User talk:Bug Catcher Wade

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Revision as of 14:57, 23 July 2015 by SnorlaxMonster (talk | contribs) (Menu sprites)
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Latest comment: 23 July 2015 by SnorlaxMonster in topic Menu sprites


Welcome to Bulbapedia, Bug Catcher Wade!

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 Thank you, and have a good time editing here!

Signatures on talk pages

Hi, Wade. Re: this edit, your signature is not up to standard. Per the signature policy in use on Bulbapedia, you need to link back to your userpage and/or talk page, and you may not use any images as this slows the loading of pages. Please adjust your signature (in your preferences) accordingly. Thanks. —darklordtrom 06:10, 22 July 2010 (UTC)Reply

I can remove the image, but I don't know how to link it to my userpage. What's the code to do that?Bug Catcher Wade190MS.png 22:45, 22 July 2010 (UTC)

[[User:Bug Catcher Wade|<span style="color: Purple;">'''Bug Catcher Wade'''</span>]] should give: Bug Catcher Wade. I've changed the font tags you have to span tags, as I'm not sure if font ones work in signatures, but the span ones definitely do. If you wish to link to your talk page instead, change the first bit from User: to User talk: Werdnae (talk) 23:04, 22 July 2010 (UTC)Reply

Thanks Bug Catcher Wade 23:07, 22 July 2010 (UTC)Reply

On another note,

I havent been able t create my userpage. it tells me i have to edit existing pages first. Ive made three edits and still cant creat a userpage. what do i have to do?Bug Catcher Wade 23:10, 22 July 2010 (UTC)Reply

You have to edit more than just three pages. Keep going. —darklordtrom 23:38, 22 July 2010 (UTC)Reply
Also, I am not sure minor edits count. Blake Talk·Edits 02:29, 27 July 2010 (UTC)Reply

"no they arent"

See List of Pokémon with gender differences#Generation V Pokémon. No other Pokémon introduced in Generation V have gender differences. --SnorlaxMonster 00:57, 14 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

Kenhorou doesBug Catcher Wade 07:57, 14 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
It said: "Pururiru and its evolution, along with Kenhorou, are the only Generation V Pokémon that have gender differences." --SnorlaxMonster 08:03, 14 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

Menu sprites

Hey, I appreciate the effort, but it's not really what I had in mind. Just hold off until I save my edit before you continue. --SnorlaxMonster 05:56, 22 July 2015 (UTC)Reply

Sorry. I'll just save it here in case it becomes usefull again, Bug Catcher Wade 06:02, 22 July 2015 (UTC)Reply

It's in the page history anyway, so you can recover it easily. Anyway, I'm done reformatting, so let me know if you think that's better. --SnorlaxMonster 06:13, 22 July 2015 (UTC)Reply

That does make more sense that way. Will this go on a real page somewhere? Bug Catcher Wade 16:27, 22 July 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hopefully at some point. I don't have any specific plans, but having the data ready-to-go makes it more likely. I was thinking putting them on the individual Pokémon pages somehow. --SnorlaxMonster 14:57, 23 July 2015 (UTC)Reply

# Pokémon
00 Charmander
00 Charmeleon
00 Charizard
00 Sandshrew
00 Sandslash
00 Nidoran♀
00 Nidorina
00 Nidoqueen
00 Nidoran♂
00 Nidorino
00 Nidoking
00 Zubat
00 Golbat
00 Diglett
00 Dugtrio
00 Meowth
00 Persian
00 Psyduck
00 Golduck
00 Mankey
00 Primeape
00 Poliwag
00 Poliwhirl
00 Poliwrath
00 Abra
00 Kadabra
00 Alakazam
00 Machop
00 Machoke
00 Machamp
00 Geodude
00 Graveler
00 Golem
00 Slowbro
00 Grimer
00 Muk
00 Gastly
00 Haunter
00 Gengar
00 Drowzee
00 Hypno
00 Cubone
00 Marowak
00 Hitmonlee
00 Hitmonchan
00 Lickitung
00 Koffing
00 Weezing
00 Rhydon
00 Kangaskhan
00 Mr. Mime
00 Jynx
00 Electabuzz
00 Magmar
00 Ditto
00 Porygon
00 Snorlax
00 Mewtwo
00 Mew
01 Magnemite
01 Magneton
01 Voltorb
01 Electrode
02 Shellder
02 Cloyster
02 Staryu
02 Starmie
02 Omanyte
02 Omastar
02 Kabuto
02 Kabutops
03 Pikachu
03 Raichu
03 Clefairy
03 Clefable
03 Jigglypuff
03 Wigglytuff
03 Chansey
04 Pidgey
04 Pidgeotto
04 Pidgeot
04 Spearow
04 Fearow
04 Farfetch'd
04 Doduo
04 Dodrio
04 Aerodactyl
04 Articuno
04 Zapdos
04 Moltres
05 Squirtle
05 Wartortle
05 Blastoise
05 Tentacool
05 Tentacruel
05 Seel
05 Dewgong
05 Krabby
05 Kingler
05 Horsea
05 Seadra
05 Goldeen
05 Seaking
05 Magikarp
05 Lapras
06 Caterpie
06 Metapod
06 Butterfree
06 Weedle
06 Kakuna
06 Beedrill
06 Paras
06 Parasect
06 Venonat
06 Venomoth
06 Scyther
06 Pinsir
07 Bulbasaur
07 Ivysaur
07 Venusaur
07 Oddish
07 Gloom
07 Vileplume
07 Bellsprout
07 Weepinbell
07 Victreebel
07 Exeggcute
07 Exeggutor
07 Tangela
08 Ekans
08 Arbok
08 Onix
08 Gyarados
08 Dratini
08 Dragonair
08 Dragonite
09 Rattata
09 Raticate
09 Vulpix
09 Ninetales
09 Growlithe
09 Arcanine
09 Ponyta
09 Rapidash
09 Slowpoke
09 Rhyhorn
09 Tauros
09 Eevee
09 Vaporeon
09 Jolteon
09 Flareon
10 ? Glitch
11 ? Glitch
12 ? Glitch
13 ? Glitch
14 ? Glitch
15 ? Missingno.
00 Pikachu