
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
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A WorD ABoUT Me :-)

This user identifies as male.
This user comes from India.
This user's birthday is October 17.
This user is a Hindu.
This user is 16 years old.
This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
This user thinks Bulbapedia is the best Pokémon site ever!
This user dreams of Bulbapedia being complete someday.
This user dreams of Bulbanews having a lot of reporters someday.


This user loves Paul as an EPIC Rival.
This user watches the Pokémon anime on Cartoon Network.
This user watches the Pokémon anime on YouTube.

Tanmay has been a fan of Pokémon from the start of the anime in India. From the very first episode, he has seen, he is a die hard fan of Pokémon.

About ME

Hi! My name is Tanmay but I like to be called myself as tan or taninamdar

I am liberal. I am good person and wants to get friends with people. I started browsing bulbapedia to get information from it and eventually got addicted to it. Now I want to contribute to bulbapedia, but since I dont know the wiki - code, I am unable to do so.

I watch pokemon and play (but on PC), since I dont have any of the consoles. But I wish one day I too will have a consol.

My favourite pokemons are Charizard, Metagross, Magnezone, Dialga, Pikachu and Arceus.

I am also curious about the new Generation 5 on the horizon of Poke-sky and wish that at least this time I would be able to play it on the real console.