Talk:Mega Launcher (Ability)

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Latest comment: 9 December 2013 by SnorlaxMonster in topic Any other moves?

Any other moves?

Okay, so we know that Mega Launcher affects the limited set of aura/pulse based moves, but are there any other moves that it might apply to?

For example, I'm currently training a Clauncher and wondering about its Bubble Beam. In the Battle Chateau I hit a Marchioness's Audino a few times and I could almost swear the damage was different before and after it used Entrainment on me (in particular, a critical hit after did only about 1/6th damage). Need to try again before I can say for sure, though. --Stratelier 06:35, 5 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

I find this unlikely. All aura and pulse moves specifically contain はどう in their Japanese names (which is why aura and pulse are grouped together, because it mmeans both "aura" and "wave"), and can hit non-adjacent Pokémon in Triple Battles. Technically the category was created in Generation V, it's just it didn't receive proper attention until now. --SnorlaxMonster 14:22, 9 December 2013 (UTC)Reply

Origin Pulse

Using a Smeargle that sketched Origin Pulse and Role Play I tested if Origin Pulse was affected by Mega Launcher. The test dummies were Smeargle and Clawitzer vs a Charizard and Solrock. Charizard and Solrock only used staus moves on Clawitzer. Clawitzer only used swords dance. Battle Two's turn numbers are offset one because Smeargle used role play on Clawitzer turn one. Any turn where Origin Pulse missed was ignored. The recorded health is Charizard's.

Turn Battle One Battle Two
1 153 153
2 135 125
3 115 95
4 99 65
5 73 23
6 47 0
7 21 0
8 0 0

So this is proof that origin pulse works with mega launcher.