List of modified Ability access

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Some Pokémon have had their Ability access changed between or within generations. The list is as follows.

From Generation II to Generation III

As Generations I and II did not feature Abilities, all Pokémon introduced in those generations received at least one Ability when they were introduced in Generation III.

From Generation III to Generation IV


Several Pokémon from prior generations that had only one Ability received a second one in Generation IV.

Generation III Generation IV
# Pokémon Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden
016 Pidgey Pidgey
Keen Eye
017 Pidgeotto Pidgeotto
Keen Eye
018 Pidgeot Pidgeot
Keen Eye
029 Nidoran♀ Nidoran♀
Poison Point
030 Nidorina Nidorina
Poison Point
031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen
Poison Point
032 Nidoran♂ Nidoran♂
Poison Point
033 Nidorino Nidorino
Poison Point
034 Nidoking Nidoking
Poison Point
035 Clefairy Clefairy
Cute Charm
036 Clefable Clefable
Cute Charm
046 Paras Paras
Effect Spore
047 Parasect Parasect
Effect Spore
173 Cleffa Cleffa
Cute Charm
# Pokémon Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden
016 Pidgey Pidgey
Keen Eye Tangled Feet
017 Pidgeotto Pidgeotto
Keen Eye Tangled Feet
018 Pidgeot Pidgeot
Keen Eye Tangled Feet
029 Nidoran♀ Nidoran♀
Poison Point Rivalry
030 Nidorina Nidorina
Poison Point Rivalry
031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen
Poison Point Rivalry
032 Nidoran♂ Nidoran♂
Poison Point Rivalry
033 Nidorino Nidorino
Poison Point Rivalry
034 Nidoking Nidoking
Poison Point Rivalry
035 Clefairy Clefairy
Cute Charm Magic Guard
036 Clefable Clefable
Cute Charm Magic Guard
046 Paras Paras
Effect Spore Dry Skin
047 Parasect Parasect
Effect Spore Dry Skin
173 Cleffa Cleffa
Cute Charm Magic Guard
  • Venonat line gets Tinted Lens
  • Meowth line gets Technician
  • Mankey line gets Anger Point
  • Machop line gets No Guard
  • Seel line gets Hydration
  • Shellder line gets Skill Link
  • Drowzee line gets Forewarn
  • Tyrogue line gets Steadfast, Reckless, Iron Fist, Technician
  • Tangela gets Leaf Guard
  • Kangaskhan gets Scrappy
  • Horsea gets Sniper
  • Mr. Mime gets Filter
  • Scyther line gets Technician
  • Smoochum line gets Forewarn
  • Pinsir gets Mold Breaker
  • Tauros gets Anger Point
  • Eevee gets Adaptability
  • Porygon and Porygon2 get Download
  • Hoppip line gets Leaf Guard
  • Sunkern line gets Solar Power
  • Murkrow gets Super Luck
  • Granbull gets Run Away
  • Shuckle gets Gluttony
  • Teddiursa line gets Quick Feet
  • Swinub and Piloswine get Snow Cloak
  • Remoraid line gets Sniper
  • Stantler gets Frisk
  • Smeargle gets Technician
  • Miltank gets Scrappy
  • Poochyena line gets Quick Feet
  • Zigzagoon line gets Gluttony
  • Shroomish line gets Poison Heal
  • Skitty line gets Normalize
  • Sableye gets Stall
  • Illumise gets Tinted Lens
  • Numel line gets Simple/Solid Rock
  • Spinda gets Tangled Feet
  • Barboach line gets Anticipation
  • Shuppet line gets Frisk
  • Tropius gets Super Luck
  • Snorunt line gets Ice Body
  • Spheal line gets Ice Body

From Generation IV to Generation V

Nearly all Pokémon from prior generations received a Hidden Ability in Generation V.

Within Generation V

Blue-Striped Basculin had its first-slot Ability changed in Pokémon Black and White Versions 2. (However, a Blue-Striped Basculin obtained in a trade in White has Rock Head.)

Black and White Black 2 and White 2
# Pokémon Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden
550B Basculin Basculin
Reckless Adaptability
# Pokémon Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden
550B Basculin Basculin
Rock Head Adaptability

From Generation V to Generation VI

A handful of Pokémon from prior generations received a new Ability or had their Abilities changed in Generation VI.

Generation V Generation VI
# Pokémon Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden
039 Jigglypuff Jigglypuff
Cute Charm
040 Wigglytuff Wigglytuff
Cute Charm
145 Zapdos Zapdos
174 Igglybuff Igglybuff
Cute Charm
311 Plusle Plusle
312 Minun Minun
349 Feebas Feebas
Swift Swim
350 Milotic Milotic
Marvel Scale
352 Kecleon Kecleon
Color Change
355 Duskull Duskull
356 Dusclops Dusclops
396 Starly Starly
Keen Eye
477 Dusknoir Dusknoir
543 Venipede Venipede
Poison Point Swarm
544 Whirlipede Whirlipede
Poison Point Swarm
545 Scolipede Scolipede
Poison Point Swarm
574 Gothita Gothita
575 Gothorita Gothorita
576 Gothitelle Gothitelle
598 Ferrothorn Ferrothorn
Iron Barbs
607 Litwick Litwick
Flash Fire Flame Body
608 Lampent Lampent
Flash Fire Flame Body
609 Chandelure Chandelure
Flash Fire Flame Body
# Pokémon Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden
039 Jigglypuff Jigglypuff
Cute Charm Competitive
040 Wigglytuff Wigglytuff
Cute Charm Competitive
145 Zapdos Zapdos
174 Igglybuff Igglybuff
Cute Charm Competitive
311 Plusle Plusle
312 Minun Minun
349 Feebas Feebas
Swift Swim Oblivious
350 Milotic Milotic
Marvel Scale Competitive
352 Kecleon Kecleon
Color Change
355 Duskull Duskull
356 Dusclops Dusclops
396 Starly Starly
Keen Eye
477 Dusknoir Dusknoir
543 Venipede Venipede
Poison Point Swarm
544 Whirlipede Whirlipede
Poison Point Swarm
545 Scolipede Scolipede
Poison Point Swarm
574 Gothita Gothita
Frisk Competitive
575 Gothorita Gothorita
Frisk Competitive
576 Gothitelle Gothitelle
Frisk Competitive
598 Ferrothorn Ferrothorn
Iron Barbs
607 Litwick Litwick
Flash Fire Flame Body
608 Lampent Lampent
Flash Fire Flame Body
609 Chandelure Chandelure
Flash Fire Flame Body

See also