Pika Cup

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Revision as of 02:19, 6 May 2015 by AllAreEqual (talk | contribs) (Illegal Pokémon: Even with tradebacks, you can't get a Tentacruel or Seadra below level 20.)

Pika Cup (Japanese: イエローカップ Yellow Cup) is the lowest-level Stadium Cup in Pokémon Stadium which did not return in Pokémon Stadium 2.

It is a cup for low level Pokémon between level 15 to level 20. The sum of the levels of the three Pokémon chosen cannot be more than 50. Technically, all Pokémon except for Mewtwo* and Mew are eligible to enter. However, getting strong Pokémon at that low of a level can get quite complicated. While some are catchable at low levels in certain versions (e.g. level 15 Dragonair in Pokémon Yellow), others are more complex and involve trading with in-game Trainers, then trading these Pokémon to different in-game Trainers in different games. Coincidentally, many of these involve Pokémon Yellow.


Pika Cup
Level Limit? 15-20
Total Level? 50
Sleep Clause? Yes
Freeze Clause? Yes
Species Clause? Yes
Self-KO Clause?100 Yes
Event Clause? Yes
Time Limit? No

Banned Pokémon
0150 Mewtwo Mewtwo
0151 Mew Mew

Pokémon Class

Ignoring glitches and tradebacks from Generation II, the following Pokémon may be legitimately obtained and entered into the cup.

A Pokémon with a * next to the version can only be obtained by trading across different versions, while a Pokémon with ** can only be obtained in the Japanese versions with the Japanese Blue.

Pokémon Versions
Where to Obtain
001 Bulbasaur 15 Starter PokémonRB; Cerulean CityY
002 Ivysaur 16 Evolve Bulbasaur
004 Charmander 15 Starter PokémonRB; Route 24Y
005 Charmeleon 16 Evolve Charmander
007 Squirtle 15 Starter PokémonRB; Vermilion CityY
008 Wartortle 16 Evolve Squirtle
010 Caterpie 15 Viridian Forest
011 Metapod 15 Evolve Caterpie; Viridian Forest
012 Butterfree 15 Evolve Metapod
013 Weedle 15 Viridian Forest
014 Kakuna 15 Evolve Weedle; Viridian Forest
015 Beedrill 15 Evolve Kakuna
016 Pidgey 15 Route 1
017 Pidgeotto 15Y, 18RB Viridian ForestY; evolve Pidgey
019 Rattata 15 Route 1
020 Raticate 15Y, 20RB Route 9Y; evolve Rattata
021 Spearow 15 Route 22
022 Fearow 19Y, 20RB Route 9Y; evolve Spearow
023 Ekans R 15 Route 4
025 Pikachu 15 Viridian ForestRB; starter PokémonY
026 Raichu 15 Evolve Pikachu
027 Sandshrew 15 Route 4
029 Nidoran♀ 15 Route 22
030 Nidorina 16 Evolve Nidoran♀
031 Nidoqueen 16 Evolve Nidorina
032 Nidoran♂ 15 Route 22
033 Nidorino 16 Evolve Nidoran♂
034 Nidoking 16 Evolve Nidorino
035 Clefairy 15 Mt. Moon
036 Clefable 15 Evolve Clefairy
037 Vulpix 15 Route 7
038 Ninetales 15 Evolve Vulpix
039 Jigglypuff 15 Route 3
040 Wigglytuff 15 Evolve Jigglypuff
041 Zubat 15 Mt. Moon
043 Oddish R 15 Route 24
046 Paras 15 Mt. Moon
047 Parasect * 15 Catch a low level VenonatY, then
trade it for Tangela at the Cinnabar Island labRB.
Trade Tangela for Parasect at Route 18Y.
048 Venonat 15 Route 24
050 Diglett 15 Diglett's Cave
051 Dugtrio * 15 Catch a low level SlowbroY, then
trade it for Lickitung at the Route 17 gateRB.
Trade Lickitung for Dugtrio at Route 11Y.
052 Meowth 15 Route 5
054 Psyduck 15 Kanto Safari ZoneRB; Route 6Y
055 Golduck 15 Route 6
056 Mankey R 15 Route 5R; Route 22Y
058 Growlithe R 15 Route 8
059 Arcanine R 15 Evolve Growlithe
060 Poliwag 15 Fish with the Good Rod
061 Poliwhirl 15 Fish on Route 22
062 Poliwrath 15 Evolve Poliwhirl
063 Abra 15 Route 24
064 Kadabra 16 Evolve Abra
065 Alakazam 16 Evolve Kadabra
066 Machop 15RB, 17Y Rock Tunnel
068 Machamp 16 Catch a level 16 Cubone in the Kanto Safari ZoneY,
then trade for a Machoke on Route 5.
069 Bellsprout 15 Route 24
072 Tentacool 15 Route 21
073 Tentacruel 20 Fish on Route 20
074 Geodude 15 Mt. Moon
076 Golem ** 16 In the Japanese Blue, trade a Kadabra for a Graveler
at the Cinnabar Island lab. An eligible Golem cannot be
obtained in the international Generation I games.
079 Slowpoke 15 Fish at the Kanto Safari Zone with the Super RodRB;
surf on Route 12Y
080 Slowbro 15 Surf on Route 12
081 Magnemite 16 Route 10
083 Farfetch'd 15 Trade a low level Spearow in Vermilion City.
084 Doduo 18 Route 16
087 Dewgong R* 15 Catch a low level GrowlitheR, then
trade it for Dewgong at the Cinnabar Island labY.
089 Muk ** 15 Catch a low level Golduck, then trade it for Rhydon at the
Cinnabar Island labY. Trade the Rhydon for a Kangaskhan
at the Cinnabar Island lab in the
Japanese Blue, then trade the Kangaskhan for a Muk
in the Cinnabar Island labY.
090 Shellder 15 Fish in Vermilion City
091 Cloyster 15 Evolve Shellder
092 Gastly 18 Pokémon Tower
093 Haunter 20 Pokémon Tower
094 Gengar 20 Evolve Haunter
095 Onix 15 Rock Tunnel
096 Drowzee 15 Route 11
098 Krabby 15 Fish at Route 25
099 Kingler 15 Fish at Route 25
100 Voltorb 15 Route 15
101 Electrode 15 Trade a low level Raichu for an Electrode at the
Cinnabar Island lab.
102 Exeggcute 20 Kanto Safari Zone
103 Exeggutor 20 Evolve Exeggcute
104 Cubone 16 Kanto Safari Zone
106 Hitmonlee 20 Possible reward for clearing the Gym Leader Castle
107 Hitmonchan 20 Possible reward for clearing the Gym Leader Castle
108 Lickitung * 15 Catch a low level SlowbroY, then trade it for a Lickitung at
Route 17RB.
111 Rhyhorn 20 Kanto Safari Zone
112 Rhydon 15 Catch a low level Golduck, then trade it for Rhydon at the
Cinnabar Island labY.
113 Chansey 15 Kanto Safari Zone
114 Tangela * 15 Catch a low level VenonatY, then trade it for a Tangela at the
Cinnabar Island labRB.
115 Kangaskhan ** 15 Catch a low level Golduck, then trade it for a Rhydon at the
Cinnabar Island labY. In the Japanese Blue, trade the Rhydon for a
Kangaskhan at the Cinnabar Island lab.
116 Horsea 15 Fish at Route 11
117 Seadra 20 Fish at Route 13
118 Goldeen 15 Fish practically anywhere with the Good Rod
120 Staryu 15 Fish at Route 19
121 Starmie 15 Evolve Staryu
122 Mr. Mime 15 Trade a low level AbraRB or ClefairyY at Route 2.
123 Scyther 15 Kanto Safari Zone
124 Jynx * 15 Catch a low level PoliwhirlY, then trade for a Jynx
in Cerulean CityRB.
127 Pinsir 15 Kanto Safari Zone
129 Magikarp 15 Fish anywhere with the Old Rod
130 Gyarados 15Y, 20RB Fish at Fuchsia CityY; evolve Magikarp
131 Lapras 15 Silph Co. employee
132 Ditto 15 Pokémon Mansion
137 Porygon 18 Celadon Game Corner
138 Omanyte 20 Possible reward for clearing the Gym Leader Castle
140 Kabuto 20 Possible reward for clearing the Gym Leader Castle
147 Dratini 15 Fish at the Kanto Safari Zone
148 Dragonair 15 Fish at the Kanto Safari Zone


Pokémon Versions
Where to Obtain
022 Fearow 15 Route 9
024 Arbok S 15 Route 3
028 Sandslash 15 Mt. Moon
042 Golbat 15 Route 42
044 Gloom 15 Route 5GS, Route 24C
045 Vileplume 15 Evolve Gloom
049 Venomoth 15 Route 9, Route 10
053 Persian S 17S, 18C Route 7
057 Primeape 15 Route 9
064 Kadabra 15 Route 8. In order to prevent Kadabra from evolving, it must be
deposited in a box in Pokémon Stadium 2 and withdrawn on a
Generation I game.
065 Alakazam 15 Evolve Kadabra
067 Machoke 15 Rock Tunnel. In order to prevent Machoke from evolving, it must be
deposited in a box in Pokémon Stadium 2 and withdrawn on a
Generation I game.
068 Machamp 15 Evolve Machoke
070 Weepinbell 15 Route 24
071 Victreebel 15 Evolve Weepinbell
076 Golem ** 15 Catch a low level KadabraGS. In the Japanese Blue,
trade a Kadabra for a Graveler at the Cinnabar Island lab.
077 Ponyta 15 Route 22 or breeding
078 Rapidash 15 Trade a low level Haunter for a Rapidash at Pewter City
081 Magnemite 15 Route 6 or breeding
082 Magneton * 15 Obtain a low level Dugtrio in the Generation I games, then trade
for a Magneton at the Kanto Power Plant.
084 Doduo 15 Route 22 or breeding
085 Dodrio * 15 Trade a low level Dragonair for one at Blackthorn City.
086 Seel 15 Breeding
088 Grimer 15 Celadon City or breeding
089 Muk 15 Celadon City
092 Gastly 15 Sprout Tower or breeding
093 Haunter 15 Rock Tunnel. In order to prevent Haunter from evolving, it must be
deposited in a box in Pokémon Stadium 2 and withdrawn on a
Generation I game.
094 Gengar 15 Evolve Haunter
097 Hypno 16 Route 11
102 Exeggcute 15 Headbutt trees in Johto or breeding
103 Exeggutor 15 Evolve Exeggcute
104 Cubone 15 Rock Tunnel or breeding
105 Marowak 15 Rock Tunnel
109 Koffing 15 Burned Tower or breeding
110 Weezing 16 Burned Tower
111 Rhyhorn 15 Breeding
115 Kangaskhan 15 Rock Tunnel or breeding
119 Seaking 15 Surf at Route 4
125 Electabuzz 15GS, 16C Route 10
126 Magmar 15 Burned Tower
128 Tauros 15 Route 38 or breeding
133 Eevee 15 Celadon Game CornerGS or breeding
134 Vaporeon 15 Evolve Eevee
135 Jolteon 15 Evolve Eevee
136 Flareon 15 Evolve Eevee
137 Porygon 15 Celadon Game CornerC or breeding
138 Omanyte * 15 Trade an Omanyte from a Generation I game and breed it
140 Kabuto * 15 Trade a Kabuto from a Generation I game and breed it
142 Aerodactyl 15 Trade a low level Chansey for an Aerodactyl at Route 14 or breeding
143 Snorlax 15 Breeding

Eligible but unavailable without cheats or glitches

The following Pokémon cannot be found at a low enough level in any game from Generation I or II to be used in the Pika Cup.

0003 Venusaur Venusaur
Grass Poison
0006 Charizard Charizard
Fire Flying
0009 Blastoise Blastoise
0018 Pidgeot Pidgeot
Normal Flying
0075 Graveler Graveler
Rock Ground
0139 Omastar Omastar
Rock Water
0141 Kabutops Kabutops
Rock Water
0144 Articuno Articuno
Ice Flying
0145 Zapdos Zapdos
Electric Flying
0146 Moltres Moltres
Fire Flying
0149 Dragonite Dragonite
Dragon Flying

Illegal Pokémon

Several of the Trainers use underleveled Pokémon. However, some of these Pokémon become eligible with tradebacks.

  • Mr. Fix uses a level 15 Magnemite in Round 1, which is unobtainable without the Generation I Mew Glitch or tradebacks.
  • Hiker uses a level 15 Seadra in Round 1, which is unobtainable without the Generation I Mew Glitch.
  • Swimmer uses a level 17 Seadra in Round 2, which is unobtainable without the Generation I Mew Glitch.
  • Burglar uses a level 15 Tentacruel in Round 2, which is unobtainable without the Generation I Mew Glitch.
  • Fisher uses a level 15 Machamp and a level 15 Golem in Round 2. A level 15 Machamp is obtainable through a tradeback, but a level 15 Golem is not.

Some of the rental Pokémon are also underleveled, including Ivysaur, Charmeleon, and Wartortle.

Rental Pokémon

Main article: List of Pika Cup Rental Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium


Round 1

Battle 1

Battle 2

Battle 3

Battle 4

Battle 5

Battle 6



Round 2

Battle 1

Battle 2

Battle 3

Battle 4

Battle 5

Battle 6



In other languages

Language Title
French Pika Coupe
German Pika-Cup
Italian Pika-Coppa
Spanish Pika Copa
Features of the Stadium series
Stadium Cups: Pika CupPetit CupPoké CupPrime Cup
Nintendo Cup '97Nintendo Cup '98Nintendo Cup '99
Little CupChallenge Cup
Modes: Stadium ModeBattle Mode
Other: Gym Leader CastleWhite City
Earl's Pokémon AcademyGame Boy TowerKids Club
Mobile StadiumMystery GiftPokémon LabVictory Palace

This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.