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Hi and welcome to Carnivine's sandbox. This is where the wierd experiments I create in the name of Team Rocket come to life. I feel it is only fair to warn you, if you have no taste for such things, turn back now! Otherwise, go on.

If you want to, you make create your own experiments here.

My Creations

These are some of my experiments. Use them if you want, but remember they can be very dangerous.

This user is a bad guy.
This user is an evil genius.

Creations of Others

Anyone who wishes may use this part of the page to create their own experiments. If they are good enough, I might use them on my page.

This user thinks that Zapmolcuno is cool.
This user isn't scared of ghosts.

Do you like these? I made them myself. --1-Up 15:18, 13 August 2007 (UTC)

How about this--133Darth196Cookie197Monster471 09:07, 30 December 2007 (UTC)