Delta Episode

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Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
Promotional artwork for the Delta Episode

The Delta Episode (Japanese: エピソード デルタ Episode Delta) is a mission following the player's first completion of the Hoenn League in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. The episode revolves around a meteoroid that is on course for collision with the planet and a newly developed character, Zinnia.


After the player defeats Steven and first enters the Hall of Fame, the Delta Episode is unlocked. The end of the credits sequence teases the Delta Episode, with the player's mother and Norman discussing the Litleonid meteor shower, for which they bought tickets to observe in Mossdeep City, only to have Norman reveal that he must be at the Gym that day. As they wonder what to do with the tickets, a mysterious symbol takes over the screen and then fades into "To Be Continued."

When the player loads the game again, a cutscene introducing the Delta Episode starts at the Mossdeep Space Center with a warning siren sounding. A meteoroid is expected to make impact on "a small island southwest of Sootopolis, off of Route 131", presumably Sky Pillar. Uncertain about the nature or origin of the meteoroid, as the meteoroid seems to be able to change its trajectory, Professor Cozmo must devise a plan to keep the meteoroid from landing. Meanwhile, a Team Magma GruntOR/Team Aqua GruntAS accompanied by a Whismur is shown standing atop Sky Pillar changing out her team's uniform, revealing herself as the person the player will come to know as Zinnia as she changes into a Draconid cape. She mentions that there isn't much time left, displaying knowledge of the meteoroid's existence, and thinks that the player may have complicated matters by not allowing the "super-ancient Pokémon" (GroudonOR/KyogreAS) to be revived in its Primal form. Regardless, she plans to make use of a Key Stone in order to revive Rayquaza, so it can destroy the meteoroid.

Littleroot Town

The player starts in their bedroom in Littleroot Town, as is normal after defeating the Hoenn League. The player's mother and Norman are downstairs, and when the player comes down, Norman gives the player a Pair of Tickets and suggests they take Brendan/May with them. When the player leaves the house, Zinnia is standing outside waiting for the player. She introduces herself and tells the player that she knows about them and their ability to use Mega Evolution. After Zinnia leaves, at Brendan/May's house, the player finds out that Zinnia has stolen Brendan/May's Key Stone from them. They tell the player that Zinnia is headed to Petalburg City and that they should go with caution, as Zinnia is a powerful Trainer.

Petalburg City

In Petalburg City, CourtneyOR/MattAS can be found harassing Wally in front of his house. They are looking for a Key Stone as well. When the player approaches, Wally insists that he doesn't have the Key Stone. Wally then notices the player behind CourtneyOR/MattAS, prompting the Admin to notice the player and start a battle in a bid to steal the player's Key Stone as well. When the player defeats them, they leave for Meteor Falls. Wally informs the player that his Key Stone went missing prior to the arrival of the Admin. At this point, Steven contacts the player on the PokéNav Plus using a hidden feature called Entry Call that is still in development. He tells the player to meet him at the Devon Corporation in Rustboro City.

Rustboro City

Steven meets the player outside of the Devon Corporation. He takes them upstairs to meet his father, who has a lengthy story to tell. He tells of a weapon created by one man to end a war 3,000 years ago in a distant region, a weapon powered by the life energy of Pokémon. Devon developed that energy source into Infinity Energy. He then tells the player about the asteroid that is on a collision course with the planet, and how they plan to avert the danger using a Devon rocket. For this, he asks that the player venture to Granite Cave and retrieve a Meteorite Shard, which is a key piece of their plan. He tells Steven to take the Link Cable he gave him and go to the Mossdeep Space Center and start preparations.

Granite Cave

In Granite Cave, the player will find Zinnia and Aster (her Whismur) in the room with the wall painting. She reveals that this painting, showing Primal Reversion, was made by her ancestors, and alludes to another painting showing Mega Evolution. Turning away from the painting, Zinnia eagerly presses the player for a battle. After the battle, Zinnia gives the player a Meteorite Shard, but before leaving, she pauses to question the player about their motives and what they really know of the truth. Once she has left, a call from Steven comes through on the PokéNav Plus, and he asks the player to hurry back to the Space Center.

Mossdeep City

When the player arrives at the Mossdeep Space Center and tries to go upstairs, a receptionist will lead the player to Steven and Prof. Cozmo. Cozmo then thanks the player for coming and bringing the Meteorite Shard, which the player gives afterwards. Steven then asks Cozmo about the current plan, which Cozmo explains. He says the plan involves combining President Stone's Infinity Energy for a rocket and life energy of humans in Key Stones. It would also involve artificially replicating the massive energy created by the time of Mega Evolution. Cozmo says they would launch a rocket and create a "warp hole" in the meteoroid's path to transport it far away somewhere. He also additionally says that the technology already exists, with warp tiles. Steven then expresses concerns about how the warp hole would transport the meteoroid, with Cozmo replying by linking two warp holes with a device called a Link Cable. Cozmo then says that more energy is needed for the Link Cable to work properly, and asks for another Meteorite Shard.

Zinnia then appears, with the receptionist following her and telling her to not barge in. The player, Cozmo, and Steven approach Zinnia, and Steven and Cozmo ask who she is and why she is there. Zinnia then introduces herself, describing herself as a regular tourist, then commenting about the technology in the room. She then asks about the energy powering the rocket, and then talking about it being related to the war 3,000 years ago. Steven thinks and asks why she wants them to stop the meteoroid. Zinnia teases him about being a former Champion, and asks the player if they have a better idea. After she talks about sacrifices that are necessary and unnecessary. She then leaves, and Steven and Cozmo talk about the second shard, which is in Meteor Falls. Steven then asks the player to follow him to the falls.

Meteor Falls

Once the player successfully traverses Meteor Falls, the player will find Steven, who has the Meteorite Shard, along with a Draconid woman. She gives a little info about the Draconids, saying Rayquaza to be the beginning of all. She says that long ago Hoenn suffered great disasters repeatedly, sometimes taking the form of meteoroids and Primal Reversions of Groudon and Kyogre, in which all were stopped by Rayquaza. She explains that Lorekeepers would offer a wish to Rayquaza, and it would transform and emit a bright light. She then talks about Rayquaza being more powerful in that state, overcoming the both Primal Pokémon's power. Steven then relates the transformation to Mega Evolution, in which she agrees. Steven then asks about the Lorekeeper, and the woman says that Zinnia is in fact the Lorekeeper. She also reveals the reason why she joined Team MagmaOR/Team AquaAS, was to stop the Meteoroid in a strange way; waking up Primal GroudonOR/Primal KyogreAS to draw Rayquaza to Earth and help destroy the meteoroid. This failed due to the player defeating/capturing the Pokémon in the main story. She told the organization she knew how to find and awake the super-ancient Pokémon. She then decided to travel around Hoenn, stealing Key Stones in an attempt to awaken Rayquaza. Steven then realizes Zinnia, who appeared in the Space Center, is also a Draconid, and wonders why she would awake forces that would put Pokémon and people in risk. The old woman then explains that the disasters were overcome many times, but it was often through great, great sacrifices. Steven then leaves for Rustboro City to Devon Corporation.

Rustboro City

When the player attempts to enter the Devon building, a Scientist will run out, closely followed by a succession of Team MagmaOR/AquaAS Grunts. After the player has warded them off, the Scientist explains that a person from Team MagmaOR/AquaAS stole the control device for the Link Cable, a dimensional shifter. He believes they will head to the Mossdeep Space Center next, where he also believes Steven is.

Mossdeep City

Once the player approaches the Space Center, they will notice CourtneyOR/MattAS along with Team MagmaOR/Team AquaAS Grunts outside of the center, who have been rounded up to enter it. When the player goes inside and tries to go upstairs, the five MagmaOR/AquaAS Grunts with CourtneyOR/MattAS, who are revealed to be the same grunts from Team Magma'sOR/Team Aqua'sAS Hideout, would block the way, and engage in a battle. Once defeated they let the player pass, and the player finds CourtneyOR/MattAS along with another MagmaOR/AquaAS Grunt. The Admin takes the dimensional shifter, Steven then asks the player if he/she should engage with a Double Battle against them. Once the battle ends, Aster, Zinnia's Whismur, comes in the room and snatches the dimensional shifter from CourtneyOR/MattAS. Steven then realizes Aster belongs to Zinnia, and she herself arrives. She then describes what the impressive machine does, and then claps. She then says what would happen to another world when the meteoroid is transported. After conversing with the player, she explains about her people passing the lore about the distortions in the world because of Mega Evolution, and about a world the same as Hoenn, with Mega Evolution being unknown, and no ultimate weapon being built. She then breaks the dimensional shifter, which outrages Professor Cozmo, claiming she had no proof of another world existing. She then snatches Courtney'sOR/Matt'sAS Key Stone and says she is going to go to Team Magma'sOR/Team Aqua'sAS Hideout for another Key Stone and leaves.

Team Magma/Aqua Hideout

Once the player enters the Team MagmaOR/AquaAS hideout, the grunts assume that the player is with Zinnia. When the player finally reaches Maxie'sOR/Archie'sAS room, the player finds the leader and TabithaOR/ShellyAS confronted by Zinnia, who just defeated their leader. MaxieOR/ArchieAS is surprised about losing, and asks who she is. Zinnia then sees the player behind her, saying that he/she was late. She then take the respective leader's Key Stone and leaves the room for Sky Pillar. TabithaOR/ShellyAS are outraged about her barging in and taking the Stone. MaxieOR/ArchieAS then asks the respective admin to give the CameruptiteOR/SharpedoniteAS, since the leader has no Key Stone to trigger the transformation, much to the admin's surprise. The leader then tells the player to stop Zinnia. Steven will call the player, and see a connection between the Draconids, Sky Pillar, and Key Stones. Steven then requests the player to meet at the Mossdeep Space Center once again.

Mossdeep City

Once the player meets Steven, the player explains everything that happened. Steven then explains only a few can enter Sky Pillar, and the few are successors of the ancient world, like Lorekeepers. Steven explains that Wallace is able to undo the seal that blocks the entrance to Sky Pillar, and is one of the few that inherited the ancient lore. Steven then says he and Cozmo will try to devise an alternative to stop the meteoroid and will send a message to Wallace about the situation, and tells the player to find him in front of the Cave of Origin.

Sootopolis City

Outside the Cave of Origin, the player meets up with Wallace and is instructed to go to the entrance of Sky Pillar on Route 131.

Route 131

Wallace challenges the player to a Pokémon battle in front of Sky Pillar. He explains to the player he must be defeated before the player is permitted to enter Sky Pillar. Once he is defeated, he will let the player in.

Sky Pillar

The player is greeted by Zinnia when entering the main area. Zinnia then tells the story of the Draconids, one part per floor. When the player reaches Dragonhark Altar at the summit of Sky Pillar, Zinnia will summon Rayquaza, only to find out it doesn't possess enough energy to Mega Evolve. Rayquaza consumes the sparkling Meteorite the player received from MaxieOR/ArchieAS at Mt. Chimney and challenges the player to a battle. In order to proceed with the story, Rayquaza must be captured; if defeated, Rayquaza will remain atop Sky Pillar until the player has captured it. When Rayquaza is caught, Zinnia challenges the player to a final battle, wanting to test her skills against Rayquaza. After the battle, regardless of the outcome, the player puts on the MagmaOR/AquaAS Suit and rides on Mega Rayquaza's back into space to destroy the meteoroid.

The meteoroid turns out to be a vessel for the Mythical Pokémon Deoxys, enabling it to travel through space. Starting with Mega Rayquaza in their party, the player must battle Deoxys. Regardless of the outcome of the battle, the Delta Episode ends, with everyone celebrating that the meteor is no more.

If the player does not catch Deoxys during the Delta Episode, it will reappear on the Dragonhark Altar at the top of Sky Pillar after entering the Hall of Fame again.

Major battles


First battle

Second battle


First battle

Second battle


First battle

Second battle



Dragon Flying
Air Lock
Held item:
Rayquaza Lv.70
Extreme Speed
Normal Physical
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Special
Dragon Dance
Dragon Status
Flying Physical


Psychic Unknown
Held item:
Deoxys Lv.80
Normal Status
Psycho Boost
Psychic Special
Hyper Beam
Normal Special
Cosmic Power
Psychic Status

In other languages

Language Title
French Épisode Delta
German Delta-Episode
Italian Episodio Delta
Korean 에피소드 델타 Episode Delta
Spanish Episodio Delta

External links

This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.