BW Black Star Promos (TCG)

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← HGSS Black Star Promos
TCG expansions
XY Black Star Promos →
BW Black Star Promos
Cards in set 99*
Release period March 2011 - December 2013

The BW Black Star Promos are a series of promotional cards tied in with the Black & White Series of cards, which started with the Black & White expansion. With the introduction of this series, the HGSS prefix for promotional cards was changed to BW.

Card list

BW Black Star Promos
No. Mark Card name Type Promotion
BW01 [[Image:RegMarkSnivy.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Snivy]] Grass [[Image:Rarity_Sneak-Peek Tins.png|x20px|Sneak-Peek Tins]] Promotion
BW02 [[Image:RegMarkTepig.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Tepig]] Fire Sneak-Peek Tins Promotion
BW03 [[Image:RegMarkOshawott.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Oshawott]] Water Sneak-Peek Tins Promotion
BW004 [[Image:RegMarkReshiram.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Reshiram]] Fire [[Image:Rarity_New Legends Tins.png|x20px|New Legends Tins]] Promotion
BW005 [[Image:RegMarkZekrom.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Zekrom]] Lightning New Legends Tins Promotion
BW06 [[Image:RegMarkSnivy.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Snivy]] Grass [[Image:Rarity_Black & White Blisters.png|x20px|Black & White Blisters]] Promotion
BW07 [[Image:RegMarkTepig.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Tepig]] Fire Black & White Blisters Promotion
BW08 [[Image:RegMarkOshawott.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Oshawott]] Water Black & White Blisters Promotion
BW09 [[Image:RegMarkZoroark.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Zoroark]] Darkness [[Image:Rarity_Victini Box.png|x20px|Victini Box]] Promotion
BW10 [[Image:RegMarkAxew.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Axew]] Colorless [[Image:Rarity_Black & White Collector's Album Box.png|x20px|Black & White Collector's Album Box]] Promotion
BW11 [[Image:RegMarkPansage.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Pansage]] Grass [[Image:Rarity_Emerging Powers Three Pack Blisters.png|x20px|Emerging Powers Three Pack Blisters]] Promotion
BW12 [[Image:RegMarkZorua.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Zorua]] Darkness Emerging Powers Three Pack Blisters Promotion
BW13 [[Image:RegMarkMinccino [Cosmos Holo]
Minccino [Cracked Ice Holo].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Minccino [Cosmos Holo]
Minccino [Cracked Ice Holo]]]
Colorless [[Image:Rarity_Emerging Powers Two Pack Blisters.png|x20px|Emerging Powers Two Pack Blisters]] Promotion
BW14 [[Image:RegMarkPansage.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Pansage]] Grass [[Image:Rarity_Black & White booster two-packs.png|x20px|Black & White booster two-packs]] Promotion
BW15 [[Image:RegMarkPidove.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Pidove]] Colorless Black & White booster two-packs Promotion
BW16 [[Image:RegMarkAxew.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Axew]] Colorless Black & White booster two-packs Promotion
BW17 [[Image:RegMarkDucklett.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Ducklett]] Water [[Image:Rarity_Black & White Two Pack Blisters.png|x20px|Black & White Two Pack Blisters]] Promotion
BW18 [[Image:RegMarkDarumaka.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Darumaka]] Fire [[Image:Rarity_Emerging Powers Collector's Album Box.png|x20px|Emerging Powers Collector's Album Box]] Promotion
BW19 [[Image:RegMarkZoroark.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Zoroark]] Darkness [[Image:Rarity_Zoroark-Illusions Collection.png|x20px|Zoroark-Illusions Collection]] Promotion
BW20 [[Image:RegMarkSerperior.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Serperior]] Grass [[Image:Rarity_Evolved Battle Action Tins.png|x20px|Evolved Battle Action Tins]] Promotion
BW21 [[Image:RegMarkEmboar.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Emboar]] Fire Evolved Battle Action Tins Promotion
BW22 [[Image:RegMarkSamurott.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Samurott]] Water Evolved Battle Action Tins Promotion
BW23 [[Image:RegMarkReshiram.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Reshiram]] Fire [[Image:Rarity_Reshiram Box.png|x20px|Reshiram Box]] Promotion
BW24 [[Image:RegMarkZekrom.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Zekrom]] Lightning [[Image:Rarity_Zekrom Box.png|x20px|Zekrom Box]] Promotion
BW25 [[Image:RegMarkScraggy [Cosmos Holo]
Scraggy [Cracked Ice Holo].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Scraggy [Cosmos Holo]
Scraggy [Cracked Ice Holo]]]
Darkness [[Image:Rarity_Noble Victories Two Pack Blisters.png|x20px|Noble Victories Two Pack Blisters]] Promotion
BW26 [[Image:RegMarkAxew.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Axew]] Colorless [[Image:Rarity_Noble Victories Three Pack Blisters.png|x20px|Noble Victories Three Pack Blisters]] Promotion
BW27 [[Image:RegMarkLitwick.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Litwick]] Psychic Noble Victories Three Pack Blisters Promotion
BW28 [[Image:RegMarkTropical Beach
Tropical Beach [Top Thirty-Two]
Tropical Beach [Top Sixteen]
Tropical Beach [Quarter Finalist]
Tropical Beach [Semi-Finalist]
Tropical Beach [Finalist]
Tropical Beach [Staff].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Tropical Beach
Tropical Beach [Top Thirty-Two]
Tropical Beach [Top Sixteen]
Tropical Beach [Quarter Finalist]
Tropical Beach [Semi-Finalist]
Tropical Beach [Finalist]
Tropical Beach [Staff]]]
Stadium [[Image:Rarity_2011 World Championships.png|x20px|2011 World Championships]] Promotion
BW29 [[Image:RegMarkVictory Cup [Autumn 2011 stamp]
Victory Cup [Spring 2012 stamp]
Victory Cup [Autumn 2012 stamp]
Victory Cup [Spring 2013 stamp]
.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Victory Cup [Autumn 2011 stamp]
Victory Cup [Spring 2012 stamp]
Victory Cup [Autumn 2012 stamp]
Victory Cup [Spring 2013 stamp]
Item [[Image:Rarity_Battle Road Autumn 2011 third place prize
Battle Road Spring 2012 third place prize
Battle Road Autumn 2012 third place prize
Battle Road Spring 2013 third place prize.png|x20px|Battle Road Autumn 2011 third place prize
Battle Road Spring 2012 third place prize
Battle Road Autumn 2012 third place prize
Battle Road Spring 2013 third place prize]]
BW29 [[Image:RegMarkVictory Cup [Autumn 2011 stamp]
Victory Cup [Spring 2012 stamp]
Victory Cup [Autumn 2012 stamp]
Victory Cup [Spring 2013 stamp]
.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Victory Cup [Autumn 2011 stamp]
Victory Cup [Spring 2012 stamp]
Victory Cup [Autumn 2012 stamp]
Victory Cup [Spring 2013 stamp]
Item [[Image:Rarity_Battle Road Autumn 2011 second place prize
Battle Road Spring 2012 second place prize
Battle Road Autumn 2012 second place prize
Battle Road Spring 2013 second place prize.png|x20px|Battle Road Autumn 2011 second place prize
Battle Road Spring 2012 second place prize
Battle Road Autumn 2012 second place prize
Battle Road Spring 2013 second place prize]]
BW29 [[Image:RegMarkVictory Cup [Autumn 2011 stamp]
Victory Cup [Spring 2012 stamp]
Victory Cup [Autumn 2012 stamp]
Victory Cup [Spring 2013 stamp]
.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Victory Cup [Autumn 2011 stamp]
Victory Cup [Spring 2012 stamp]
Victory Cup [Autumn 2012 stamp]
Victory Cup [Spring 2013 stamp]
Item [[Image:Rarity_Battle Road Autumn 2011 first place prize
Battle Road Spring 2012 first place prize
Battle Road Autumn 2012 first place prize
Battle Road Spring 2013 first place prize.png|x20px|Battle Road Autumn 2011 first place prize
Battle Road Spring 2012 first place prize
Battle Road Autumn 2012 first place prize
Battle Road Spring 2013 first place prize]]
BW32 [[Image:RegMarkVictini.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Victini]] Fire [[Image:Rarity_V for Victini Tin.png|x20px|V for Victini Tin]] Promotion
BW33 [[Image:RegMarkRiolu [Cosmos Holo]
Riolu [Non Holo].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Riolu [Cosmos Holo]
Riolu [Non Holo]]]
Fighting [[Image:Rarity_Next Destinies Three Pack Blisters
Dark Explorers Stage 1 Blisters.png|x20px|Next Destinies Three Pack Blisters
Dark Explorers Stage 1 Blisters]]
BW34 [[Image:RegMarkLuxio [Cosmos Holo]
Luxio [Cracked Ice Holo].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Luxio [Cosmos Holo]
Luxio [Cracked Ice Holo]]]
Lightning [[Image:Rarity_Next Destinies Three Pack Blisters
Dark Explorers Stage 2 Blisters.png|x20px|Next Destinies Three Pack Blisters
Dark Explorers Stage 2 Blisters]]
BW35 [[Image:RegMarkMeowth.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Meowth]] Colorless Dark Explorers Stage 1 Blisters Promotion
BW36 [[Image:RegMarkReshiram-EX.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Reshiram-EX]] Fire [[Image:Rarity_EX Tins.png|x20px|EX Tins]] Promotion
BW37 [[Image:RegMarkKyurem-EX.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Kyurem-EX]] Water EX Tins Promotion
BW38 [[Image:RegMarkZekrom-EX.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Zekrom-EX]] Lightning EX Tins Promotion
BW39 [[Image:RegMarkBattle City.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Battle City]] Stadium [[Image:Rarity_Mewtwo Collection Box.png|x20px|Mewtwo Collection Box]] Promotion
BW40 [[Image:RegMarkVolcarona
Volcarona [Staff].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Volcarona
Volcarona [Staff]]]
Fire [[Image:Rarity_Dark Explorers Prerelease participation promo
Dark Explorers Prerelease staff promo.png|x20px|Dark Explorers Prerelease participation promo
Dark Explorers Prerelease staff promo]]
BW41 [[Image:RegMarkThundurus.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Thundurus]] Lightning [[Image:Rarity_Forces of Nature Collection.png|x20px|Forces of Nature Collection]] Promotion
BW42 [[Image:RegMarkTornadus.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Tornadus]] Colorless Forces of Nature Collection Promotion
BW43 [[Image:RegMarkLandorus.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Landorus]] Fighting Forces of Nature Collection Promotion
BW44 [[Image:RegMarkKyurem.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Kyurem]] Water [[Image:Rarity_Kyurem Box.png|x20px|Kyurem Box]] Promotion
BW45 [[Image:RegMarkMewtwo-EX.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Mewtwo-EX]] Psychic [[Image:Rarity_Legendary EX Tins.png|x20px|Legendary EX Tins]] Promotion
BW46 [[Image:RegMarkDarkrai-EX.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Darkrai-EX]] Darkness Legendary EX Tins Promotion
BW47 [[Image:RegMarkRayquaza-EX.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Rayquaza-EX]] Dragon Legendary EX Tins Promotion
BW48 [[Image:RegMarkAltaria
Altaria [Staff].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Altaria
Altaria [Staff]]]
Dragon [[Image:Rarity_Dragons Exalted Prerelease participation promo
Dragons Exalted Prerelease staff promo.png|x20px|Dragons Exalted Prerelease participation promo
Dragons Exalted Prerelease staff promo]]
BW49 [[Image:RegMarkLilligant.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Lilligant]] Grass [[Image:Rarity_Dragons Exalted Stage 1 Blisters.png|x20px|Dragons Exalted Stage 1 Blisters]] Promotion
BW50 [[Image:RegMarkTropical Beach
Tropical Beach [Top Thirty-Two]
Tropical Beach [Top Sixteen]
Tropical Beach [Quarter Finalist]
Tropical Beach [Semi-Finalist]
Tropical Beach [Finalist]
Tropical Beach [Champion]
Tropical Beach [Staff].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Tropical Beach
Tropical Beach [Top Thirty-Two]
Tropical Beach [Top Sixteen]
Tropical Beach [Quarter Finalist]
Tropical Beach [Semi-Finalist]
Tropical Beach [Finalist]
Tropical Beach [Champion]
Tropical Beach [Staff]]]
Stadium [[Image:Rarity_2012 World Championships.png|x20px|2012 World Championships]] Promotion
BW51 [[Image:RegMarkCrobat
Crobat [Staff].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Crobat
Crobat [Staff]]]
Psychic [[Image:Rarity_Plasma Storm Prerelease participation promo
Plasma Storm Prerelease staff promo.png|x20px|Plasma Storm Prerelease participation promo
Plasma Storm Prerelease staff promo]]
BW52 [[Image:RegMarkLillipup.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Lillipup]] Colorless [[Image:Rarity_Emerging Challenges Box.png|x20px|Emerging Challenges Box]] Promotion
BW53 [[Image:RegMarkFlygon
Flygon [Staff].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Flygon
Flygon [Staff]]]
Dragon [[Image:Rarity_Boundaries Crossed Prerelease participation promo
Boundaries Crossed Prerelease staff promo.png|x20px|Boundaries Crossed Prerelease participation promo
Boundaries Crossed Prerelease staff promo]]
BW54 [[Image:RegMarkPikachu.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Pikachu]] Lightning [[Image:Rarity_Boundaries Crossed Stage 1 Blisters.png|x20px|Boundaries Crossed Stage 1 Blisters]] Promotion
BW55 [[Image:RegMarkElgyem.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Elgyem]] Psychic Boundaries Crossed Stage 1 Blisters Promotion
BW56 [[Image:RegMarkEmpoleon.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Empoleon]] Water [[Image:Rarity_Boundaries Crossed Three Pack Blisters.png|x20px|Boundaries Crossed Three Pack Blisters]] Promotion
BW57 [[Image:RegMarkHaxorus.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Haxorus]] Dragon Boundaries Crossed Three Pack Blisters Promotion
BW58 [[Image:RegMarkBlack Kyurem.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Black Kyurem]] Dragon [[Image:Rarity_Black Kyurem Box.png|x20px|Black Kyurem Box]] Promotion
BW59 [[Image:RegMarkWhite Kyurem.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|White Kyurem]] Dragon [[Image:Rarity_White Kyurem Box.png|x20px|White Kyurem Box]] Promotion
BW60 [[Image:RegMarkKeldeo [Tinsel Holo]
Keldeo [Non Holo].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Keldeo [Tinsel Holo]
Keldeo [Non Holo]]]
Water [[Image:Rarity_Keldeo Box
Kyurem VS. The Sword of Justice DVD release.png|x20px|Keldeo Box
Kyurem VS. The Sword of Justice DVD release]]
BW61 [[Image:RegMarkKeldeo-EX.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Keldeo-EX]] Water [[Image:Rarity_EX Power Tins.png|x20px|EX Power Tins]] Promotion
BW62 [[Image:RegMarkBlack Kyurem-EX.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Black Kyurem-EX]] Dragon EX Power Tins Promotion
BW63 [[Image:RegMarkWhite Kyurem-EX.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|White Kyurem-EX]] Dragon EX Power Tins Promotion
BW64 [[Image:RegMarkDrifblim.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Drifblim]] Psychic [[Image:Rarity_Plasma Storm Stage 1 Blisters.png|x20px|Plasma Storm Stage 1 Blisters]] Promotion
BW65 [[Image:RegMarkJigglypuff.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Jigglypuff]] Colorless Plasma Storm Stage 1 Blisters Promotion
BW66 [[Image:RegMarkNinetales.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Ninetales]] Fire [[Image:Rarity_Plasma Storm Three Pack Blisters.png|x20px|Plasma Storm Three Pack Blisters]] Promotion
BW67 [[Image:RegMarkAmpharos.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Ampharos]] Lightning Plasma Storm Three Pack Blisters Promotion
BW68 [[Image:RegMarkMeloetta.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Meloetta]] Psychic EX Power Tins Promotion
BW69 [[Image:RegMarkMeloetta.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Meloetta]] Fighting EX Power Tins Promotion
BW70 [[Image:RegMarkVirizion.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Virizion]] Grass [[Image:Rarity_Legends of Justice Box.png|x20px|Legends of Justice Box]] Promotion
BW71 [[Image:RegMarkTerrakion.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Terrakion]] Fighting Legends of Justice Box Promotion
BW72 [[Image:RegMarkCobalion.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Cobalion]] Metal Legends of Justice Box Promotion
BW73 [[Image:RegMarkDarkrai.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Darkrai]] Darkness [[Image:Rarity_Team Plasma Box.png|x20px|Team Plasma Box]] Promotion
BW74 [[Image:RegMarkGiratina.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Giratina]] Psychic Team Plasma Box Promotion
BW75 [[Image:RegMarkMetagross
Metagross [Staff].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Metagross
Metagross [Staff]]]
Psychic [[Image:Rarity_Plasma Freeze Prerelease participation promo
Plasma Freeze Prerelease staff promo.png|x20px|Plasma Freeze Prerelease participation promo
Plasma Freeze Prerelease staff promo]]
BW76 [[Image:RegMarkElectrode.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Electrode]] Lightning [[Image:Rarity_Plasma Freeze Single Pack Blisters.png|x20px|Plasma Freeze Single Pack Blisters]] Promotion
BW77 [[Image:RegMarkPikachu [Never issued].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Pikachu [Never issued]]] Lightning [[Image:Rarity_Plasma Freeze Three Pack Blisters.png|x20px|Plasma Freeze Three Pack Blisters]] Promotion
BW78 [[Image:RegMarkRaichu [Never issued].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Raichu [Never issued]]] Lightning Plasma Freeze Three Pack Blisters Promotion
BW79 [[Image:RegMarkLandorus.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Landorus]] Fighting Plasma Freeze Three Pack Blisters Promotion
BW80 [[Image:RegMarkDruddigon [Cosmos Holo]
Druddigon [Tinsel Holo].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Druddigon [Cosmos Holo]
Druddigon [Tinsel Holo]]]
Dragon [[Image:Rarity_Plasma Freeze Three Pack Blisters
Deoxys Box.png|x20px|Plasma Freeze Three Pack Blisters
Deoxys Box]]
BW81 [[Image:RegMarkThundurus-EX.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Thundurus-EX]] Lightning [[Image:Rarity_Team Plasma Tins.png|x20px|Team Plasma Tins]] Promotion
BW82 [[Image:RegMarkDeoxys-EX.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Deoxys-EX]] Psychic Team Plasma Tins Promotion
BW83 [[Image:RegMarkLugia-EX.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Lugia-EX]] Colorless Team Plasma Tins Promotion
BW84 [[Image:RegMarkPorygon-Z
Porygon-Z [Staff].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Porygon-Z
Porygon-Z [Staff]]]
Colorless [[Image:Rarity_Plasma Blast Prerelease participation promo
Plasma Blast Prerelease staff promo.png|x20px|Plasma Blast Prerelease participation promo
Plasma Blast Prerelease staff promo]]
BW85 [[Image:RegMarkLucario.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Lucario]] Fighting [[Image:Rarity_Plasma Blast Three Pack Blisters.png|x20px|Plasma Blast Three Pack Blisters]] Promotion
BW86 [[Image:RegMarkGenesect.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Genesect]] Grass Plasma Blast Three Pack Blisters Promotion
BW87 [[Image:RegMarkLeafeon.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Leafeon]] Grass [[Image:Rarity_Sylveon Collection.png|x20px|Sylveon Collection]] Promotion
BW88 [[Image:RegMarkFlareon.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Flareon]] Fire Sylveon Collection Promotion
BW89 [[Image:RegMarkVaporeon.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Vaporeon]] Water Sylveon Collection Promotion
BW90 [[Image:RegMarkGlaceon.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Glaceon]] Water Sylveon Collection Promotion
BW91 [[Image:RegMarkJolteon.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Jolteon]] Lightning Sylveon Collection Promotion
BW92 [[Image:RegMarkEspeon.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Espeon]] Psychic Sylveon Collection Promotion
BW93 [[Image:RegMarkUmbreon.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Umbreon]] Darkness Sylveon Collection Promotion
BW94 [[Image:RegMarkEevee.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Eevee]] Colorless Sylveon Collection Promotion
BW95 [[Image:RegMarkChampions Festival
Champions Festival [Top Thirty-Two]
Champions Festival [Top Sixteen]
Champions Festival [Quarter Finalist]
Champions Festival [Semi-Finalist]
Champions Festival [Finalist]
Champions Festival [Champion]
Champions Festival [Staff].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Champions Festival
Champions Festival [Top Thirty-Two]
Champions Festival [Top Sixteen]
Champions Festival [Quarter Finalist]
Champions Festival [Semi-Finalist]
Champions Festival [Finalist]
Champions Festival [Champion]
Champions Festival [Staff]]]
Stadium [[Image:Rarity_2013 World Championships.png|x20px|2013 World Championships]] Promotion
BW96 [[Image:RegMarkTornadus-EX
Tornadus-EX [Staff].png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Tornadus-EX
Tornadus-EX [Staff]]]
Colorless [[Image:Rarity_Legendary Treasures Prerelease participation promo
Legendary Treasures Prerelease staff promo.png|x20px|Legendary Treasures Prerelease participation promo
Legendary Treasures Prerelease staff promo]]
BW97 [[Image:RegMarkEevee.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Eevee]] Colorless [[Image:Rarity_Legendary Treasures Three Pack Blisters.png|x20px|Legendary Treasures Three Pack Blisters]] Promotion
BW98 [[Image:RegMarkMew.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Mew]] Psychic Legendary Treasures Three Pack Blisters Promotion
BW99 [[Image:RegMarkGenesect.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Genesect]] Grass [[Image:Rarity_Red Genesect Collection.png|x20px|Red Genesect Collection]] Promotion
BW100 [[Image:RegMarkN.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|N]] Supporter [[Image:Rarity_Pokémon League (Fennekin Season; 2013-2014 Cycle).png|x20px|Pokémon League (Fennekin Season; 2013-2014 Cycle)]] Promotion
BW101 [[Image:RegMarkGenesect.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Genesect]] Grass [[Image:Rarity_Genesect and the Legend Awakened DVD release.png|x20px|Genesect and the Legend Awakened DVD release]] Promotion

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Black & White Series
BW Black Star Promos
Black & White: Green TornadoRed FrenzyBlue Assault
McDonald's CollectionBlack & White Trainer Kit
Emerging Powers: Power PlayToxic Tricks
Noble Victories: Fast DazeFurious Knights
Next Destinies: Explosive EdgeVoltage Vortex
Dark Explorers: ShadowsRaiders
McDonald's Collection 2012
Dragons Exalted: DragonSpeedDragonSnarl
Dragon Vault
Boundaries Crossed: Ice ShockCold Fire
Plasma Storm: Plasma ClawPlasma Shadow
Plasma Freeze: Frost RayPsy Crusher
Plasma Blast: Mind WipeSolar Strike
Red Genesect CollectionMcDonald's Collection 2013
Legendary Treasures
BW Era
BW-P Promotional cards
Journey PartnersBeginning Set
Black CollectionWhite Collection
Battle Strength DecksBattle Theme Deck: Victini
Red Collection
Psycho DriveHail Blizzard
Reshiram-EX Battle Strength DeckZekrom-EX Battle Strength DeckBattle Gift Set: Thundurus vs Tornadus
Dark Rush
Dragon Selection
Dragon BlastDragon Blade: Hydreigon Half DeckGarchomp Half Deck
Keldeo Battle Strength DeckNational Beginning Set
Freeze BoltCold Flare
Plasma Gale: Team Plasma's Powered Half Deck
Master Deck Build Box EXBlack Kyurem-EX Battle Strength DeckWhite Kyurem-EX Battle Strength DeckTeam Plasma Battle Gift SetEveryone's Exciting Battle
Spiral ForceThunder Knuckle
Shiny Collection
Megalo Cannon: Blastoise + Kyurem-EX Combo Deck
EX Battle BoostMewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit