The Bonds of Mega Evolution! (Japanese: メガルカリオ対メガクチート!メガシンカの絆!!Mega Lucario VS Mega Kucheat! The Bonds of Mega Evolution!!) is the 34th episode of the XY series, and the 833rd episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on July 3, 2014 and in the United States on September 6, 2014.
Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
Following her grandfather's orders, Korrina has arrived on Pomace Mountain for some special training with Mabel, whose partner Mawile can Mega Evolve, and our heroes are along for the adventure. After a quick battle, Mabel suggests that everyone make flower arrangements with their Pokémon partners, much to their surprise.
This continues for several days, and while Bonnie and Dedenne are having a great time, Korrina and Lucario are getting impatient. But they soon learn that spending so much time together, exploring the beauty of the mountain and working together to make their beautiful arrangements, is exactly what they needed!
During a late-night heart-to-heart talk between Mabel and Korrina, the Team Rocket villains make their move, grabbing Pikachu and Mawile. But all that training pays off! Korrina's voice is finally able to reach Mega Lucario and calm its battle rage, and with the help of Mega Mawile, Team Rocket is sent blasting off again.
Now that Korrina can control Lucario's Mega Evolution, Ash decides he needs more training before challenging her at the Shalour Gym!
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While translated directly from its Japanese equivalent, the English title is very similar and could serve as a reference to The Bonds of Evolution!, which also showcases Mega Evolution.
When Mabel is talking in her house, everyone else is shown to be surprised. However, the animation for everyone in the room except Ash is reversed: they are shown bewildered and open-mouthed at first, and when they all gasp, they seem to compose themselves. This happens twice during the episode.
When James throws his Poké Ball to send out Inkay, the engines on the sides of the Meowth Balloon disappear. This error will be fixed in the future episodes.
Meowth Balloon without the engines
Dub edits
For an unknown reason the title of the episode copies the title of XY028 in the Russian dub.