Mt. Battle

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Mt. Battle バトル山
Mt. Battle
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: A place of challenging training for all trainers. It is currently held by a sinister gang.*Colo
A place for Pokémon battle training that is always open to all trainer challenges.Colo
A place for Pokémon battle training that is always open to Trainers.XD
Location: Northern Orre
Region: Orre
Generations: III

Location of Mt. Battle in Orre.
Pokémon world locations

Mt. Battle (Japanese: バトル山 Mt. Battle) is a large mountain in northern Orre that was renovated to become the ultimate challenge for Pokémon Trainers in the games Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. Challengers must battle through ten areas, each containing ten Trainers (Zones), to pass the challenge—a total of one hundred battles.

The mountain itself is exceedingly large and has a variety of terrain, ranging from basic rocky crags, to the volcanic inside of the mountain, to the lofty peaks. The pathway up Mt. Battle is made with metallic platforms suspended in mid-air with propellers.


The lobby of Mt. Battle consists of a healing machine operated by an attendant along with a PC (essentially a Pokémon Center), a Poké Coupon exchange, a Move Deleter, and the 100-battle challenge reception counter. In Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, it also contains a Move Reminder.

The prizes available at the coupon exchange, as well as the number of coupons necessary to acquire them, vary slightly by game:

Item Price (C) Price (XD)
Battle items
BrightPowder BrightPowder 10,000PC 8,000PC
Choice Band Choice Band 10,000PC 8,000PC
Focus Band Focus Band 10,000PC 8,000PC
King's Rock King's Rock 10,000PC 8,000PC
Leftovers Leftovers 10,000PC
Mental Herb Mental Herb 8,000PC 6,000PC
Quick Claw Quick Claw 10,000PC 8,000PC
Scope Lens Scope Lens 10,000PC 8,000PC
Shell Bell Shell Bell 8,000PC
White Herb White Herb 8,000PC 6,000PC
Apicot Berry Apicot Berry 15,000PC 15,000PC
Ganlon Berry Ganlon Berry 15,000PC 15,000PC
Petaya Berry Petaya Berry 15,000PC 15,000PC
Salac Berry Salac Berry 15,000PC 15,000PC
TM Ice TM13 (Ice Beam) 4,000PC 4,000PC
TM Electric TM24 (Thunderbolt) 4,000PC 4,000PC
TM Psychic TM29 (Psychic) 3,500PC 3,500PC
TM Ghost TM30 (Shadow Ball) 4,500PC
TM Normal TM32 (Double Team) 1,500PC
TM Fire TM35 (Flamethrower) 4,000PC 4,000PC


Item Location Games
None Time Flute Reward for defeating Dakim  Colo 
TM Steel TM47 (Steel Wing) Reward for defeating Dakim  Colo 
None F-Disk Reward for defeating Dakim  Colo 
Full Heal Full Heal To right of the stairs leading to the entrance  XD 


The mountain itself is basically a large, hollowed out, active volcano. There are 99 yellow-outlined circular platforms (each numbered in giant red numbers, ranging from 1 to 99) that serve as the battlefields. Each is connected to the platforms before and after it by either stairs or bridges. These platforms are seen inside and outside of the volcano. There are large fans placed below the platforms, which cool the battlefields and/or keep them suspended in the air. The 100th battlefield is suspended over the mouth of the seemingly active volcano. It's surrounded by metal towers and is much larger than the last 99 battlefields. For some reason, the Trainers on the platforms inside or outside of the volcano don't seem to mind the heat or seem concerned over the safety of the battlefield's close proximity of molten lava.



Trainer Pokémon
Athlete Aidel
Athlete Aidel
Reward: $624
Pikachu Pikachu Lv.39
No item
Vulpix Vulpix Lv.38
No item
Athlete Aidel
Athlete Aidel
Reward: $640
Pikachu Pikachu Lv.40
No item
Vulpix Vulpix Lv.39
No item
Abra Abra Lv.38
No item
Trainers with a Poké Ball by their names may be challenged for a rematch after defeating certain bosses. In a rematch they may have higher-level Pokémon, and any Shadow Pokémon previously caught will be replaced.

100-battle challenge

Pokémon Colosseum

In Pokémon Colosseum, the 100-battle challenge can be attempted in either Story Mode or Battle Mode. In Story Mode, the opposing Trainers use Pokémon whose levels range from level 15 in Zone 1 to level 60, the highest found in the challenge, in Zone 90. The levels of the opposing Pokémon generally increase as the challenge progresses up the mountain, with the exception of one Zone in Area 4. After each of the first nine Areas is a break room containing a PC and an Abra enlisted as part of the Mt. Battle staff. Here, the challenger can change their party, save the game, or be teleported by Abra to the foot of the mountain if they wish to quit or rest. They can then resume their challenge later from the start of any completed Area.

Two Time Flutes can be obtained from Mt. Battle. The first is obtained as part of the storyline after defeating Dakim in Zone 10. The second is found in an item chest on the summit of Mt. Battle, just before reaching Zone 100.

The Battle Mode version of the challenge differs significantly from the Story Mode version. In Battle Mode, the challenger can choose to fight Single Battles or Double Battles. Either way, the levels of all opposing Pokémon are set at either level 50 or 100 at the challenger's discretion. However, if the challenger chose to fight at level 50 and they have a Pokémon with a level higher than 50 in their party, all opposing Pokémon will be set at that level. Unlike in Story Mode, the party cannot be changed once the challenge has begun nor can a challenger quit after completing an Area and resume from that position later. The challenger can save their progress, however.

In both modes, the challenger is given Poké Coupons upon completing an area by a staff member in the break room following that area, with the exact amount varying by area and mode:

Area Story Mode Battle Mode
1 100 50
2 200 100
3 400 200
4 600 400
5 800 800
6 800 1,600
7 900 1,800
8 900 2,000
9 1,000 3,000
10 1,200 5,000

Note that the reward in Battle Mode is reduced by approximately 13% for every legendary Pokémon that is included in the party. For example, the use of Entei would cut the reward in Area 1 to 44 Poké Coupons. By using Entei and Raikou, the reward drops to 37 Poké Coupons, and so forth.


Ho-Oh can be acquired at Mt. Battle by defeating all 100 Trainers in Battle Mode (either Single or Double Battle) with their Story Mode party after purifying all 48 Shadow Pokémon in Story Mode. Ho-Oh will then be placed in an open spot in the PC's Pokémon Storage.

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
HO-OH* Dex No. 0250 Random nature. Normal Recover None
Lv70 Type Met in a fateful encounter when Fire Fire Blast
Fire Flying at Lv 70. Fire Sunny Day
OT MATTLE   Normal Swift
ID No. 10048 There is no limit to this Pokémon's availability.
It may be obtained on any date, beginning from
when it was released.
It was available in all regions.
Item Ability
None None Pressure
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: R S FR LG E
Obtained from: Colo XD Box Chn Distribution

Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness

In Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, the general format for the challenge is the same as that of Colosseum's Story Mode. The only significant change is in the levels of the Pokémon used, as they now range from level 9 in Zone 1 to level 70, the highest found in the challenge, in Zone 99. There are also significant jumps in levels between Areas 2 and 3, Areas 4 and 5, and Areas 6 and 7. The rewards for completing each Area in Pokémon XD are as follows:

Area Coupons Item*
1 200 Macho Brace Macho Brace
2 300 TM Water TM03 (Water Pulse)
3 600 TM Electric TM34 (Shock Wave)
4 700 TM Normal TM42 (Facade)
5 1,000 TM Rock TM39 (Rock Tomb)
6 1,200 TM Fire TM50 (Overheat)
7 1,500 TM Psychic TM04 (Calm Mind)
8 1,600 TM Fighting TM08 (Bulk Up)
9 1,700 TM Flying TM40 (Aerial Ace)
10 2,000

As in Pokémon Colosseum, the use of legendary Pokémon will reduce the Poké Coupon reward. However, in Pokémon XD, use of legendary Pokémon cuts the reward by 15%, leaving the player with 85% of the original coupons. Using two would leave him/her with 72¼% of the original (85% of 85%).

Earth Ribbon and the Johto starters

If all 100 Trainers are defeated over the course of multiple trips to Mt. Battle, there is no additional reward other than the 2,000 Poké Coupons for clearing Area 10. Similarly, there is no bonus for defeating all 100 Trainers with different parties during a single, continuous challenge. However, if all 100 Trainers are defeated with the same party during a single, continuous challenge—essentially, if Mt. Battle is cleared under the restrictions from Colosseum's Battle Mode—each of the Pokémon in the player's party will receive an Earth Ribbon commemorating the 100-win streak. Additionally, the player is offered one of the three Johto starters: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile. They are unique in that they each have one Egg move and one Hyper Beam-related move. The other two moves are standard. All three of the following Pokémon can be acquired by successfully completing the Mt. Battle challenge three times, but each one can only be obtained once. It is not necessary to use different teams of Pokémon for each challenge.

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
CHIKORITA* / Dex No. 0152 Random nature. Normal Tackle None
Lv5 Type Met in a fateful encounter when Normal Growl
Grass Unknown at Lv 5. Rock AncientPower
OT (Player's)   Grass Frenzy Plant
ID No. (Player's) There is no limit to this Pokémon's availability.
It may be obtained on any date, beginning from
when it was released.
It was available in all regions.
Item Ability
None None Overgrow
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: R S FR LG E
Obtained from: Colo XD Box Chn Distribution
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
CYNDAQUIL* / Dex No. 0155 Random nature. Normal Tackle None
Lv5 Type Met in a fateful encounter when Normal Leer
Fire Unknown at Lv 5. Fighting Reversal
OT (Player's)   Fire Blast Burn
ID No. (Player's) There is no limit to this Pokémon's availability.
It may be obtained on any date, beginning from
when it was released.
It was available in all regions.
Item Ability
None None Blaze
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: R S FR LG E
Obtained from: Colo XD Box Chn Distribution
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
TOTODILE* / Dex No. 0158 Random nature. Normal Scratch None
Lv5 Type Met in a fateful encounter when Normal Leer
Water Unknown at Lv 5. Dark Crunch
OT (Player's)   Water Hydro Cannon
ID No. (Player's) There is no limit to this Pokémon's availability.
It may be obtained on any date, beginning from
when it was released.
It was available in all regions.
Item Ability
None None Torrent
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: R S FR LG E
Obtained from: Colo XD Box Chn Distribution


In other languages

Language Title
European French Mont Bataille
German Duellberg
Italian Monte Lotta
European Spanish Monte Batalla

Areas of Mt. Battle

Phenac CityPyrite TownAgate VillageThe UnderGateon Port
Outskirt StandPrestige Precept CenterPyrite Bldg/ONBSPyrite CaveRelic CaveRelic StoneThe Under Subway
Cipher LabSnagem HideoutPokémon HQ LabKaminko's HousePoké SpotS.S. LibraCipher Key LairCitadark Isle
Colosseums and stadiums
Phenac StadiumPyrite ColosseumUnder Colosseum
Realgam ColosseumDeep ColosseumOrre Colosseum
Tournament areas
Mt. BattleRealgam Tower

This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.