Connection Orb

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Artwork of the Connection Orb

The Connection Orb (Japanese: つながりオーブ Connection Orb) is an item that displays the links between Pokémon in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon. The Connection Orb displays all connected Pokémon and met Pokémon. It also displays any expedition requests Pokémon have posted in the Post List. The Connection Orb is fitted in the Expedition Gadget. When the player does a job for a Pokémon, the connections of that Pokémon become visible, as well as any Pokémon featured in the mission and any Pokémon the client introduces to the player.

A Connection Orb is dropped by Ampharos of the Expedition Society and returned to him when he is rescued from Poliwrath River. He then gives it to the player during Chapter 6.

Traveling Pokémon

During an expedition when on a certain floor of a dungeon, players can encounter traveling Pokémon. If there is a traveling Pokémon on the floor, the game will say "There is a Traveling Pokémon on this floor!" If the player has completed all expeditions or doesn't have any expeditions, every time the player goes to the stairs, it will say "There are no expeditions, but there might be something ahead." Which will always indicate a Traveling Pokémon or some other special encounter. If the player is on the floor with the traveling Pokémon and goes to the stairs, it will say that the task hasn't been completed but asks if the player wants to move on anyway.

The Traveling Pokémon will be indicated with a small blue upside-down 2D triangle that appears in a 3D shape above its head and will be moving around on the floor. The Traveling Pokémon will always take two turns before taking a step in any direction, making it easy to catch up to it and talk to it. Speaking to the Traveling Pokémon will restore the team's HP, PP and Belly, and will make the team and the Traveling Pokémon connected and the Traveling Pokémon will leave the dungeon happily.

Fainted Pokémon

During an expedition when on a certain floor of a dungeon, players can encounter fainted Pokémon. If there is a fainted Pokémon on the floor, the game will say "There is a fainted Pokémon on this floor! Help the Pokémon out by giving it a food item!" If the player has completed all expeditions or doesn't have any expeditions, every time the player goes to the stairs, it will say "There are no expeditions, but there might be something ahead." Which will always indicate a fainted Pokémon or some other special encounter. If the player is on the floor with the fainted Pokémon and goes to the stairs, it will say that the task hasn't been completed but asks if the player wants to move on anyway.

When on the floor with the fainted Pokémon, the floor will always have an Apple (or Big Apple in certain dungeons). The fainted Pokémon will appear in a random room on the floor. If the player gives the fainted Pokémon an Apple, Big Apple or Perfect Apple, it will thank the team and then the team and that Pokémon will be connected. It will then leave the dungeon afterwards.

Fleeing Pokémon

In dungeons which contain Legendary or Mythical Pokémon, there is a chance that the player may encounter a fleeing Pokémon. On the floor where the fleeing Pokémon appears, it will appear in the same room as the team spawns upon entering the floor. As soon as it occurs, it will come up with the word "ATTENTION!" on the screen. These Pokémon will always have a higher movement speed than the team. Using Wonder Orbs or Wands can help the team stop the Pokémon from moving. If the fleeing Pokémon manages to get to the stairs, it will disappear and the team will have to get through the dungeon or use an Escape Orb before retrying the dungeon again to encounter that fleeing Pokémon again.

If the team is successful in defeating a fleeing Pokémon, that Pokémon will congratulate the team and the team will become connected to that Pokémon. Afterwards, that Pokémon will leave the dungeon.

List of Pokémon

Pokémon whose images fail to show their gender differences are disambiguated by whether the image faces right, for males, or left, for females.

Pokémon Connections Method Mission Location Original appearance
006 Charizard Charizard of Team A.C.T. in Red and Blue Rescue Team
009 Blastoise Client Battle Blastoise and crew! Sunny Spot Hill 7F
013 Weedle
015 Beedrill
016 Pidgey
018 Pidgeot
021 Spearow
022 Fearow
023 Ekans
024 Arbok Connection of client Battle Weavile and crew! Serpentine Mountain Trail 4F Arbok of Team AWD in Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
026 Raichu
027 Sandshrew
028 Sandslash
029 Nidoran♀ Client Go check out Nidoran♀'s secret base! Sunny Spot Hill ?F
030 Nidorina
032 Nidoran♂ Client Battle Nidoran♂ and crew! Sunny Spot Hill 9F
035 Clefairy
036 Clefable
037 Vulpix
038 Ninetales Client Go check out Ninetales's secret base! Flagstone Cave ?F Ninetales of the Ninetales legend from Red and Blue Rescue Team
040 Wigglytuff Wigglytuff, the leader of Wigglytuff's Guild in Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
044 Gloom Client Rescue Gloom! Yellow Sand Labyrinth 3F
045 Vileplume
048 Venonat None
049 Venomoth
051 Dugtrio
053 Persian
054 Psyduck
055 Golduck
056 Mankey
057 Primeape Connection of client Let's defeat Primeape together! Serpentine Mountain Trail 3F
058 Growlithe Client Find Growlithe's precious belonging. Midnight Sun Gorge B6F
059 Arcanine Client Make it to the last floor! Cape of Wonders 9F
060 Poliwag
062 Poliwrath
064 Kadabra
065 Alakazam Alakazam of Team A.C.T. in Red and Blue Rescue Team
066 Machop
068 Machamp
069 Bellsprout
075 Graveler
076 Golem
077 Ponyta Client Let's find Ponyta's precious belonging together! Flagstone Cave B2F
078 Rapidash
079 Slowpoke
080 Slowbro
086 Seel
087 Dewgong
088 Grimer
092 Gastly
094 Gengar
095 Onix
096 Drowzee
098 Krabby
104 Cubone
105 Marowak Connection of client Talk with Makuhita
106 Hitmonlee
107 Hitmonchan
108 Lickitung
110 Weezing
112 Rhydon Client Battle Rhydon! Midnight Sun Gorge B2F
113 Chansey The Chansey who runs the Day Care in Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
114 Tangela
115 Kangaskhan
117 Seadra
119 Seaking
122 Mr. Mime Client Get Popular Ribbon from Liepard!
124 Jynx
128 Tauros
129 Magikarp
131 Lapras
133 Eevee
134 Vaporeon
135 Jolteon
136 Flareon Client Go check out Flareon's secret base! Berry Forest ?F
138 Omanyte
139 Omastar
142 Aerodactyl Client Battle Aerodactyl! Yellow Sand Labyrinth 6F
143 Snorlax
147 Dratini
148 Dragonair
149 Dragonite Connection of client Go find Dragonite together! Sheer Mountain Range 12F
153 Bayleef
162 Furret
164 Noctowl
166 Ledian
167 Spinarak
168 Ariados
170 Chinchou
171 Lanturn Client Go find Seel together! Cape of Wonders 4F
172 Pichu
173 Cleffa
174 Igglybuff
177 Natu
179 Mareep
180 Flaaffy
182 Bellossom
184 Azumarill
186 Politoed
187 Hoppip
188 Skiploom
189 Jumpluff
192 Sunflora Connection of client Go check out Corphish's secret base! Peewee Meadow ?F Sunflora of Wigglytuff's Guild in Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
194 Wooper
195 Quagsire The Quagsire who runs Quagsire Assembly in Gates to Infinity
196 Espeon Connection of client Go check out Flareon's secret base! Berry Forest ?F
197 Umbreon Connection of client Go check out Flareon's secret base! Berry Forest ?F
199 Slowking Client Make it all the way through the dungeon! Serpentine Mountain Trail 8F
201 Unown A
201B Unown B
201C Unown C
201D Unown D
201E Unown E
201F Unown F
201G Unown G
201H Unown H
201I Unown I
201J Unown J
201K Unown K
201L Unown L
201M Unown M
201N Unown N
201O Unown O
201P Unown P
201Q Unown Q
201R Unown R
201S Unown S
201T Unown T
201U Unown U
201V Unown V
201W Unown W
201X Unown X
201Y Unown Y
201Z Unown Z
202 Wobbuffet (♂)
202 Wobbuffet (♀) Client Let's find Wobbuffet's precious belonging together! Berry Forest 2F
204 Pineco None
205 Forretress None Client Rescue Forretress! Forest of Bounty 2F
206 Dunsparce Dunsparce in Gates to Infinity
212 Scizor
215 Sneasel
222 Corsola Client Go check out Corsola's secret base! Cape of Wonders ?F
223 Remoraid
224 Octillery
226 Mantine
229 Houndoom
230 Kingdra
232 Donphan
233 Porygon2
235 Smeargle
236 Tyrogue
238 Smoochum
242 Blissey
246 Larvitar
248 Tyranitar Tyranitar of Team A.C.T. in Red and Blue Rescue Team
256 Grovyle
259 Marshtomp
261 Poochyena
262 Mightyena
265 Wurmple
267 Beautifly
272 Ludicolo
277 Swellow
279 Pelipper
280 Ralts
281 Kirlia Client Find Kirlia's precious belonging. Abundant Pass B6F
282 Gardevoir Gardevoir of Team Charm in Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
283 Surskit
284 Masquerain
285 Shroomish
289 Slaking
290 Nincada
291 Ninjask
292 Shedinja
294 Loudred Client Go find Bidoof together! Spiral Vortex B4F Loudred from Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
295 Exploud
296 Makuhita Client Talk with Makuhita
298 Azurill
300 Skitty Client Let's find Skitty's precious belonging together! Abundant Pass B7F
301 Delcatty
304 Aron
305 Lairon
308 Medicham Client Punish Sawk and crew! Abundant Pass B8F
310 Manectric
313 Volbeat Connection of client Rescue Volbeat! Yellow Sand Labyrinth 2F
314 Illumise Client Rescue Volbeat! Yellow Sand Labyrinth 2F
319 Sharpedo Client Defeat Barboach! Cape of Wonders 5F
320 Wailmer
327 Spinda Client Go find Buneary together! Forest of Bounty 4F
328 Trapinch
329 Vibrava
330 Flygon Client Make it to the last floor! Valley of Strong Winds 11F
332 Cacturne
333 Swablu
334 Altaria Client Go check out Altaria's secret base! Abundant Pass ?F
336 Seviper
339 Barboach
340 Whiscash Whiscash in Red and Blue Rescue Team
341 Corphish Client Go check out Corphish's secret base! Peewee Meadow ?F Corphish of Wigglytuff's Guild in Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
342 Crawdaunt
344 Claydol
345 Lileep
349 Feebas Client Rescue Magikarp! Cape of Wonders 6F
350 Milotic
351 Castform
352 Kecleon A Kecleon who runs the Kecleon Shop in every game
353 Shuppet
354 Banette
355 Duskull Client Make it all the way through the dungeon! Yellow Sand Labyrinth 10F
356 Dusclops
357 Tropius
359 Absol Red and Blue Rescue Team
360 Wynaut Client Let's defeat Primeape together! Serpentine Mountain Trail 3F
365 Walrein
370 Luvdisc
373 Salamence One of Munna's underlings in Gates to Infinity
374 Beldum
376 Metagross Client Make it all the way through the dungeon! Yellow Sand Labyrinth 10F
377 Regirock
378 Regice
379 Registeel
399 Bidoof Bidoof from Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
406 Budew
407 Roserade
408 Cranidos Client Go find Larvitar together! Forest of Fairies 7F
409 Rampardos The Rampardos who runs Rampardos Box Buster in Gates to Infinity
410 Shieldon
411 Bastiodon
412G Sandy Cloak Burmy
412S Trash Cloak Burmy
413G Sandy Cloak Wormadam
413S Trash Cloak Wormadam
415 Combee
415 Combee
416 Vespiquen
417 Pachirisu
421 Cherrim
422E East Sea Shellos
423 West Sea Gastrodon One of the Gastrodon running Gastrodon Judgment House in Adventure Squad
423E East Sea Gastrodon One of the Gastrodon running Gastrodon Judgment House in Adventure Squad
427 Buneary Connection of client Go find Buneary together! Forest of Bounty 4F
428 Lopunny Lopunny of Team Charm in Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
431 Glameow
432 Purugly
433 Chingling Connection of client Let's find Wobbuffet's precious belonging together! Berry Forest
438 Bonsly
440 Happiny
441 Chatot Chatot from Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
443 Gible
444 Gabite None
446 Munchlax
448 Lucario
449 Hippopotas
452 Drapion Connection of client Battle Weavile and crew! Serpentine Mountain Trail 4F Drapion of Team AWD in Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
453 Croagunk Croagunk of Wigglytuff's Guild who runs Croagunk's Swap Shop in Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
454 Toxicroak
455 Carnivine
456 Finneon
461 Weavile Client Battle Weavile and crew! Serpentine Mountain Trail 4F Weavile of Team AWD in Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
464 Rhyperior
465 Tangrowth
466 Electivire Client Make it all the way through the dungeon! Berry Forest 12F
468 Togekiss
469 Yanmega
470 Leafeon
471 Glaceon
475 Gallade
476 Probopass
478 Froslass
479 Normal Rotom
479F Fan Rotom


Travelling Pokémon
480 Uxie
481 Mesprit Client Meet up with Mesprit! Heart Lake B29F
485 Heatran Fleeing Pokémon N/A Fire Island Volcano 7F*
486 Regigigas
489 Phione
492 Shaymin
494 Victini The Victini who runs the V-Wheel and the V-Wavecast in Gates to Infinity
506 Lillipup
507 Herdier Client Go find Exploud together! Yellow Sand Labyrinth 5F
508 Stoutland
509 Purrloin
510 Liepard Connection of client Get Popular Ribbon from Liepard!
511 Pansage Client Find Pansage's precious belonging. Abundant Pass B2F
512 Simisage
513 Pansear Client Battle Pansear! Gentle Slope Cave B4F
515 Panpour
517 Munna Munna in Gates to Infinity
519 Pidove
521F Unfezant (♀)
523 Zebstrika Client Find Zebstrika's precious belonging. Yellow Sand Labyrinth 8F
526 Gigalith One of Munna's underlings in Gates to Infinity
527 Woobat
529 Drilbur None
530 Excadrill
531 Audino
533 Gurdurr Possibly the Gurdurr in Gates to Infinity
535 Tympole
537 Seismitoad
538 Throh
539 Sawk
540 Sewaddle
542 Leavanny Possibly the Leavanny in Gates to Infinity
543 Venipede
544 Whirlipede
546 Cottonee None
547 Whimsicott
548 Petilil Client Go find Dragonite together! Sheer Mountain Range 12F
549 Lilligant
550B Basculin Client Let's defeat Seadra together! Submerged Cave B4F
551 Sandile
556 Maractus
559 Scraggy Scraggy in Gates to Infinity
562 Yamask
563 Cofagrigus The Cofagrigus who also runs Glorious Gold in Gates to Infinity
568 Trubbish
569 Garbodor Client Battle Garbodor and crew! Forest of Fairies 9F
570 Zorua
571 Zoroark Client Go check out Zoroark's secret base! Hall of Magic ?F
573 Cinccino The Cinccino who runs the Gift Shop in Gates to Infinity
581 Swanna The Swanna who owns the inn at Post Town in Gates to Infinity
582 Vanillite Client Go check out Vanillite's secret base! Flagstone Cave ?F
583 Vanillish
584 Vanilluxe
585 Deerling
586 Sawsbuck Client Go find Amaura together! * Midnight Sun Gorge B7F
587 Emolga Emolga in Gates to Infinity
588 Karrablast
590 Foongus
594 Alomomola
595 Joltik
596 Galvantula Fainted in dungeon Revive with food
597 Ferroseed
598 Ferrothorn
599 Klink
600 Klang Client Let's find Klang's precious belonging together! Hall of Magic B5F
605 Elgyem
609 Chandelure One of Munna's underlings in Gates to Infinity
610 Axew
613 Cubchoo
615 Cryogonal Client Find Cryogonal's precious belonging. Abundant Pass B11F
616 Shelmet
618 Stunfisk
620 Mienshao
621 Druddigon
622 Golett
623 Golurk Client Battle Golurk! Yellow Sand Labyrinth 7F
625 Bisharp
626 Bouffalant
627 Rufflet
631 Heatmor Client Talk with Heatmor Sahra Town
632 Durant
635 Hydreigon
638 Cobalion Boss of a dungeon N/A Pledge Hill
639 Terrakion
640 Virizion Virizion in Gates to Infinity
647 Keldeo Keldeo in Gates to Infinity
648 Meloetta
662 Fletchinder
663 Talonflame
665 Spewpa
666 Vivillon
667 Litleo Client Find Litleo's precious belonging. Flagstone Cave B10F
668 Pyroar (♂) Client Battle Pyroar! Super Apple Forest 3F
668F Pyroar (♀)
669 Flabébé
670 Floette
671 Florges
674 Pancham
675 Pangoro Client Defeat Pyroar! Sunny Spot Hill 6F
676 Furfrou
677 Espurr
678 Meowstic (♂)
679 Honedge
683 Aromatisse
685 Slurpuff
686 Inkay
688 Binacle
689 Barbaracle None
694 Helioptile
695 Heliolisk
696 Tyrunt Client Find Tyrunt's precious belonging. Valley of Strong Winds 8F
697 Tyrantrum
698 Amaura
699 Aurorus
700 Sylveon
701 Hawlucha
704 Goomy
706 Goodra
707 Klefki
708 Phantump
709 Trevenant
711 Gourgeist
712 Bergmite
719 Diancie

In other languages

Language Title
French Orbe des Liens
German Connexussphäre
Italian Intersfera
Spanish Orbe Unión

This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.