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The Shaymin Village (Japanese: シェイミのさとShaymin Village) is a village which is only available in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. There are only seven residents (six once the venture up Sky Peak is completed and a Shaymin is recruited) of Shaymin Village, all of which are Shaymin. It can only be accessed after an event at Spinda's Café, and afterwards it can be accessed as players normally would access dungeons. Above it are ten summit passes and nine resting stations, the top being the Sky Peak Summit. This can be accessed at the north end of the village. There is also a Shaymin near the Kangaskhan statue who will give out a Gracidea every time the player visits the Shaymin Village. However, the player must complete a job or dungeon for the Shaymin to give another Gracidea. Meaning only one
Gracidea can be obtained in each in-game day.
Team Frontier, Spinda's exploration team, can be found here before venturing up the mountain, amongst many other customers of Spinda's Cafe. Players can utilize the Drifblim gondola service located near the entrance to Sky Peak to travel between the village and Sky Peak's 2nd, 4th and 6th Station Clearings for free once they have arrived at the respective clearings.
If the player finds a Sky Gift in any of the Sky Peak Station Passes, the Pelipper in the southwest area of the town can send them off to the player's friends using Shaymin's Delivery Service. In turn they will send the player one back, which can be found at Spinda´s Cafe.
Once the player has visited Sky Peak Summit at least once, the second time the player reaches the summit, Shaymin will ask to join the player's party.