Poké Puff

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Poké Puffs (Japanese: ポフレ Pofflé) are small cake-like confections introduced in Generation VI.

In the games

Poké Puffs are used in Pokémon-Amie in order to raise the affection of the player's Pokémon. Poké Puffs come in five flavors: Sweet, Mint, Citrus, Mocha, and Spice. These flavors are purely aesthetic and have no impact on the affection gained by the Pokémon. Poké Puffs can be obtained by playing minigames and have more significant impacts on the Pokémon's level of affection depending on their level.

Level Flavors

Poké Puffs also come in a rarer fifth variant, Supreme, which has special flavors. These come in two varieties, obtained in different ways. The seasonal varieties are obtained after scoring 5 stars on an Unlimited mini-game. The remaining two are left by visitors to the player's Pokémon-Amie space after special events.

Poké Puff Location
Supreme Spring From any Unlimited minigame
Supreme Summer From Unlimited Head It
Supreme Autumn From Unlimited Berry Picker
Supreme Winter From Unlimited Tile Puzzle
Supreme Wish From visitors on the player's birthday
Supreme Honor From visitors after entering the Hall of Fame

The player may hold a maximum of 100 Poké Puffs. If the player already has 100 Poké Puffs, gaining any additional Poké Puffs will force the player to lose the first Poké Puffs in the inventory.

In the anime

Poké Puffs in the anime

Poké Puffs were first introduced in the anime in A Battle by Any Other Name!. Much like May with Pokéblocks and Dawn with Poffins, Serena likes to make Poké Puffs for her friends and Pokémon. Depending on how they are made, Poké Puffs can be enjoyed by people or Pokémon, but are almost always prepared for the latter. Each Poké Puff is made with a specific Pokémon in mind to eat it, so that the baker can create a delicacy that is certain to be loved by a certain type of Pokémon.

Similarly to the way Pokéblocks and Poffins are made, Poké Puffs require the use of berries to be made, because certain berries will make good Poké Puffs for certain Pokémon. For example, a Tamato Berry-topped Poké Puff was enjoyed greatly by Ash's Pikachu and an Oran Berry Poké Puff was enjoyed by Clemont's Dedenne.

In the Dendemille Town Pokémon Showcase, the theme performance was to create Poké Puffs that would be eaten by Santo's Mime Jr., Gena's Jigglypuff, and Delilah's Furfrou. Based on their Pokémon's reactions, the judges would decide which Performer would proceed to the next round.

In the manga

A Poké Puff in Pokémon Adventures

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

In the X & Y arc, Y caught an Eevee and sought to befriend it quickly using several features of Pokémon-Amie to raise its affection, including Poké Puffs. Her efforts paid off as Eevee, which she nicknamed Vuivui, evolved into Sylveon during Y's battle with two Team Flare Grunts.

In other languages

Language Title
Finnish Pokéleivos
French Pofiterole
German Pofflé
Italian Pokébignè
Spanish Pokélito