Applause Inc. plush toys

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Battle Playset was a series of toys produced by Applause Inc. from 1999 to 2000. Included in each set was two plush figures and a battle mat.

Battle Playset sets

First release

Second release


  • Collect all 5 sets to build your own Pokémon stadium!
  • Check out our gaming tips on back!

Other plushes

The characters in the playset were also released independently within a plastic Poké Ball. In addition, more characters were released in this format.

External links

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Pokémon toys
Takara Tomy: Monster CollectionPokémon mateGrabber BallDeluxe TrainersZukan figuresSuper Ball
Gacha setsDiamond and Pearl Plush CollectionDiamond and Pearl Choro-QsPokémon Egg PlushesPitaPoké
Pokémon Z-Ring
Bandai: Poké Plamodel CollectionPokémon KidsPokémon Scale WorldBandai FriendsPocket Monsters Carddass
Pokémon Model KitPokémon Model Kit Quick!!Pokémon Model Kit Big
Hasbro: Battle FiguresBattle TrainerPoké-PacksPoké Ball BlasterDeluxe TrainersGrabber Ball
Combat FiguresPlush figuresBean-filled plush figuresElectronic figuresPower BouncerV-Trainer
Quick-Change Poké BallPull Backs!Electronic PokédexElectronic Poké BallTHINKChipPlush clip-on
TPCi: Pokémon HousePoké DollKuttari CutiePokémon Gallery Figures
Jakks Pacific: Action FiguresBattle Dome PlaysetDiamond and Pearl Electronic Talking PokédexDiamond and Pearl vehicles
Fossil Regeneration StationReversible Poké Ball plushSinnoh Region PlaysetUnova Electronic Pokédex
Pokémon TV Games (canceled)
Jazwares: Battle FiguresDeluxe Feature FiguresPokémon SelectPokémon Surprise Attack GameSquishmallows
Other: Deluxe PokédexMighty Beanz Pokémon: AdvancedBuild-A-BearBuild 'n BattlePlay by Play plush figures
Mini-SkateboardMini-SnowboardPokémon KeychainPokémotionElectronic Yo-YoBackpack Pal
Applause Inc. plush toysCyclone 2Pokémon NanoblocksIonix PokémonMega Construx Pokémon
Toy Factory plush toysPocket Monsters Gigantic Series NEOPokémon Quest Vinyl Figures

This article is part of Project Merchandise, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all Pokémon toys, dolls, books, and collectible merchandise.