イレス Ires
From 芹 seri, Japanese parsley
ナザン Nuzan
From 薺 nazuna, shepherd's purse
ユゴ Ygo
From 御形 gogyō, Jersey cudweed
アレボカ Areboka
From 繁縷 hakobera, chickweed.
コトー Kotoh
From 仏の座 hotokenoza, nipplewort
アヌザ Anuzu
From 菘 suzuna, turnip
オリフ Orih
From 蘿蔔 suzushiro, Japanese radish.
Monean Chamber
From anemone and one
Liptoo Chamber
From tulip and two
Weepth Chamber
From pea and three
Dilford Chamber
From daffodil and four
Scufib Chamber
From hibiscus and five
Rixy Chamber
From iris and six
Viapois Chamber
From poinsettia and seven
Chambre Anemune
From Anémon (anemone) and un (one)
Chambre Deulipe
From deux (two) and Tulipe (tulip)
Chambre Prois
From Pois (pea) and trois (three)
Chambre Jonquatre
From Jonquille (daffodil) and quatre (four)
Chambre Hibicinq
From Hibiscus and cinq (five)
Chambre Irix
From Iris and six
Chambre Poinsept
From Poinsettia and sept (seven)
From Eins (one) and Anemone
From Zwei (two) and Tulpe (tulip)
From Drei (three) and Wicke (sweet pea)
From Vier (four) + Narzisse (daffodil)
From Fünf (five) and Hibiskus (hibiscus).
From Lilie (lily) + Sechs (six)
From Sieben (seven) + Euphorbia
Sala A-loe
From Aloe
Sala B-etulla
From Betulla, birch.
Sala C-iclamino
From Ciclamino, cyclamen
Sala D-afne
From Dafne, Daphne genus.
Sala E-dera
From Edera, ivy.
Sala F-elce
From Felce, fern.
Sala G-ardenia
From Gardenia.
Cámara Anémuna
From anémona (anemone) and uno (one)
Cámara Tulipdos
From tulipán (tulip) and dos (two)
Cámara Trisante
From tres (three) and guisante (pea)
Cámara Quarciso
From cuatro (four) and narciso (daffodil)
Cámara Hibinca
From hibisco (hibiscus) and cinco (five)
Cámara Seiris
From seis (six) and iris
Cámara Pasiete
From Flor de Pascua (poinsettia) and siete (seven)
이라님 석실 Iranim Seoksil
From 미나리 Minari, water dropwort
이그레안 석실 Igrean Seoksil
From 냉이 naengi, shepherd's purse
모스루프 석실 Mosyrup Seoksil
From 헬리크리섬 Helichrysum, the genus for where the Jersey cudweed belong to.
톡크로에 석실 Tokkloe Seoksil
From 별꽃 byeol-kkot, common chickweed.
루마네즈 석실 Lumanej Seoksil
From 박조 가리 나물 Bagjo-gali-namul, nipplewort
우무너스 석실 Umunus Seoksil
From 순무 Sunmu, turnip.
움노브리 석실 Umnobeuri Seoksil
From Raphanus sativus, radish.
Chinese (Taiwan)
依雷斯石室 Yīléisī Shíshì
Transliteration of its Japanese name
拿薩石室 Násà Shíshì
Transliteration of its Japanese name
尤高石室 Yóugāo Shíshì
Transliteration of its Japanese name
艾波加石室 Àibōjiā Shíshì
Transliteration of its Japanese name
哥德石室 Gēdé Shíshì
Transliteration of its Japanese name
阿魯沙石室 Ālǔshā Shíshì
Transliteration of its Japanese name
奧利夫石室 Àolìfū Shíshì
Transliteration of its Japanese name
Chinese (Mainland China)
伊莱斯石室 Yīláisī Shíshì
Transliteration of its Japanese name
那藏石室 Nàzàng Shíshì
Transliteration of its Japanese name
由格石室 Yóugé Shíshì
Transliteration of its Japanese name
阿利波卡石室 Ālìbōkǎ Shíshì
Transliteration of its Japanese name
科斗石室 Kēdòu Shíshì
Transliteration of its Japanese name
阿努泽石室 Ānǔzé Shíshì
Transliteration of its Japanese name
澳利弗石室 Àolìfú Shíshì
Transliteration of its Japanese name