Talk:BREAKpoint (TCG)
ok greninja break is 41 and manaphy EX is 32
suicune is 29 laparus is 28 palkia EX is 30 or 31 so we are missing a water maybe a kyogre? i dont know of any water types that could fit in the spot greninja is 41 so with the japanese set we are 1 water type short there also maybe there is a froakie we havent gotten?
Hydrocrush (talk) 00:34, 25 December 2015 (UTC)
Theme decks confirmed Wave slasher has Greninja and is water/grass Electric eye has Luxray and is Electric/psychic
IAbsol (talk) 00:15, 21 December 2015 (UTC)
though its not comfirmed yet because with psyduck being 16 there is 3 fire/grass types and we know of 2 EX left with palkia in
i suspect either mawile and mega mawile EX or more likely we will get the emboar EX and togekiss EX cards which have 3 fire and no gras between them also the last 2 EX but wouldent fill all the rest of the spots unless we get more reprints