier like Light Screen and Reflect.
PMDRB Shatters the target's Reflect or Light Screen to inflict damage.
The user attacks with tough fists, etc. It can also break any barrier such as Light Screen and Reflect.
The user attacks with a swift chop. It can also break any barrier such as Light Screen and Reflect.
The user attacks with a swift chop. It can also break barriers, such as Light Screen and Reflect.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Type Level
106 Hitmonlee Hitmonlee Fighting Fighting 20 17 17 17
127 Pinsir Pinsir Bug Bug 31 21 21 18 18
214 Heracross Heracross Bug Fighting 23 19 19 25 25
539 Sawk Sawk Fighting Fighting     29 29
559 Scraggy Scraggy Dark Fighting     20 20
560 Scrafty Scrafty Dark Fighting     20 20
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.


# Pokémon Type Machine
004 Charmander Charmander Fire Fire
005 Charmeleon Charmeleon Fire Fire
006 Charizard Charizard Fire Flying
007 Squirtle Squirtle Water Water
008 Wartortle Wartortle Water Water
009 Blastoise Blastoise Water Water
015 Beedrill Beedrill Bug Poison
025 Pikachu Pikachu Electric Electric
026 Raichu Raichu Electric Electric
027 Sandshrew Sandshrew Ground Ground
028 Sandslash Sandslash Ground Ground
031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Poison Ground
034 Nidoking Nidoking Poison Ground
035 Clefairy Clefairy Fairy Fairy
036 Clefable Clefable Fairy Fairy
039 Jigglypuff Jigglypuff Normal Fairy
040 Wigglytuff Wigglytuff Normal Fairy
046 Paras Paras Bug Grass
047 Parasect Parasect Bug Grass
054 Psyduck Psyduck Water Water
055 Golduck Golduck Water Water
056 Mankey Mankey Fighting Fighting
057 Primeape Primeape Fighting Fighting
061 Poliwhirl Poliwhirl Water Water
062 Poliwrath Poliwrath Water Fighting
066 Machop Machop Fighting Fighting
067 Machoke Machoke Fighting Fighting
068 Machamp Machamp Fighting Fighting
074 Geodude Geodude Rock Ground
075 Graveler Graveler Rock Ground
076 Golem Golem Rock Ground
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic
089 Muk Muk Poison Poison
094 Gengar Gengar Ghost Poison
096 Drowzee Drowzee Psychic Psychic
097 Hypno Hypno Psychic Psychic
098 Krabby Krabby Water Water
099 Kingler Kingler Water Water
104 Cubone Cubone Ground Ground
105 Marowak Marowak Ground Ground
106 Hitmonlee Hitmonlee Fighting Fighting
107 Hitmonchan Hitmonchan Fighting Fighting
108 Lickitung Lickitung Normal Normal
112 Rhydon Rhydon Ground Rock
113 Chansey Chansey Normal Normal
115 Kangaskhan Kangaskhan Normal Normal
122 Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Psychic Fairy
123 Scyther Scyther Bug Flying
124 Jynx Jynx Ice Psychic
125 Electabuzz Electabuzz Electric Electric
126 Magmar Magmar Fire Fire
127 Pinsir Pinsir Bug Bug
141 Kabutops Kabutops Rock Water
143 Snorlax Snorlax Normal Normal
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying
150 Mewtwo Mewtwo Psychic Psychic
151 Mew Mew Psychic Psychic
156 Quilava Quilava Fire Fire
157 Typhlosion Typhlosion Fire Fire
158 Totodile Totodile Water Water
159 Croconaw Croconaw Water Water
160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Water Water
161 Sentret Sentret Normal Normal
162 Furret Furret Normal Normal
165 Ledyba Ledyba Bug Flying
166 Ledian Ledian Bug Flying
176 Togetic Togetic Fairy Flying
180 Flaaffy Flaaffy Electric Electric
181 Ampharos Ampharos Electric Electric
183 Marill Marill Water Fairy
184 Azumarill Azumarill Water Fairy
185 Sudowoodo Sudowoodo Rock Rock
186 Politoed Politoed Water Water
190 Aipom Aipom Normal Normal
195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Ground
199 Slowking Slowking Water Psychic
207 Gligar Gligar Ground Flying
209 Snubbull Snubbull Fairy Fairy
210 Granbull Granbull Fairy Fairy
212 Scizor Scizor Bug Steel
214 Heracross Heracross Bug Fighting
215 Sneasel Sneasel Dark Ice
216 Teddiursa Teddiursa Normal Normal
217 Ursaring Ursaring Normal Normal
225 Delibird Delibird Ice Flying
236 Tyrogue Tyrogue Fighting Fighting
237 Hitmontop Hitmontop Fighting Fighting
239 Elekid Elekid Electric Electric
240 Magby Magby Fire Fire
241 Miltank Miltank Normal Normal
242 Blissey Blissey Normal Normal
246 Larvitar Larvitar Rock Ground
247 Pupitar Pupitar Rock Ground
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Rock Dark
252 Treecko Treecko Grass Grass
253 Grovyle Grovyle Grass Grass
254 Sceptile Sceptile Grass Grass
256 Combusken Combusken Fire Fighting
257 Blaziken Blaziken Fire Fighting
259 Marshtomp Marshtomp Water Ground
260 Swampert Swampert Water Ground
271 Lombre Lombre Water Grass
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass
274 Nuzleaf Nuzleaf Grass Dark
275 Shiftry Shiftry Grass Dark
286 Breloom Breloom Grass Fighting
287 Slakoth Slakoth Normal Normal
288 Vigoroth Vigoroth Normal Normal
289 Slaking Slaking Normal Normal
294 Loudred Loudred Normal Normal
295 Exploud Exploud Normal Normal
296 Makuhita Makuhita Fighting Fighting
297 Hariyama Hariyama Fighting Fighting
302 Sableye Sableye Dark Ghost
303 Mawile Mawile Steel Fairy
306 Aggron Aggron Steel Rock
307 Meditite Meditite Fighting Psychic
308 Medicham Medicham Fighting Psychic
313 Volbeat Volbeat Bug Bug
314 Illumise Illumise Bug Bug
326 Grumpig Grumpig Psychic Psychic
327 Spinda Spinda Normal Normal
331 Cacnea Cacnea Grass Grass
332 Cacturne Cacturne Grass Dark
335 Zangoose Zangoose Normal Normal
341 Corphish Corphish Water Water
342 Crawdaunt Crawdaunt Water Dark
347 Anorith Anorith Rock Bug
348 Armaldo Armaldo Rock Bug
352 Kecleon Kecleon Normal Normal
356 Dusclops Dusclops Ghost Ghost
371 Bagon Bagon Dragon Dragon
372 Shelgon Shelgon Dragon Dragon
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying
375 Metang Metang Steel Psychic
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic
377 Regirock Regirock Rock Rock
378 Regice Regice Ice Ice
379 Registeel Registeel Steel Steel
382 Kyogre Kyogre Water Water
383 Groudon Groudon Ground Ground
384 Rayquaza Rayquaza Dragon Flying
386 Deoxys Deoxys Psychic Psychic
390 Chimchar Chimchar Fire Fire
391 Monferno Monferno Fire Fighting
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting
393 Piplup Piplup Water Water
394 Prinplup Prinplup Water Water
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel
402 Kricketune Kricketune Bug Bug
409 Rampardos Rampardos Rock Rock
418 Buizel Buizel Water Water
419 Floatzel Floatzel Water Water
424 Ambipom Ambipom Normal Normal
438 Bonsly Bonsly Rock Rock
439 Mime Jr. Mime Jr. Psychic Fairy
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground
446 Munchlax Munchlax Normal Normal
447 Riolu Riolu Fighting Fighting
448 Lucario Lucario Fighting Steel
451 Skorupi Skorupi Poison Bug
452 Drapion Drapion Poison Dark
453 Croagunk Croagunk Poison Fighting
454 Toxicroak Toxicroak Poison Fighting
460 Abomasnow Abomasnow Grass Ice
461 Weavile Weavile Dark Ice
463 Lickilicky Lickilicky Normal Normal
464 Rhyperior Rhyperior Ground Rock
465 Tangrowth Tangrowth Grass Grass
466 Electivire Electivire Electric Electric
467 Magmortar Magmortar Fire Fire
468 Togekiss Togekiss Fairy Flying
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying
475 Gallade Gallade Psychic Fighting
477 Dusknoir Dusknoir Ghost Ghost
483 Dialga Dialga Steel Dragon
484 Palkia Palkia Water Dragon
486 Regigigas Regigigas Normal Normal
491 Darkrai Darkrai Dark Dark
493 Arceus Arceus Normal Normal
494 Victini Victini Psychic Fire
499 Pignite Pignite Fire Fighting
500 Emboar Emboar Fire Fighting
512 Simisage Simisage Grass Grass
514 Simisear Simisear Fire Fire
516 Simipour Simipour Water Water
529 Drilbur Drilbur Ground Ground
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel
532 Timburr Timburr Fighting Fighting
533 Gurdurr Gurdurr Fighting Fighting
534 Conkeldurr Conkeldurr Fighting Fighting
537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground
538 Throh Throh Fighting Fighting
539 Sawk Sawk Fighting Fighting
552 Krokorok Krokorok Ground Dark
553 Krookodile Krookodile Ground Dark
554 Darumaka Darumaka Fire Fire
555 Darmanitan Darmanitan Fire Fire
559 Scraggy Scraggy Dark Fighting
560 Scrafty Scrafty Dark Fighting
576 Gothitelle Gothitelle Psychic Psychic
604 Eelektross Eelektross Electric Electric
612 Haxorus Haxorus Dragon Dragon
614 Beartic Beartic Ice Ice
619 Mienfoo Mienfoo Fighting Fighting
620 Mienshao Mienshao Fighting Fighting
622 Golett Golett Ground Ghost
623 Golurk Golurk Ground Ghost
624 Pawniard Pawniard Dark Steel
625 Bisharp Bisharp Dark Steel
641 Tornadus Tornadus Flying Flying
642 Thundurus Thundurus Electric Flying
645 Landorus Landorus Ground Flying
648 Meloetta Meloetta Normal Psychic
650 Chespin Chespin Grass Grass
651 Quilladin Quilladin Grass Grass
652 Chesnaught Chesnaught Grass Fighting
659 Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal Normal
660 Diggersby Diggersby Normal Ground
672 Skiddo Skiddo Grass Grass
673 Gogoat Gogoat Grass Grass
674 Pancham Pancham Fighting Fighting
675 Pangoro Pangoro Fighting Dark
679 Honedge Honedge Steel Ghost
680 Doublade Doublade Steel Ghost
681 Aegislash Aegislash Steel Ghost
688 Binacle Binacle Rock Water
689 Barbaracle Barbaracle Rock Water
696 Tyrunt Tyrunt Rock Dragon
697 Tyrantrum Tyrantrum Rock Dragon
701 Hawlucha Hawlucha Fighting Flying
714 Noibat Noibat Flying Dragon
715 Noivern Noivern Flying Dragon
718 Zygarde Zygarde Dragon Ground
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In other games

Pokémon Rumble Blast

Brick Break ignores, not removes, Reflect and Light Screen. This move has a damage rating of ☆☆☆.

In the anime




The user's hand turns white and then it punches its opponent.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Hariyama Hariyama karate chops the opponent from above.
Tyson's Hariyama At the End of the Fray Debut
Sudowoodo Sudowoodo jumps into the air and karate chops the opponent from above with the side of its hand.
Keenan's Sudowoodo All That Glitters is Not Golden! None
Tyrogue Tyrogue jumps into the air and karate chops the opponent from above with the side of its hand.
A Coordinator's Tyrogue May, We Harley Drew'd Ya! None
Elekid Elekid jumps up and karate chops the opponent from above with the side of its arm. Sometimes, its arm becomes surrounded in yellow-orange sparks.
Paul's Elekid When Pokémon Worlds Collide! None
Croagunk Croagunk's hand glows white and it karate-chops the opponent from above. Sometimes its hand doesn't glow white at all.
Brock's Croagunk Gymbaliar! None
Croagunk Festival Trainers' multiple Croagunk Cream of the Croagunk Crop! None
Garchomp The fins on Garchomp's arms glow white or red and it strikes the opponent from above with one of its fins, or Garchomp's claw glows white and it hits the opponent with the claw from above.
Cynthia's Garchomp Top-Down Training! None
Machoke Machoke's hand glows white and it karate-chops the opponent from above. Sometimes, its hand doesn't glow at all.
Maylene's Machoke A Triple Fighting Chance! None
Korrina's Machoke Showdown at the Shalour Gym! None
Electabuzz Electabuzz's hand becomes surrounded by yellow sparks and it karate-chops the opponent from above.
Paul's Electabuzz A Pyramiding Rage! None
Electivire One of Electivire's forearms becomes surrounded in white sparks and it karate-chops the opponent from above. Sometimes, its forearm flashes white before using the attack.
Paul's Electivire Battling a Thaw in Relations! None
Seismitoad Seismitoad's arm glows white and it hits the opponent with it.
Edmund's Seismitoad The Clubsplosion Begins! None
Simipour Simipour's hand glows white and it hits the opponent with it.
Betty's Simipour A Clubsplosion of Excitement! None
Gothitelle Gothitelle's hand glows white and it hits the opponent with it.
Caitlin's Gothitelle Jostling for the Junior Cup! None
Pignite The black part of Pignite's arm glows white and it hits the opponent with it.
Ash's Pignite Cameron's Secret Weapon! None
Feraligatr Feraligatr's hand glows light blue and it smacks the opponent.
A wild Feraligatr Genesect and the Legend Awakened None
Geodude Geodude's hand glows light blue and it smacks the opponent.
Three wild Geodude Genesect and the Legend Awakened None
Machamp Machamp's hands glow white and it slams them down on the opponent from above.
A wild Machamp The Forest Champion! None

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

In the Pocket Monsters Platinum: Aim to Be Battle King!! manga

In the Pokémon Pocket Monsters manga

In other generations



  • In a Pokémon Super Contest, because there is no target Pokémon, Brick Break destroys a small glass wall instead.
  • Bonsly and Pupitar can learn Brick Break, despite not having any hands. However, their evolutions do have hands.

In other languages

Language Title
Mandarin Chinese 劈瓦 Pī​wǎ
Dutch Steenbreuk
Finnish Tiili-isku (AG series)
Tiilenmurskaus (DP series)
French Casse-Brique
German Durchbruch
Greek Πλινθοθραύστης
Hindi ईंट तोर Eent Tor
Indonesian Membelah Genting
Italian Breccia
Korean 깨트리다 Kkaeteurida
Polish Łamacz Murów
Portuguese Brazil Quebra Telha
Portugal Ataque Tijolo (AG series)
Quebrar Tijolo (DP series)
Romanian Distrugătorul
Serbian Lomljenje Cigli
Spanish Demolición

Generation III TMs
Generation III HMs
Generation IV TMs
Generation IV HMs
01020304 • 05 (DPPtHGSS) • 060708
Generation V TMs
Generation V HMs

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.