It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.
Along with Entei and Suicune, it is one of the legendary beasts created by Ho-Oh after the burning of the Brass Tower. Of the three legendary beasts, Raikou is said to represent the lightning strike which ignited the fire that consumed the Brass Tower.
Raikou is a quadruped, yellow, tiger-like Pokémon with black stripes and a white underside. It has a thin, light blue tail with sharp angles and a spark-shaped formation at the end. Raikou's mane looks like dull purple rain clouds and allows it to shoot bolts of lighting. Most of its face consists of thick, white fur and shorter yellow fur around its red eyes. Raikou's muzzle is a light blue "X" and it has a black faceplate with two bumps that covers its forehead, nose, and ears. Raikou has two long fangs that make its appearance similar to the saber-toothed cat. Its large claws each converge to form a single point and never retract. Extra fur hangs off its body in front of its rear thighs.
As seen in the anime, Raikou is able to fly by creating storm clouds. It is shown to be distrustful of humans, though it may form some friendship with those who help it. Raikou tends to appear during thunderstorms and when other Electric-type Pokémon are in danger. Raikou races across grasslands while barking cries that sound like thunder.
Raikou, the Thunder Pokémon. It is said to have descended to earth on a bolt of lightning.
In the manga
Raikou in Pokémon Adventures
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Raikou appeared as a beam of light in Slugging It Out With Slugma. Its first real appearance was in Really Raikou & Entirely Entei I, where it along with Entei tests Falkner and were joined by Suicune in Really Raikou & Entirely Entei I, discussing about Ho-oh. It was revealed in a flashback in Hello, Lickitung, where it was awakened by Yellow along with its two counterparts, and the three raced around Kanto and Johto looking for Trainers to help them defeat the Masked Man to free Ho-Oh and repay the debt of the latter for saving its life. Nearing the end of the chapter, Raikou eventually pairs up with Lt. Surge after encountering and escaping Falkner, and later Gold. Once Ho-Oh is freed and Pryce, the true identity of the Masked Man, is defeated, it once again roams the lands of Johto with Suicune and Entei.
Anabel also owns a Raikou in the Battle Frontier saga. It has been confirmed that it is the same Raikou as the one that befriended Gold, having caught it sometime before the Emerald arc in Johto. Raikou is more powerful than any other Electric-type Pokémon in the manga because billowing thunder clouds follow it everywhere carried on its back, allowing it to perform powerful attacks, such as Thunder, more quickly and efficiently than regular Electric Pokémon. Despite clearly possessing sentient intelligence like its fellow beasts, it obeyed Anabel's commands to battle Emerald without question while she was under psychic control of Guile Hideout. After he is defeated and the Battle Frontier is saved, Raikou is seen interacting with Gold and Crystal, and has not appeared since.
When released from a Poké Ball, Raikou releases a powerful Spark attack that electrocutes any opponents that get caught in it. Raikou is the only legendary beast that does not return in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Trophy Information
Raikou also appears in Melee as a trophy.
These Thunder Pokémon travel near and far, blasting out electrified whirlwinds. They carry storm clouds on their backs, so they can produce lightning regardless of the local weather; it's even said that they descended to the earth with via lightning bolts. Their extreme quickness lends itself to flight, so they're very hard to capture.
Game data
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
Raikou embodies the speed of lightning. The roars of this Pokémon send shock waves shuddering through the air and shake the ground as if lightning bolts had come crashing down.
Raikou embodies the speed of lightning. The roars of this Pokémon send shock waves shuddering through the air and shake the ground as if lightning bolts had come crashing down.
Raikou is particularly based on the Thunder and Lightning gods of most cultures surrounding the world, mostly the 雷獣 raijū, a thunder demon of Japanese lore. It is said to be a creature that could take the form of a tiger, monkey, blue wolf wrapped in lightning, and many other animals. Raikou is specifically based on its tiger form, while the Pokémon Manectric is based on its wolf form. In terms of physical build, Raikou is based on the Smilodon fatalis, a well-known but extinct species of wildcat often referred to as a saber-toothed tiger. Its color and pattern scheme are reminiscent of that of a Bengal tiger. The stripes that decorate Raikou's body also can be compared to zigzagging thunderbolts and perhaps even scars from claws. The white ruff around Raikou's face is akin to the Siberian tiger's thick fur around its neck. In the anime, Raikou is shown to be very agile, swift, stealthy, and a powerful attacker, just like a tiger. The gray "plate" atop its head may be similar to Entei's head ornament, being either a helmet or crown that signifies courage and power.
The flowing purple mane on its back is likely meant to invoke the image of a cumulonimbus cloud, the cloud type most often associated with thunderstorms.
Name origin
Raikou could be taken to mean 雷光 raikou (lightning), which is also the inspiration for the name of raijū, or it may be a combination of 雷 rai (thunder) and 皇 kō (emperor). It may also derive from 雷公 raikō (thunder duke), identical to the name of the Taoist deity Lei Gong.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.