Frenzy Plant (Japanese: ハードプラントHard Plant) is a damage-dealing Grass-typemove introduced in Generation III. Only Grass-type fully evolved starter Pokémon can learn this move.
Frenzy Plant inflicts damage and then forces the user to recharge during the next turn. Unless this attack misses, the user will always have to recharge.
Venusaur's body becomes outlined light green and it stomps on the ground. Giant roots with spikes on them come out of the ground and strike the opponent.
Torterra's body becomes outlined in green and it slams its front two legs into the ground. Giant roots with spikes on them come out of the ground and strike the opponent.
Serperior's body becomes outlined in green. It then sticks its tail in the ground and makes giant roots with spikes on them come out of the ground and strike the opponent.
Venusaur's body becomes surrounded in an aura and it releases two energy beams from the sides of the flower on its back at the opponent. The beams twist around each other as they fire at the opponent. Eventually, the energy around the beams fade into two giant roots with large thorns on them, or two powerful and large vines come out of underneath the leaves on Venusaur's back and hit the opponent.