Coconut's Eevee

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Revision as of 14:14, 10 November 2015 by Franky7 (talk | contribs)
Coconut's Eevee
ココナッツのイーブイ Coconut's Eievui

Coconout's Eevee
Debuts in Eevee... Pokémon Genius!
Caught at Unknown
Gender Male
Ability Unknown
Nature Unknown
Current location Unknown
This Pokémon has not evolved.

Coconut's Eevee (Japanese: ココナッツのイーブイ Coconut's Eievui) is a Pokémon belonging to Coconut in the Magical Pokémon Journey manga series.


Personality and characteristics

Eevee is quite intelligent for Pokémon standards, being about as smart as the average child in kindergarten.

Eevee amazes Clefairy and Pikachu because he knows basic math. Eevee is very loyal to Coconut and stays close to her. When Coconut's experiments go wrong, he often bears the consequences.

He meets Lu, a female Eevee, and falls in love with her. They go out on dates and become a couple, much to the jealousy of the other male Pokémon.

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Eevee.

Main characters
Main Pokémon
PikachuClefairyChikoBulbasaurArbokEkans BrothersCharmander
JigglypuffEeveeMaster DittoLuMarimaruSquirtleTogepiWigglytuff
JynxMandyPlumTamarindVaporeonMachampMadam AzumarillGramps

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