Ember Mountains

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Reason: Missing images and other languages for the stages

Ember Mountains (Japanese: ひのこ山地 Ember Mountains) is one of the first three areas available to purchase in Pokémon Rumble World. The Ember Balloon is required for access. It consists of three stages: Furnace Mountain, Fireweed Field, and Shrine of Magic, none of which have a special variant. It is predominately Fire type.

Fireweed Field

All Furfrou trims are available, but have randomized appearances with each visit. There is a title available for seeing and collecting all forms.

Pokémon Entrance Center Back
Spearow Spearow
Fearow Fearow Boss
Doduo Doduo
Dodrio Dodrio
Fletchling Fletchling
Fletchinder Fletchinder Boss
Talonflame Talonflame Boss
Furfrou Furfrou

Furnace Mountain

Pokémon Entrance Center Back
Charmander Charmander
Charmeleon Charmeleon Boss
Charizard Charizard Boss
Rattata Rattata
Ponyta Ponyta
Rapidash Rapidash Boss
Litleo Litleo
Pyroar Pyroar

Shrine of Magic

Pokémon Entrance Center Back
Nidoran♀ Nidoran♀
Nidorina Nidorina
Nidoqueen Nidoqueen
Pansear Pansear
Simisear Simisear Boss
Fennekin Fennekin
Braixen Braixen Boss
Delphox Delphox Boss

In other languages

Language Title
French Mont Brasier
German Glutgebirge
Italian Monti Scintilla
Spanish Monte Ascuas
Pokémon Rumble World locations
King's Training FieldLeafy ExpanseDewdrop BayEmber Mountains
Ruby VolcanoSapphire SeaGold PlateauSilver Isles
Diamond CraterPearl MarshBlack RealmWhite Ruins
Fairy LandDark LandOrigin HideawayStarlight Islands
Distortion LandPlasma TundraLegend TerrainChanging Land