Appendix:Emerald walkthrough/Section 17

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Catching the Eon Duo

Once you start your save file again you should be in your room at your house in Littleroot Town. Go downstairs and your father will be there. He gives you a present from your old friend Mr. Briney, the S.S. Ticket for the S.S. Tidal. A TV show will play and your mom will ask the color of the Pokémon that appeared on TV. Selecting "Red" will cause Latias to roam Hoenn, while selecting "Blue" will cause Latios to roam Hoenn instead. When in possession of the Eon Ticket event item, the other part of the duo will be accessible at Southern Island. The non-roaming Latias has better defensive stats than Latios, but the blue Eon's attacking stats are better. Catching these Pokémon is not an easy task; they can be found in any random grass patch and will attempt to escape in every turn of the battle. These Pokémon are probably the best one to use your Master Ball on but if you already used yours or you don't want to, there are some strategies you can utilize. One strategy is to use Mean Look so the Pokémon can't escape. However, the Eon duo are fast and your Pokémon needs to be faster in order to use the move before it escapes so speedy Pokémon like Gengar and Crobat are recommended. Also give your leading Pokémon the Quick Claw, because this will increase the chances that you will have the first attack.

Dragon Psychic
Held item:
Latias Lv.40
Water Sport
Mist Ball
Dragon Psychic
Held item:
Latios Lv.40
Luster Purge

Walk around in any grass patch in Hoenn and if you are lucky, you might encounter Latias/Latios! Alternatively, you can use the techniques described in Roaming Pokémon.

After leave your house, Professor Birch will ambush you, and take you to his lab. Next, he will take your Pokédex and upgrade it to National Mode. Now you can trade directly with Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen!

Shortly after leaving the lab, you'll get a call from Scott.

Steven's gift

Go to Steven's house on the far west side of Mossdeep City. Enter it to find a note left for you on the table. It says that he has gone on a journey and is leaving a Beldum, his favorite Pokémon, as a gift for you. A Poké Ball next to the note contains a Level 5 Beldum.

Gym Leaders and Wally rematches

You can also rematch the Gym Leaders and Wally.

  • The Gym Leaders can be rematched to a Double Battle, and the only way to rematch with them is to wait until they are ready. Here the Match Call will alert you.
  • Wally can be repeatedly rematched once per day (without regard the hidden game mechanic) and they will take place near the exit of the Victory Road. Also he belongs to group of unique trainers and is the only opponent which the Match Call doesn't alert you about a rematch.

Safari Zone

The six areas of the Safari Zone

Head back to the Safari Zone to gain access to Areas 5 and 6 and get new items and catch new Generation II Pokémon for your National Pokédex quest.

Area 5

Area 6

You can find Miltank here. Miltank has already learned the rare Milk Drink move, which to take away some HP from her and restore another party Pokémon's HP. This would be the thirteenth and at the same time the last field move (are 14 in total) that you can get in the game without trades.

Altering Cave

Altering Cave

Altering Cave is found on Route 103, in the eastern side. Only Zubat can be found in it.

Desert Underpass

Desert Underpass

Remember the Fossil guy on Route 114 that gave you TM28 (Dig)? Well, revisit his house and go back to that long tunnel. You will find that there is a new cave. Enter it and you're now in the Desert Underpass!

The Desert Underpass is the only place where wild Ditto can be found. They can only learn one move, Transform. Also wild Ditto, have a 5% chance of holding Metal Powder which enhances the Defense of Ditto by 50%, but does not work when Transformed. Finally, Ditto is extremely useful if you want to breed Pokémon.

Also, remember the Fossil that crumbled along with the Mirage Tower? It's there at the very end of the cave!

Trick House

Main article: Trick House

If you followed to the letter the Trick House article, then you will lack complete only the Puzzle 8.

NOTE: As mentioned before, be sure to get all items, since these can be permanently missed, including the one in the Prize room while you're doing the Puzzle 8.

Battle with Steven

Steven's cave

Go to Meteor Falls, a large cave west of Fallarbor Town with a waterfall inside. Navigate through the cave to find Steven deep inside. When talked to he will battle with you. Watch out though, his Pokémon are considerably stronger than the Champion's.

Trainer Hill

Trainer Hill
Main article: Trainer Hill

Trainer Hill' is a facility located just north of Mauville City, on Route 111. Trainer Hill is a tower designed for Trainers to race and battle through quickly. The concept remains mostly unchanged from the Trainer Tower: each battle mode has a default time and if beaten, offers a rare in-game item as prizes. The player's Pokémon will not be healed between battles, though recovery items such as Revives and Potions can be used both during and between battles. The prizes here vary depending on the time taken, and all battles conducted here are Double Battles. The modes here escalate in difficulty.

Battles conducted inside of Trainer Hill do not award experience or money. The level of the Pokémon used by Trainers will also match your highest-leveled Pokémon.

S.S. Tidal

With your S.S. Ticket, make your way to one of the ports at Slateport or Lilycove. Board the ship at the harbour and you will now be on board the S.S. Tidal! Scott will come and greet you and you can spend some time on the ship. Over here, you can collect Leftovers from a bin in the basement and someone in one of the cabins will give out TM49 (Snatch). Of course, there are trainers waiting to battle!

After a while, the ship will dock. Exit the ship and board it once again. This time, choose to go to the Battle Frontier!

Battle Frontier

Battle Frontier
Main article: Battle Frontier

The lady on the left will issue to you a Frontier Pass. Scott pops in and invites you to his house, then leaves. If you want, you can talk to the woman on the right or the two men up top for a introduction to the Battle Frontier. When you're ready, leave through the door at the top.

The Battle Frontier is a fun place to go if you want to show off your battling skills and participate in more difficult battles, and you can purchase valuable items with Battle Points you've won. There is an old man in the house north of the Pokémon Center that can check the IVs of your Pokémon, if you're into that sort of thing. In a house next to the Battle Tower, you can trade a Meowth for a Skitty, which is on Route 116. There is also a Level 40 Sudowoodo that people have mistaken for a tree. If you water it with the Wailmer Pail, it will attack and you can choose to capture or defeat it.

In the house south of the Battle Pyramid, will be the Betting man, which will be available after you receiving at least 3 Silver Symbols; here he will ask you to compete in a random facility, which changes daily. You can give him 5, 10, or 15 BP. If you win, the man will give him back twice the amount you gave him. If you lose, the Battle Points are lost.

Scott will award you with 1, 2 or 3 BP depending of amount times you talked to him per each location throughout the game. If you followed to the letter the walkthrough, you will get 3 BP from him.

Note that the Battle Frontier is for extremely skilled Trainers who can get long win streaks. That is the main purpose of the battle facilities: to train you not to lose. If you win enough battles in each facility, you can fight the Trainer (called the Frontier Brain) in charge of the building you're in. It will be a difficult fight, but the Frontier Brains' teams are listed below. The best way to win is to know your enemy!

Salon Maiden Anabel's Silver Symbol challenge

Salon Maiden Anabel's Gold Symbol challenge

Palace Maven Spenser's Silver Symbol challenge

Palace Maven Spenser's Gold Symbol challenge

Spenser also has a Dusclops and Azurill, but they won't participate in his battle with you.

Factory Head Noland's Silver and Gold Symbol challenges

Like the challenger, Noland uses rental Pokémon. Therefore, all of his Pokémon are random for both the Gold and Silver Symbols, so he can use any Pokémon except for those that are not admissible in the Battle Frontier; these include Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, and Deoxys.

Pyramid King Brandon's Silver Symbol challenge

Pyramid King Brandon's Gold Symbol challenge

Dome Ace Tucker's Silver Symbol challenge

Dome Ace Tucker's Gold Symbol challenge

Arena Tycoon Greta's Silver Symbol challenge

Arena Tycoon Greta's Gold Symbol challenge

Pike Queen Lucy's Silver Symbol challenge

Pike Queen Lucy's Gold Symbol challenge

Artisan Cave

Entrance to Artisan Cave
Artisan Cave B1F

Smeargle can only be found in Artisan Cave located near the Battle Frontier. The only move a wild Smeargle knows is its signature move, Sketch, which can permanently copy nearly every move and only has 1 PP. Therefore, it may be a good idea to use a move that avoids damage on the first turn of battle such as Protect or Dig. Smeargle will then be forced to use Struggle, making an easy capture, yet you will keep the Sketch for your own use. Smeargle learns Sketch every 10 levels and also from the Move Reminder. Therefore, it is possible to come up with practically any moveset. Male Smeargle can also be used for breeding moves to other Pokémon.

Weather Institute

There is a meteorologist here that has found unusual weather patterns. On certain Routes, there will be a downpour or unusually bright sunlight. Routes with unusual weather are where either Terra Cave or Marine Cave will appear. The caves are where Groudon and Kyogre await, respectively. But you have to get to the Route that the cave is on very quickly. If you don't, the cave will vanish and its counterpart will be available instead! Before you start chasing these miraculously teleporting caves, keep in mind that Kyogre and Groudon are Level 70 and extremely powerful.

Catching the Super-Ancient Pokémon

Marine Cave

Marine Cave locations

Marine Cave can appear on the following routes, depending on the scientist's indication of unusually heavy rain:

When you arrive at the route the scientist indicated, you must find and dive into a small dive square somewhere on the route. Resurface, enter the cave there, and find Kyogre in a pool of water at the back. It is stationary and will not disappear, so don't worry about leaving the cave to return later if you feel you can't fight it yet. You can even enter battle with it and then run away, and it will still be there. However, if you defeat it, it will disappear forever, so be careful!

Water Unknown
Held item:
Kyogre Lv.70
Hydro Pump
Sheer Cold

When you feel prepared to capture Kyogre, make sure that you have 40 or more Net Balls in your Bag. This Poké Ball variety is the one that works best on Water-types. Anyway, navigate your way to the end of Marine Cave, save your game, and talk to Kyogre to initiate a battle. Lower its HP bar to red with a good Grass- or Electric-type attack and use other moves, if necessary, to get its HP to the ideal zone. Keep throwing Net Balls until you catch it. It's important to keep in mind that Kyogre knows Rest, a move which completely restores its HP and removes status conditions. However, Kyogre then has to sleep for three turns and its catch rate is increased during that time. Also, watch out for Hydro Pump, a powerful move which has STAB and greatly increases in power because of the rain, and the One-hit KO move Sheer Cold. Be careful of Double-Edge as well, since Kyogre receives recoil damage after using it, which is risky if it has low HP. Remember, if you accidentally defeat Kyogre, you can soft reset the game, since you saved beforehand.

Terra Cave

Terra Cave locations

Terra Cave can appear on the following routes, depending on the scientist's indication of unusually bright sunlight:

When you arrive at the route the scientist indicated, you must find the cave bathed in bright sunlight on the route. (On Route 114, you will need Waterfall to access it.) Enter the cave and find Groudon in a pool of lava at the back. It is stationary and will not disappear, so don't worry about leaving the cave to return later if you feel you can't fight it yet. You can even enter battle with it and then run away, and it will still be there. (Don't defeat it, however, unless you are going to trade someone for it or don't plan on capturing it at all.)

Ground Unknown
Held item:
Groudon Lv.70
Fire Blast

When you're prepared to capture Groudon, make sure that you have 40 or more Ultra Balls in your Bag. These will provide the highest catch rate in this battle. Once you've gotten through the cave to Groudon, save your game and then talk to it to start a battle. Use a good Ice-, Grass-, or Water-type move and then attacks that do normal damage to get Groudon's HP bar down to red. Then, throw Ultra Balls until you catch it. Like Kyogre, Groudon knows Rest and can therefore heal itself, but its catch rate increases while it's sleeping. Groudon's Ability causes Fire Blast's power to increase by 50% and allows SolarBeam to be used without charging, so watch out! Any Pokémon hit by Fissure will instantly faint. Since you saved beforehand, you can turn off the power to reset the game if something goes wrong in this battle.

Sky Pillar

Sky Pillar 2F
Sky Pillar 3F
Sky Pillar 4F

Note: Rayquaza can be caught any time after it has stopped the fight between Groudon and Kyogre.

Rayquaza will be waiting at the top level of the Sky Pillar, which is just a short Surf from Pacifidlog Town. You will need a Mach Bike to ride past the cracked tiles. The tower has crumbled since you've been here last, and will be a lot harder to get through! Every other floor will have a lot of cracked tiles, but the floors with cracked tiles do not have wild Pokémon.

Dragon Flying
Air Lock
Held item:
Rayquaza Lv.70

Before talking to Rayquaza, save the game. Make sure you bring 40 or more Ultra Balls and have your party at full health. When you're ready, talk to Rayquaza. It's a Dragon/Flying-type and therefore has a 4× weakness to Ice-type moves. Use a powerful Rock-, Dragon-, or Ice-type move to bring it down to low health and hopefully Freeze it. Be wary of ExtremeSpeed, which always goes first and can possibly take your Pokémon down in a few shots before you can do much. Rayquaza also knows Fly, Rest to heal itself, and the extremely powerful attack Outrage. Once Rayquaza's HP bar is down to yellow or red, inflict a status condition such as sleep or paralysis. Take it down to low health with normally effective moves or False Swipe, then keep throwing Ultra Balls. If (and when) Rayquaza heals itself with Rest, use the opportunity to gets its HP down again and catch it while it's still sleeping.

Remember that if you knock out Rayquaza, accidentally run away, or if it defeats you, you can reset the game and try again.

Catching the Regis

Note: The Regis can be caught any time after you have seven Badges.

These interesting creatures are considerably easier to catch than Kyogre or Groudon because they are each only Level 40. Each one is in a tiny cave on a different route, accessible only after the Sealed Chamber's puzzle has been solved.

Unlocking the Sealed Chamber

The underwater path to the Sealed Chamber
First room of Sealed Chamber
Second room of Sealed Chamber

You will need Surf, Dive, a Relicanth, a Wailord, and a Pokémon knowing Dig to successfully open the Sealed Chamber. A Relicanth can be caught in underwater patches of seaweed, and Wailord evolves from Wailmer at Level 40 and is also extremely rarely found on Route 129. (Evolving Wailord from Wailmer is much easier than trying to find a wild one, since it has a 1% encounter rate). Whereas Dig, can be learned by Trapinch at level 41 or Nincada at level 45.

On Route 134, there is a certain spot where you can use Dive. Dive there, and once you're underwater, head through the door and continue traveling south to reach a strange inscription. this inscription is coded in Braille. At the exact spot in front of the inscription, use Dive again. You will now be in a mysterious cave filled with mounds of earth. Position Wailord in the first slot of your party and Relicanth in the sixth. At the north end of the cave, there is another inscription. Use Dig right in front of it to open the door to the next room. In the second room, read the inscription in the northern part of the room and there will be an earthquake! The Regis are now unlocked.


File:Desert Ruins RSE.png
Outside of Desert Ruins

Regirock awaits in the Desert Ruins of Route 111's desert. You will need Rock Smash. This braille inscription says, "Left, left, down, down. Then, use Rock Smash." Read the inscription and take two steps west and two steps south. Then, use Rock Smash and the door will open. Bbefore you start the battle, make sure that you have 45 or more Ultra Balls with you. It will take 10, 20, 30, or maybe even 40 tries to catch this Pokémon. If you think you're ready, save your game and then talk to Regirock. (Prepare for some interesting battle music.)

Rock Unknown
Clear Body
Held item:
Regirock Lv.40
Rock Throw

Regirock is weak to Fighting-, Ground-, Grass-, Steel-, and Water-type moves. Use a supereffective move or two to get Registeel's HP down to under half, and then use normally effective or "not very effective" attacks to gets its HP down to red. Then, throw Ultra Balls until you catch it, making sure to watch out for Rock Throw, Superpower, and AncientPower! Regirock's base Attack of 100 (which can boost with Curse) can be a real threat. Don't use Pokémon weak to Rock or Fighting in this battle unless they are extremely high-leveled. If things go wrong, turn off the power and things will be OK again. Always save beforehand when attempting to capture Legendary Pokémon unless you're using a Master Ball.


File:Island Cave RSE.png
Outside of Island Cave

Regice awaits in the Island Cave, accessible by Surf on Route 105. This cave also has a puzzle, but it's easy. Following the braille inscription's directions ("Stay close to the wall. Run around one lap."), walk clockwise once around the inside of the cave, staying as close to the wall as possible. If you do it right, the door will open.

Before you talk to Regice to start the battle, make sure that you have 45 or more Ultra Balls with you. It will take 10, 20, 30, or maybe even 40 tries to catch this Pokémon. If you think you're ready, save your game and then talk to Regice.

Ice Unknown
Clear Body
Held item:
Regice Lv.40
Icy Wind

Regice is weak to Fire-, Steel-, Rock-, and Fighting-type moves. Don't take it lightly because of all these weaknesses— its defensive stats are massive, with Special Defense in particular being truly astounding. The only one of its attacks you need to be wary of is Icy Wind. With Regice's abysmal Attack, Superpower and AncientPower won't do much. Get its HP down to red and then keep chucking Ultra Balls until you catch it. If something goes wrong, like if you accidentally knock Regice out or it knocks itself out with Struggle, simply turn off your game (if you saved beforehand as instructed) and everything will be OK again.


File:Ancient Tomb RSE.png
Outside of Ancient Tomb

Registeel awaits in the Ancient Tomb on Route 120. You will need Flash. The inscription reads "Those who inherit our will, shine in the middle." this time. What you need to do is stand in the center of the cave and use Flash. If you do it right, the door will open. You know the drill— just like with the other two Regis, first make sure that you have 45 or more Ultra Balls with you, then save your game and then talk to Registeel.

Steel Unknown
Clear Body
Held item:
Registeel Lv.40
Metal Claw

Registeel is weak to Fighting-, Ground-, and Fire-type moves. Keep in mind that its Defense and Special Defense are quite good. Use a supereffective move or two to get Registeel's HP down to under half, and then use Electric-type or Water-type attacks to gets its HP down to red. Then, throw Ultra Balls until you catch it. (Remember, if you mess up in some way, turning off the power will fix everything since you saved the game beforehand.)

Now that you've caught all the Legendary Pokémon in the game, there aren't any official quests left, except completing the Pokédex! With 386 Pokémon in this game, it'll be harder than it was in the past two generations, and you'll need to trade with other games to get them all, but completing the National Pokédex is an achievable goal.

Johto Starters

Once you trade between the other games and collect the Pokémon necessary to complete the Hoenn Pokédex (excluding the event Pokémon), you can go to Professor Birch's lab in Littleroot Town to collect a prize to help along the quest of completing the National Pokédex. Once he confirms your Hoenn Pokédex is completed, Professor Birch will give you a gift of one of three Pokémon that can only found in another region, which are the Johto starters.

File:Spr 3e 152.gif File:Spr 3e 155.gif File:Spr 3e 158.gif
Chikorita Cyndaquil Totodile

You can also perfect your skills at the Battle Frontier. This concludes the Emerald walkthrough!

← Part 16 The Pokémon League

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.