Artisan Cave (Japanese: アトリエのあなAtelier Hole) is a long cave connecting one end of the Battle Frontier to the other. The entrance is near the Battle Palace and the exit is right next to the Battle Tower. It only appears in Pokémon Emerald.
The cave is two levels high, contains several stat-boosting items, and the only wild Pokémon found inside is Smeargle. This is the only area in the third generation core series games (other than via the unused Altering Cave event) where the player can find Smeargle.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Emerald went with Todd Snap and all of the Frontier Brains, save for Noland, to Artisan Cave in A Sketchy Smattering of Smeargle to Skirting Around Surskit II to investigate where Jirachi was. They were surrounded by a herd of Smeargle that attacked them; however, Emerald ignored them. After finding Jirachi, he attempted to capture Jirachi with a Timer Ball, only to be stopped by Guile Hideout, who cut the Poké Ball in half. Guile Hideout was then revealed to have been the one who stole all of the rental Pokémon at the Battle Factory. Spenser, Brandon, Tucker, and Lucy then battled Guile Hideout to avenge Noland's back attack, but to no avail. Greta then distracted the opponent with her Umbreon's Double Team while Anabel fought with her Raikou's Thunder Shock to trap Guile, leaving Emerald alone to focus on capturing Jirachi without distractions. He weakened it using Crystal's Bonee and Monlee, then attempted to capture it with a Luxury Ball, though he was stopped by Guile's Surskit's Psybeam. Guile Hideout then attacked Emerald after trapping him with Surskit's nectar, but the Dusclops, Sudowoodo, and Sceptile that Emerald befriended protected him. Jirachi then vanished, and Guile subsequently left as well.
It is in Artisan Cave that Todd and Emerald realized the Dusclops and Sudowoodo that were released earlier in the arc followed Emerald due to their fondness of him.