Bulbapedia talk:Project TCG/Archive/1

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 13:41, 21 November 2007 by Groudon465 (talk | contribs)

Latest comment: 28 August 2007 by TTEchidna

I added my Metanite article as part of this project. After all, I think it was the first article on a player-made deck article on Bulbapedia (correct me if I'm wrong). Nobody minds, do they? Politoed666 15:59, 22 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

Of course not. However, try to improve it... I've got little to no knowledge of any metagame stuff after Neo Destiny. If you can tell exactly which Metagross and Dragonite are used in the deck, as well as the types and such, I think it'd be better. TTEchidna 00:29, 23 August 2007 (UTC)Reply
Sure! I'll try to get around to it, but would it be good to just write specific articles on the cards themselves and link to them, rather than adding that information to the Metanite article? Politoed666 00:14, 24 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

Also, should I add my Holon Engine article to Project Decks? It's not technically a deck, but it is such a big part of so many decks right now that I think it should be a part of this project. Both my Raieggs deck and my Metanite deck articles link to it, too. Politoed666 00:59, 24 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

Hmm... Holon Engine... Well, that's one of those iffy things. I suppose it'd be about as much part of Project Decks as Haymaker is. TTEchidna 02:21, 28 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

Today you can expect me to write Queendom and one of the Worlds '07 decks. If I get some more stategy information, I might do the archytypes Flygon δ and Rayquaza δ. Someone help me think of better names for the archytypes. --User:Groudon465/Sig 12:40, 21 November 2007 (UTC)