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Dewford Town
ムロタウン Muro Town
"A tiny island in the blue sea."
Dewford Town in {{{variable2}}}.
Map description
New trends are always the rage among the inhabitants of this small island town.
Dewford Town (Japanese: ムロタウンMuro Town) is located on an island southwest of mainland Hoenn. Dewford houses a dock, providing transportation between Route 104 and Slateport City. The island town is home to Brawly, the Dewford Gym Leader who specializes in Fighting-typePokémon. Unlike other towns, Dewford does not offer a Poké Mart.
To the north of Dewford Town, on Route 106, is Granite Cave, a popular spot for rock collectors.
Dewford Hall is located north of the Pokémon Center, and is the northernmost building in the town. A sign outside reads:
"Everyone's information exchange!"
Although it is a tiny island community, if someone says something "trendy" there, it quickly spreads throughout the rest of Hoenn. Dewford Town is famous for these fads. Trendy phrases are usually passed around in Dewford Hall, called "Everyone's information exchange!" There is a boy just outside Dewford Hall that lets the player change the "trendy" phrase and people in Dewford Hall will be influenced by the trend. Changing this affects where Feebas appears in Route 119. If the player returns to Dewford Hall after collecting the Balance Badge, a dark haired man with glasses will appear near the entrance and proclaim that he loves Sludge Bomb and then he will give the player TM36 (Sludge Bomb).
Dewford Gym is located in the southernmost portion of Dewford, south of the pier and the Pokémon Center. The sign outside reads:
"A big wave in fighting!"
The Gym is run by Brawly who specializes in Fighting-typePokémon. Many citizens look up to Brawly and idolize him. Trainers who defeat him receive the Knuckle Badge. The Gym is a dark maze in which only little light is given. If the players battle the Gym Trainers, more light is awarded to the player. Once the player defeats Brawly, the Gym is fully illuminated.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
In the anime
Dewford Town in the animeDewford Island in the anime
Like Chuck, the leader of the Cianwood Gym, Brawly of Dewford Gym specializes in Fighting-type Pokémon. Furthermore, both Gyms are on an island to the southwest of their respective regions, and neither town has a Poké Mart.
Name origin
ムロタウン Muro Town
From 室 muro (cellar) or 榁 muro (Temple juniper). Can also be from 武 mu (martial arts) and 露 ro (dew)