Appendix:Emerald walkthrough/Section 9

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Route 105

Route 105

Before we head out to our next Gym, let's look at some new accessible places now that you can use HM03 (Surf). These are Route 105, Route 107, Route 108, and the Abandoned Ship.

Also now that you have Surf, Mr. Briney will no longer transport you between his house on Route 104 to Dewford Town, or Route 109, instead you'll have to transport yourself using Surf.

Route 107

Route 107

  • Note: These are the Pokémon available for Route 107 and Route 108:

Route 108

Route 108 contains the Abandoned Ship.

Route 108

Abandoned Ship

Entrance to Abandoned Ship

Go through the cabins on the ship and challenge Trainers. Your target is the second floor, where a man will tell you that he was sent by Captain Stern to find a Scanner. You can't help him right now, but you can find a Storage Key.

Use the Storage Key to unlock the room that has TM13 (Ice Beam). Although it can be obtained at the Game Corner in Mauville City, this copy does not require a long grinding session.

You can find Tentacruel here, an excellent HM slave as well as a decently powerful Pokémon in its own right. However, you may wish to first get the Super Rod in Mossdeep City and then return here, since while surfing it has a 1% encounter rate.

New Mauville

The interior of New Mauville
The entrance to New Mauville

Return to Mauville City. There, you will see Wattson outside his Gym. When you go and talk to him, he will ask you to shut down the generator installed in New Mauville, a subterranean power plant for the city, and gives you the Basement Key, which unlocks the door to the plant. You must surf east from Route 110 to reach New Mauville (its entrance is a cave).

After finding and entering New Mauville, you will need to find the generator. There will be quite a few items scattered around inside, but some item balls will actually turn out to be Voltorb or Electrode. There are no Trainers here, but there are wild Pokémon wandering around.

You can find Magnemite and Magneton here and decide to catch them. Wild Magnemite and Magneton, have a 5% chance of holding Metal Coat which enhances Steel-type moves.

After shutting down the generator, leave New Mauville and head back to Mauville City. Wattson will thank you and give you TM24 (Thunderbolt). You should now head east from Mauville to Route 118.

Route 118

Route 118

Once there use Surf to get to the eastern side and immediately talk to the fisherman you see to receive the Good Rod. If you battled Gabby and Ty in Route 111, you can battle them here. As you travel abit up the road you will meet up with Steven who asks what kind of Pokémon you like before he leaves. Before heading north to Route 119, let's head east to Route 123 for a quick stop.

Route 123

Though we can't do much here until after we reach Mt. Pyre we can at least find some Berry groves as well as the Berry Master's house, where the Berry Master gives you two Berries once a day and his wife will also give you one based on the phrase you use. Get now Spelon Berry since it is the only rare Berry from Berry Master's wife that can be obtained before defeating the Elite Four.

But anyway other than this or battling two new Trainers when your ready head back to Route 118 and head north to Route 119.

Route 119

Route 119

Now that you have reached Route 119, go north through the long grass, which hides a number of Trainers. The long grass cannot be bicycled through.

Finding Feebas

Feebas can only be found by fishing in one of six water tiles along the route. Adding to the difficulty, other Pokémon besides Feebas can also appear in the Feebas tiles as well. There is no known easy method to determine which tiles contain Feebas: the only way is to fish repeatedly in each and every water tile on the route, doing so enough times (around 5 times) to be reasonably confident that no Feebas are in that tile. Any rod can find Feebas (of which Old Rod works best as it you can fish quicker than the other rods). Once you find the Feebas squares, you will encounter Feebas about 50% of the time there, so be sure to catch several of them. It must be highlighted that, by changing the trend in Dewford Town, the six tiles where the Feebas are positioned will change.

Evolving Feebas

Feebas evolves to Milotic only when leveled up with its Beauty condition to 170. Also, this amount required is not displayed in the game. For raise its Beauty, Feebas must feed on Blue or Indigo Pokéblocks.

However, first you should check what your Feebas' nature is. Your Feebas must be Quiet, Rash, Mild or Modest (probably the best of those four natures). Next, to make Pokéblocks you need these berries: Kelpsy, Hondew, Cornn, and Pamtre Berry (the best of all). To get the Pamtre Berry, you must tell "Challenge Contest" to the Berry Master's wife on Route 123, but this can only do so after defeating the Elite Four.

Your Pokéblocks should be around at Level 22. Now feed Feebas with twelve Pokéblocks (the maximum), and train it (or Rare Candy it) up one level and you've got a Milotic.

Head north, past the house. Here, you will find a bridge: cross it and continue north. You will soon encounter a large building with Team Aqua Grunts all around it. This is called the Weather Institute. Because Team Aqua is blocking the path ahead, you'll have to go inside and defeat them in order to move forward. What do they want from this science organization?

Weather Institute

Once inside, you'll notice to the upper left a bed and a PC near a little girl, which you can use to heal and switch out your team if need be. Here on the first floor are two Team Aqua grunts you'll have to face. As you defeat them, you will learn their plans: they want to steal information about the legendary Pokémon Groudon and Kyogre, and the rare Pokémon Castform. Now access to the second floor is available.

The Weather Institute's exterior

After defeating the grunts on the first floor, advance to the second floor, where you'll find Aqua Admin Shelly.

When you defeat Shelly, Team Aqua will leave the Weather Institute. The professor of the Institute will be very pleased that you saved him and will reward you with a Level 25 Castform which holds a Mystic Water, an item which enhances Water-type moves.

Normal Unknown
Held item:
Mystic Water
Castform/ Lv.25
Powder Snow
Rain Dance
Sunny Day

Castform is unique because it changes its type and appearance depending on the weather during a Pokémon battle. If there is harsh sunlight, Castform becomes a Fire-type; if it's Hailing, it becomes an Ice-type; and if it's Raining, it becomes a Water-type.

Leave the building and head east across the river.

Route 119

After you've gone east a bit, head north to encounter your rival, who demands another battle with you.

252 If the player chose Treecko:

255 If the player chose Torchic:

258 If the player chose Mudkip:

After your rival has been defeated, he/she will give you HM02 (Fly), a useful HM move that allows you to instantly travel to any town or city you've already visited. Scott will talk to you after your rival leaves. He'll be impressed and leave.

Invisible Kecleon locations

There are two stationary and invisible Kecleon around Route 119.

  • In the dead end path near the entrance to Fortree City
  • Just to right of last Ninja Boy before Fortree City, in the indent of trees

Your next stop is Fortree City, where you'll obtain another Badge.

Fortree City

Fortree City

When you arrive in Fortree City, the first thing you'll probably notice is that the city is made entirely out of treehouses! The next thing you'll quickly discover is that the path to the Fortree Gym is blocked by something invisible. So you'll have to go on towards Route 120.

But first, there are some valuable items that you can obtain from the locals. In the middle wooden house above the gym a women will give you TM10 (Hidden Power), if you can guess which hand she's holding it in three times in a row (solution: right, right, left). Her husband living in the same house will teach you TM35 (Sleep Talk) A boy in another house will trade you a Plusle in exchange for a Volbeat; the Plusle, named Pluses, will be holding a Wood Mail.

Desk and chair shop

There is a shop in the bottom-right corner of Fortree City that sells a variety of Secret Base decorations. There are two counters, one selling desks and the other selling chairs.


Route 120 (briefly)

East of Fortree City, after following the path for a while, you will encounter Steven Stone once again. He found another strangely invisible blockade (just as you did). However, Steven uses the Devon Scope on it and suddenly, a Kecleon appears! You can run or catch (recommendable) the Kecleon. After fighting it, Steven will give you the Devon Scope.

Now, go back to the Gym, use the Scope, and a Kecleon will appear. This time, however, instead of attacking, it will flee. Now the path has been cleared and you're free to challenge the Gym.

Fortree Gym

Fortree Gym's interior

Be aware that the highest-leveled Pokémon you'll battle here is Level 33 and quite powerful. If you're ready, enter the Gym.

Fortree City's Gym involves a puzzle wherein you'll have to push rotating doors in order to proceed. At the end of the Gym, you will find the Gym Leader, Winona. She uses Flying-types, so it's a good idea to use Ice-, Rock-, and/or Electric-type Pokémon. (It's unlikely that you'll have any Ice-types at this point, although you may have a Pokémon that knows Ice Beam.) Grass-, Bug-, and Fighting-types are at a type disadvantage here, and Flying-types are completely immune to Ground-type moves.

Fortree Gym
The Feather Badge

All of Winona's Pokémon know the move Aerial Ace, which never misses. The first Pokémon you'll face in this battle is Swablu. It's a Normal/Flying-type Pokémon, so it has the standard Flying weaknesses— Electric, Ice, and Rock. It shouldn't give you a problem... but it does know Perish Song, a move that will cause any Pokémon that hears the song to faint three turns later, unless it gets switched out. Pelipper has a 4× weakness to Electric-type moves, and one hit with Spark or Shock Wave will usually take it out in one hit. Be mindful that it has Protect to block attacks and Supersonic, which will confuse your Pokémon. Tropius is a real threat, with good defensive stats and powerful moves. It can restore up to half of its maximum HP with Synthesis, and has the devastating Grass-type move SolarBeam. It will not need to charge up in sunny weather, a weather condition that Tropius can activate with Sunny Day! However, this boosts the power of Fire-type moves, something that Tropius is weak to. Skarmory has exceptionally high Defense and is weak to Electric- and Fire-type moves. It knows Fury Attack, which strikes several times in a row, Steel Wing, which will deal supereffective damage to Rock-type Pokémon, and Sand-Attack to lower your Accuracy. The extra boost that Fire-type moves will get if the effects of Tropius's Sunny Day still linger may just be what you need to take out Skarmory. When Winona sends out Altaria, do not use Electric-type Pokémon against it. This Dragon/Flying-type knows the extremely powerful Ground-type move Earthquake. It can boost its Attack and Speed stats with Dragon Dance, and DragonBreath may cause paralysis. Altaria is weak to Rock-, Ice, and Dragon-type moves. Your best bet is to just keep attacking until you knock it out.

After being defeated, Winona will give you the Feather Badge, which makes Pokémon up to level 70 obey and allows you to use HM02 (Fly) outside of battle. She will also give you TM40 (Aerial Ace).

Scott is going to call you to congratulate you on winning. Now, head to Route 120 again after healing up at the Pokémon Center.

← Part 8 Mt. Chimney, Route 111, Mirage Tower, Rustboro City, Petalburg City, Petalburg Gym
Route 120, Scorched Slab, Route 121, Lilycove City, Contest Hall, Lilycove Museum, Safari Zone, Route 122, Mt. Pyre, Route 123, Team Magma Hideout Part 10 →

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.