
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 19:44, 14 October 2016 by CycloneGU (talk | contribs) (Zach's XY Colorless deck: OK, they seem to have made slight changes to decks over time. I have to start from the beginning. I have until February, I think, to get these all done. I'll recheck the Hard one next. Easy is unchanged.)
"This is what I live for!"

Art from the PTCGO website
Gender Male
Eye color Violet
Hair color Brown
Hometown San Francisco
Region USA
Trainer class Trading Card Game Player

Zach works at the Game Store in Pokémon Trading Card Game Online. He greets new players at the entrance of the Game Store along with Ella. When players initially begin the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online, he and Ella lead players through an initial series of tutorial matches. Afterwards, in the Trainer Challenge, he can be faced in the Gold League and the Platinum League for a total of two matches.

Official biography

"Zach got his job at the game store through Ella. Enthusiastic but a little hapless, he loves the Pokémon TCG and reads fantasy novels. His favorite part of his job is helping new players get acquainted with the store's regulars."

League Appearances

Zach uses a Colorless Colorless deck when players face him.

Gold League

Zach is the first opponent in the Gold League. After defeating Zach, players move on to face Mick.

Platinum League

Zach is the first opponent in the Platinum League. After defeating Zach, players move on to face Logan.

Diamond League

In the HeartGold and SoulSilver era, Zach appeared as part of the Diamond League. This league is no longer available for play.

Other appearances

Zach assists players when they access the "Help" feature, the Trainer Challenge mode, and the player versus player Versus Mode in the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online.

Initial Tutorials

Main article: Tutorial (TCGO)


Trainer Challenge

  • Choose League"To get started, select a league and difficulty from below. The selections will be added to the current option area on the right."
Gold — "Every player begins in the Gold League. Defeat each trainer in the God League and you will unlock the Platinum League!"
Platinum — "Great job beating the 12 Gold League trainers. Now for the next challenge! Defeat each trainer in the Platinum League and you will unlock the City Championship!"
City Championship — "Do you have what it takes to be the City Champion? Let’s find out!"
"You have <number> overall wins with this deck."
"You have <number> overall wins with this deck. You have won <number> of <8 or 12> games necessary to unlock a booster pack."'
  • Choose computer-controlled Trainer opponent — "Please select a trainer to challenge!"

Versus Mode

Random Battle

Theme — "Both players can now use preconstructed theme decks in this format."
Standard — "Decks can only contain cards from current Standard legal expansions in their decks."
Expanded — "Deck can only contain cards that have been verified as Expanded legal."
Unlimited — "No cards are off-limits in this format! Play with your dream deck!"
  • Now retired "Ranked Battle" option which was folded directly into Random Battle rather than "Random Battle" being an option under "Ranked Battle""Ranked games allow you to progress and play against better and better trainers. Players also earn trainer tokens for these matches."

Friend Battle

"Now pick a friend to challenge."
<see Deck format selection in Random Battle above>
"Looks like none of our friends are available. You can only challenge friends who are currently online and aren't already in a match."

Play Testing

  • "Play a game against the computer and test out a deck."
"Next select a difficulty for the computer."
Easy — "Easy is a good option if you are new to Pokémon TCG."
Medium — "Select Medium if you have experience with Pokémon TCG."
Hard — "Hard is better suited for an expert Pokémon TCG player."
"Please choose one of your decks below" <with Theme, Standard, and Expanded decks mixed together in the same list>


  • Retired Practice Battle"Practice games help you learn the basics of the game in a friendly match. If you are new to Pokémon TCG this is a good game type."

Zach's decks

Zach's XY Colorless deck

Easy deck

Quantity Card Type Rarity
Bibarel Colorless Uncommon
Bidoof Colorless Common
Dunsparce Colorless Uncommon
Farfetch'd Colorless
Furfrou Colorless Rare Holo
Lickilicky Colorless Uncommon
Lickitung Colorless Common
Miltank Colorless
Skarmory Colorless Rare
Snorlax Colorless Rare
Tranquill Colorless Uncommon
Pidove Colorless Common
Acro Bike I Uncommon
Exp. Share I Uncommon
Professor Birch's Observations Su Uncommon
Repeat Ball I Uncommon
Sparkling Robe I Uncommon
Team Flare Grunt Su Uncommon
Tool Retriever I Uncommon
Trainers' Mail I Uncommon
Winona Su Uncommon
Grass Energy Grass E
Fire Energy Fire E
Water Energy Water E
Lightning Energy Lightning E
Psychic Energy Psychic E
Fighting Energy Fighting E
Darkness Energy Darkness E
Metal Energy Metal E
Fairy Energy Fairy E

Medium deck

Quantity Card Type Rarity
Bibarel Colorless Uncommon
Bidoof Colorless Common
Dunsparce Colorless Uncommon
Farfetch'd Colorless
Furfrou Colorless Rare Holo
Lickilicky Colorless Uncommon
Lickitung Colorless Common
Miltank Colorless
Skarmory Colorless Rare
Snorlax Colorless Rare
Tranquill Colorless Uncommon
Pidove Colorless Common
Acro Bike I Uncommon
Exp. Share I Uncommon
Professor Birch's Observations Su Uncommon
Repeat Ball I Uncommon
Sparkling Robe I Uncommon
Team Flare Grunt Su Uncommon
Tool Retriever I Uncommon
Trainers' Mail I Uncommon
Winona Su Uncommon
Grass Energy Grass E
Fire Energy Fire E
Water Energy Water E
Lightning Energy Lightning E
Psychic Energy Psychic E
Fighting Energy Fighting E
Darkness Energy Darkness E
Metal Energy Metal E
Fairy Energy Fairy E

Hard deck

Quantity Card Type Rarity
Bouffalant Colorless Uncommon
Dunsparce Colorless Uncommon
Farfetch'd Colorless
Furfrou Colorless Rare Holo
Lickilicky Colorless Uncommon
Lickitung Colorless Common
Miltank Colorless
Skarmory Colorless Rare
Snorlax Colorless Rare
Unfezant Colorless Rare
Tranquill Colorless Uncommon
Pidove Colorless Common
Acro Bike I Uncommon
Exp. Share I Uncommon
Professor Birch's Observations Su Uncommon
Repeat Ball I Uncommon
Sparkling Robe I Uncommon
Team Flare Grunt Su Uncommon
Tool Retriever I Uncommon
Trainers' Mail I Uncommon
Winona Su Uncommon
Double Colorless Energy Colorless E Uncommon
Grass Energy Grass E
Fire Energy Fire E
Water Energy Water E
Lightning Energy Lightning E
Psychic Energy Psychic E
Fighting Energy Fighting E
Darkness Energy Darkness E
Metal Energy Metal E
Fairy Energy Fairy E

Earlier in the X/Y era, Zach's deck had a slightly different look at Medium difficulty.

Original Medium deck

Quantity Card Type Rarity
Bibarel Colorless Uncommon
Bidoof Colorless Common
Dunsparce Colorless Uncommon
Farfetch'd Colorless
Furfrou Colorless Rare Holo
Lickilicky Colorless Uncommon
Lickitung Colorless Common
Miltank Colorless
Skarmory Colorless Rare
Snorlax Colorless Rare
Tranquill Colorless Uncommon
Pidove Colorless Common
Acro Bike I Uncommon
Exp. Share I Uncommon
Professor Birch's Observations Su Uncommon
Repeat Ball I Uncommon
Sparkling Robe I Uncommon
Team Flare Grunt Su Uncommon
Tool Retriever I Uncommon
Trainers' Mail I Uncommon
Winona Su Uncommon
Grass Energy Grass E
Fire Energy Fire E
Water Energy Water E
Lightning Energy Lightning E
Psychic Energy Psychic E
Fighting Energy Fighting E
Darkness Energy Darkness E
Metal Energy Metal E
Fairy Energy Fairy E

Zach's Retired decks

Zach's Black & White Colorless deck

Easy deck (List missing 1 card)

Quantity Card Type Rarity
Audino Colorless Uncommon
Bouffalant Colorless Uncommon
Braviary Colorless Rare Holo
Chatot Colorless Uncommon
Jigglypuff Colorless Uncommon
Wigglytuff Colorless Rare
Minccino Colorless Common
Rufflet Colorless Common
Energy Retrieval I Uncommon
Full Heal I Uncommon
Giant Cape I Uncommon
Great Ball I Uncommon
Professor's Letter I Uncommon
Revive I Uncommon
Roller Skates I Uncommon
Tierno Su
22× Metal Energy Metal E

Medium deck (List missing 15 cards)

Quantity Card Type Rarity
Audino Colorless Uncommon
Bouffalant Colorless Uncommon
Braviary Colorless Rare Holo
Chatot Colorless Uncommon
Jigglypuff Colorless Uncommon
Wigglytuff Colorless Rare
Minccino Colorless Common
Rufflet Colorless Common
Aspertia City Gym St Uncommon
Giant Cape I Uncommon
Rocky Helmet I Uncommon
Team Flare Grunt Su Uncommon
22× Metal Energy Metal E

Hard deck

Quantity Card Type Rarity
Audino Colorless Uncommon
Bouffalant Colorless Uncommon
Braviary Colorless Rare Holo
Chatot Colorless Uncommon
Jigglypuff Colorless Uncommon
Wigglytuff Colorless Rare
Minccino Colorless Common
Rufflet Colorless Common
Aspertia City Gym St Uncommon
Crushing Hammer I Uncommon
Energy Retrieval I Uncommon
Escape Rope I Uncommon
Eviolite I Uncommon
Giant Cape I Uncommon
Great Ball I Uncommon
Hugh Su Uncommon
Professor's Letter I Uncommon
Revive I Uncommon
Rocky Helmet I Uncommon
Roller Skates I Uncommon
Team Flare Grunt Su Uncommon
Tierno Su
16× Metal Energy Metal E

Zach's HeartGold & SoulSilver decks

During the HeartGold & SoulSilver era, Zach used both a Water Water deck and a Fire Fire deck.

Zach's Water deck

Quantity Card Type Rarity
Totodile Water Common
Croconaw Water Uncommon
Feraligatr Water Rare
Horsea Water Common
Seadra Water Uncommon
Eevee Colorless Common
Vaporeon Water Uncommon
Teddiursa Colorless Common
Squirtle Water Common
Engineer's Adjustments (Unleashed) T Uncommon
Potion (Black & White) T Common
Bill (HeartGold & SoulSilver) T Uncommon
Energy Switch (HeartGold & SoulSilver) T Uncommon
Pokémon Circulator (Unleashed) T Uncommon
Full Heal (HeartGold & SoulSilver) T Uncommon
24× Water Energy Water E Common

Zach's Fire deck

Quantity Card Type Rarity
Eevee Colorless Common
Flareon Fire Uncommon
Rattata Colorless Common
Cyndaquil Fire Common
Quilava Fire Uncommon
Typhlosion Fire Rare
Vulpix Fire Common
Ninetales Fire Common
Magmar Fire Common
Bill (HeartGold & SoulSilver) T Uncommon
Copycat (HeartGold & SoulSilver) T Uncommon
Energy Returner (Unleashed) T Uncommon
PlusPower (Unleashed) T Uncommon
Potion (Black & White) T Common
Full Heal (HeartGold & SoulSilver) T Uncommon
24× Fire Energy Fire E Common


  • Gold League, before a game — "Time to play, <player>! This is what I live for!"
  • Platinum League, before a game — "Oh yeah! League Champion in the house! Let the games begin!"

Retired quotes

Before matches

"Welcome to the League and... ...Prepare to be trounced! Mwa-Ha-Ha! Good luck!"
"Welcome to the Platinum League, <player>! Let's see how you hold up under pressure!"

Player loss

"Nice try, <player>. But it looks like you met your match! Let's play again!"
"You fought well, <player>. But don't feel blue! It's time for a rematch!"

Player win

"Hey, great game! Looks like you'll fit right in! Say hi to Mick for me when you play!"
"Wow, you've come a long way. My Water Deck is... all washed up! Congratulations on your victory!"

Diamond League

Before a game — "'Grats on your victory in the Platinum League! Don't think you've got this one sewn up, though. No one's taking you lightly this time!"
Start of game — "Eager to throw your weight around? You'll have to take me down first. Good luck. <Player>!"
Player loses — "A noble effort, <player>. Unfortunately for you, I was on fire that game. Try again?"
Player wins — "Hello?! My Fire Deck was snuffed out! Great Job, <player>."
Game Store Players
Employees ZachElla
Professor Professor Holly
League contestants MickCalvinAliGraysonJujiKendallTysonPenelope

This article is part of both Project TCG and Project CharacterDex, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Trading Card Game and on each character found in the Pokémon games respectively.