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Transliteration criteria for Thai Pokémon name

There are no official Thai Pokémon name. Thai pronounce Pokémon name based on TV series by Thai voice actors. Some names is Hepburn Japanese while some is trademarked Japanese Pokémon name. Trademarked Pokémon should be used for transliteration to Thai name because sometimes, Pokémon name is combined with English word and Japanese alphabet does not support it and create additional syllable.
English to Thai and Japanese to Thai Romanization criteria is available by Office of the Royal Society (Thailand). It is the criteria for vocabulary that have no substitute in Thai. It is the way too strict to Japanese pronunciation for Pokémon name which officially transliterated word is distinct from well-known word of mouth by TV series. Imagine that you call “durian” the fruit but I try to convince you that actually it is called “tu-rian” even it is in dictionary (if this word is originated in Thai). Before all Thai Pokémon name is pronounced without system, Thing that I want to do first is transliteration for Thai Pokémon name using the strict criteria in my personal space and then blend or make exception for some Pokémon name.
Japanese to Thai Romanization
1) n in Hepburn Japanese as…
final consonant of last syllable = (ng in English)
final consonant of any syllable followed by g, h, k, or w = (ng in English)
final consonant of any syllable followed by b, m, or p = (m in English)
2)g, k, t, and p in Hepburn Japanese
2.1)first consonant of first syllable
g= (like go),
k= (like curve),
t= (like titrate), and
p= (like preparation)
2.2)consonant of other syllable
g= (like sing),
k= (like figure),
t= (like titrate), and
p= (like lycopene).
3) Vowel in Hepburn Japanese = Vowel in Thai by the criteria
+a=+ะ,+aa=+า, +e=เ+ะ,+ee=เ+, +ei=เ+,+i=อิ, +ii=อี, +o=โ+ะ,+oo=โ+,+u=อุ, +uu=อู, +ya=เอียะ, +yaa=เอีย, +yo=เอียว, +yoo=เอียว, +yu=อิว, and +yuu=อีว
1.“+” is where alphabet is combined with the vowel
2.cannot type “+” with thai vowel which is above and under alphabet so “อ” is used instead.
3.Double a, e, i, o, and u or ā, ē, ī, ō, and ū is long-sound vowel
4. +aa sound like car, +ee or +ei like gray, +ii like glee, +oo like foe, +uu like you, +yaa like shear, +yoo like meow, +yuu like view. these are long-sound vowel which pronunciation is the same as short-sound vowel but the sound is shorter and transliteration is different.
4) other consonant in hepburn japanese
b=, d=, f=, h=, j=, m=, r=, w=,y=,s=,z=,chi=ti=ชิ, shi=si=ชิ, _ss_=_สซ_,_ssh_=_สช_,_tchi=_ตชิ, tsu=สึ, _ttsu=_ตสึ, and _pp_=_ปป_ (“_” is where vowel is)

ZEST TENORISTA (talk) 18:05, 6 August 2016 (UTC)